This was the case among the Jews, among the Arabs, with whom the system yet prevails; even it seems primitively in Hindostan, where modern research has brought to light modes of holding property which suppose the same system.
Primitively an offshoot of the English stock, the blood of all other Japhetic races has given the latter country an activity and boldness which will render it in time superior in those respects to the mother-country herself.
This idea, primitively introduced by Euler, has since been the subject of extended investigation by M.
To grasp in a general manner the spirit of the different procedures which are employed in quadratures, we must observe that, by their nature, they can beprimitively founded only on the differentiation of the ten simple functions.
It would seem, then, that the god of a nome was in most instances the god of the aboriginal tribe which originally inhabited it, and that the symbols by which these gods were known were primitively the gods themselves.
The name of Hathor, therefore, had primitively nothing to do with either Horus or the house of Horus, whatever may have been the speculations which the priests of a later day founded upon the written form of the name.
The solar character which belonged to him primitively gave the first impulse to this transference and change of name.
Behind the human figures of the Semitic gods the primitively pictorial character of the cuneiform signs enables us to discern the lineaments of figures that belong to a wholly different sphere of religious thought.
On its pages were primitively outlined the features of most of the women of his fiction.
After the play was finished, he re-wrote nearly the whole of it; and, from what Theophile Gautier relates about the way in which it was primitively composed, we can well believe that the revision was necessary.
Therefore, by herself, the soul is primitively evil, and is the first evil.
The above considerations with reference to the male and female cells appear to indicate that they were primitively homodynamous; a conclusion which is on the whole borne out by the history of their development.
On the right surface of the larva (dorsal of permanent Echinus) two pedicellariae appear, and at a later period spines are formed, which are at first arranged in a ring-like form round the edge of the primitively flat test.
It has been clearly shewn by Strasburger that endogenous cell formation is secondarily derived from cell division; so that the occurrence of this process in Dicyema probably indicates that the hypoblast was primitively multicellular.
Such types, properly belonging to the second group, originate by a special membranous sack continuous with the oviduct being formed round the primitively free patch of germinal cells.
In Hirudo the posterior sacculation of the stomach is primitively unpaired.
Where primitively the hypoblast cells are very bulky, though invaginated in a normal way, the wall of the hepatic region becomes immensely swollen with food-yolk, e.
In Arachnida, Myriapoda, and probably also Insecta, the body cavity is primitively prolonged into the limbs.
Before the hatching of the embryo takes place this mesentery is continued backwards so as to divide the primitively unpaired caudal part of the body cavity in the same way.
The feeling of the great majority of men has not changed; it is primitively sexual; in the state of mind which is called to be in love it is centred on an individual woman, to be, after a time, gradually stifled by other interests.
The crude and primitively dualistic minds of the period realised in her sex merely an embodiment of their own sensuality, the enemy against whom they fought, and to whom they knew themselves subject.
Primitively the angles of these folds are broadly open or divergently V-shaped, and some of the earliest species of Geomys, for example G.
The older view was that development in all cases is nothing more than differential growth, that there is no differentiation of primitively similar into ultimately different parts.
Cells at first similar become progressively dissimilar, and out of a primitivelyhomogeneous mass of cells is developed a heterogeneous system of different but mutually related tissues.
Besides, it is especially at Athens that it is found on the pottery of Greece proper, and we know that Attica is supposed to have been primitively colonised by the Thracians.
In other words, such pottery is primitively skeuomorphic.
The Egyptian pattern was phyllomorphic from the beginning, originating in symbolism it was primitively a realistic representation of an erect water-plant.
But it is also certain that a primitively veracious tradition may be smothered under subsequent mythical additions, and that one has no right to cast away the former along with the latter.
Ob means primitively a leather bottle, such as a wine skin, and is applied alike to the necromancer and to the spirit evoked.
Whatever class namesprimitively signified, Kiki would come to mean child, Kina parent, Moopuna grandchild, Kapuna grandparent, but originally no such idea of kinship was in view.
By means of a cube of masonry, composed of stone and clay placed against the wall of the building looking south, he primitively established the Qiblah, or direction of prayer, towards the Temple of Jerusalem.
Primitively as white as milk, its present characteristic ebony tint is due to the pollution of the sins of the pilgrims who came to touch and kiss it, while imploring the Merciful to pardon them.
Moreover, the care of flocks and herds accentuated the value of the male laborer, while primitively woman had been the chief laborer.
To this extent at least war primitivelyarose from economic conditions, and it is remarkable how economic conditions have been instrumental in bringing about all the great wars of recorded human history.
Primitively its great conflict was with other species of animals.
Industry, as we have seen, was primitively an adjunct of the family life, and all modern industry, if rightfully developed, should be but an adjunct to the family life.
Monocyclica with dorsal cup primitively confined to the patina and an occasional single anal; tegmen solid; portions of the proximal brachials and their ambulacrals tend to be rigidly incorporated in the theca.
The number of these processes is primitively and normally five, but may become less by atrophy.
The longitudinal bar of the paired fins is believed by both Thacker and Mivart to be due to the coalescence of the bases of the primitively independent rays of which they believe the fin to have been originally composed.
In the trunk, however, the primitively independent lateral halves of the body-cavity always unite in this way.
That the polynuclear masses really arise from a fusion of primitively distinct cells is clear from the description of the previous stages.
For the present we must be content with the fact that, in certain areas of the "intermediate zone," greensand is replacing and representing the primitively calcareo- silicious ooze.
We are supposed to think so here, but for once London has applauded an acting which is more primitively passionate than anything we are accustomed to on our moderate stage.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "primitively" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.