The beams and shingles were bare; some swallows in the eaves flew and twittered at will; and a huge stove, with branching pipes, stood in the naked aisle.
All the varlets and handmaidens were dressed in the old native costume, so appropriate to the ancient wooden buildings with quaintly carved eaves and doorways, about which they hovered.
Fifteen slender rafters, regularly placed at small intervals, descended from the ridge-pole to the eaves on either side, and the whole was firmly bound together with tough and durable withes of our own manufacture.
The roof was composed of a firm and durable thatch of pandanus leaves, strung upon small reeds, laid closely together, and overlapping one another from the eaves to the ridge-pole.
The sides of the building were low, and the eaves extended two feet beyond them, and as we had an excellent roof above us, we considered ourselves tolerably prepared, even for rainy weather.
The yard was full of rank weeds, and damp masses of lichen and moss hung from the eaves of the house, and covered its roof.
Under the eaves he sat sunning himself and gazing upon the sea.
In a strip of shade under the eaves of the station sat the station agent, gazing drowsily from under the wide brim of his hat at the two glistening lines of steel that stretched into the interminable distance.
They returned presently and she concentrated her attention on the rain; she could hear the soft, steady patter of it on the roof; she listened to it trickling from the eaves and striking the glass in the window above her head.
On each side of this range is placed another, which forms the eaves of the house, and is about five feet high; and as the building is often sunk to the depth of four or five feet, the eaves come very near the surface of the earth.
Now is the time to have ready on top of the grape arbour, or under the eaves of the barn, or nailed up in the apple tree, or set up on poles, the little one-roomed houses that bluebirds are only too happy to occupy.
Blacksmiths are banging away at the anvil under the eaves of the banqueting hall.
By this time Rodolphus had reached the eaves of the house, in climbing up the ladder, and he came in sight of Beechnut, too.
There was perspiration on her forehead, under the eaves of the pale hair crowned with its pointed little cap.
Upwards of a hundred of these reeds of thatch will be required for a single row running from the eaves to the ridge pole; then they do another row, and so on all round the house.
The eaves come down pretty low, about four feet from the ground, so that one has to stoop to enter.
When we settled ourselves at the table for the evening what was our horror to hear a second tree frog piping up just over our heads in the eaves of the house.
After a walk about the village we all sat on mats under the eavesand conversed.
Even when the weather is fair the house shakes as though it would fall if any one comes upstairs rapidly, and the slight iron roof is entirely open at the eaves to catch any wind that blows.
The eaves are dripping on the south side of this simple roof, while the titmouse lisps in the pine, and the genial warmth of the sun around the door is somewhat kind and human.
From the eaves and fences hang stalactites of snow, and in the yard stand stalagmites covering some concealed core.
He was working towards theeaves over-lapping the door.
He lowered himself to the eaves by the north corner, and from the eaves to the drift piled there.
How to Lay the Roofing Begin at the eaves to lay the roofing (Fig.
I found this type of house as far north toward the Hudson Bay as the settlements go, and still farther north the Susitna house explains the origin of the overhanging eaves (Fig.
Some of them have wonderfully interesting facades: roofs with overhanging eavesand Gothic windows guarded by wrought ironwork; features that can never tire.
The courtyards, once crowded with mailed horsemen setting out for the wars, are now given over to the fowls of the air, that roost in the eaves and have little idea how sumptuously and artistically they are lodged.
Beneath the eaves repose small blind arcades, and here and there in the lower hall other arcades are gradually crumbling away.
Under the eaves were hung cages with captive nightingales and thrushes that looked anything but unhappy prisoners.
EAVES'DRIP, EAVES'DROP, the water which falls from the eaves of a house: the place where the drops fall.
EAVES'DROP, to stand under the eaves or near the windows of a house to listen: to listen for secrets.
We have had, ever since I can remember, a pair of white owls that constantly breed under the eaves of this church.
On the thirty-first I caused the eaves to be searched, but we found in the nest only two callow, dead, stinking swifts, on which a second nest had been formed.
House-sparrows build undereaves in the spring; as the weather becomes hotter they get out for coolness, and nest in plum-trees and apple-trees.
These approaching the eaves of buildings, and playing about before them, make people think that several old ones attend one nest.
The doors of the house were grime-rubbed, the corners and eaves were rusted with rain, and the child who stared at them from the kitchen window was smeary-faced.
Reaching the eaves he hung on for a second, and then dropped the ten feet or so to the ground.
But as the volley rang out he knew that the attention of the outlaws had been distracted momentarily and he wriggled his way down toward the eaves at the rear of the hut.
He took his horse and swung Out on the road to her; the rain was falling; Her dropping house-eaves splashed him when he knocked there, calling.