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Example sentences for "riuers"

Lexicographically close words:
ritualistic; ritually; rituals; ritus; riuer; riuiere; rium; rius; rivage; rival
  1. But while I speak, whither are run All the riuers nam'd before?

  2. It is full tide: From Thy head and from Thy feet, From Thy hands and from Thy side All the purple riuers meet.

  3. Where th' milky riuers creep, Thine floates aboue, and is the cream.

  4. Yaruslaue, and groweth so bigge by the encrease of other Riuers by that time it commeth thither, that it is broad an English mile and more, and so runneth into the Caspian sea, about 2800.

  5. This mountaine is extended into the Ocean vnto the mouthes of the riuers of Dwina and Petzora.

  6. The description of the regions, people, and riuers lying North and East from Moscouia: as the way from Moscouia to the riuer Petzora, and the Prouince Iugaria or Iuhra, and from thence to the riuer Obi.

  7. Southerly of the saide riuers mouth, or els that you shal trend about the very Northerne and most Easterly point of all Asia, passing by the prouince Ania, and then to the latitude of 46.

  8. I thinke from the mouthes of the mighty riuers Bautisus and Oechardus to Cambalu the chiefest seat of the prince the Can, there are not past 300.

  9. The morrow after the Purification of our ladie, Isabell de Boulbec countesse of Oxenford departed this life, and likewise the morrow after saint Valentines day died Baldwine de Riuers earle of Deuonshire and of the Wight.

  10. Sidenote: Baldwin de Riuers earle of the Ile of Wight.

  11. The sea rose with most high tides, riuers were so filled with abundance of water, by reason of the great continuall raine, that maruellous flouds followed therevpon.

  12. More within the lande by the riuers side is Damiata an auncient citie enuironed with walles contayning fiue miles in circuit, and but of small strength.

  13. They be all hereabout rebels against their king Zelabdim Echebar: for here are so many riuers and Ilands, that they flee from one to another, whereby his horsemen cannot preuaile against them.

  14. Before we come to Balsara by one dayes iourney, the two riuers of Tigris and Euphrates meet, and there standeth a castle called Curna, kept by the Turks, where all marchants pay a small custome.

  15. Here the two riuers ioyned together begin to be eight or nine miles broad: here also it beginneth to ebbe and flow, and the water ouerflowing maketh the countrey all about very fertile of corne, rice, pulse, and dates.

  16. It doth stand vpon a great plaine betwixt the riuers of Euphrates and Tygris.

  17. The Latine copie hath Riui sanguinis, riuers of bloud, noting by the word the abundance and also the streaming course of the same, which was able with the violent current thereof to beare awaie the verie bodies of the slaine.

  18. In the riuers there are pynases well equipped appointed for the same purpose.

  19. There are many mightie bridges, and of a wonderfull making, and some wrought vpon boats, as it is in Syvill: but in especiall vpon such riuers as are broad and deepe.

  20. It is also garnished with the greene trees that be planted by the riuers sides and brookes, whereof there is great quantitie.

  21. The flying foules that doo breed about the lakes and riuers are of so great quantitie that there is spent daily, in small villages in that countrie, many thousands, and the greatest sort of them are teales.

  22. In other places, of Riuers leading through the Maine land, Nauigable many a Mile.

  23. Of all the riuers that run into this streame, [Sidenote: Granta.

  24. Lhoegres by the riuers Sauerne and Dee, of which two streames this dooth fall into the Irish sea at Westchester, the other into the maine Ocean, betwixt Somersetshire and Southwales, as their seuerall courses shall witnesse more at large.

  25. Of all the riuers in the north, Leland (in so manie of his bookes as I haue séene) saith least of this.

  26. Earle Vthred, who gouerned that countrie, greatlie furthered the bishop in this worke, so that all the people inhabiting betweene the riuers of Coquid and [Sidenote: Durham town and minster builded.

  27. From hence we go by Bottesall point, to Stert point, where two noble riuers doo make their confluence, which I will seuerallie describe, as to my purpose apperteineth.

  28. It is also found by common experience, that the salmon of this riuer is in season, when the like fish to be found in all other riuers is abandoned and out of vse; wherof we of the east parts doo not a little maruell.

  29. All these, in the winter time, descend down to the sea, and in summer ascend backe by the bankes of the said riuers vp to the mountains.

  30. These riuers do abound with plenty of fishes, but especially Volga, and they exonerate themselues into the Grecian sea, which is called Mare maior.

  31. I learned, and that he dwelt in Colmogro, and Gabriel dwelled in the towne of Cola, which is not far from the riuers mouth.

  32. The coontrey is ful of marish ground, and plaine, in woods and riuers abundant, but it bringeth forth good plenty of corne.

  33. All the way I neuer came in house, but lodged in the wildernesse, by the riuers side, and caried prouision for the way.

  34. And al the faire riuers were ful of other flowers sweetlie growing among their greene and fresh leaues.

  35. Of riuers, and first of the Thames, and such riuers as fall into it.

  36. Now come I to the two swords, or hauen of Milford, whereinto two riuers [Sidenote: Dugledu.

  37. From hence we double the Bowlnesse, and come to an estuarie, whither three notable riuers doo resort, and this is named the Solueie mouth.

  38. Rie, which comming out of the Blackemore, passeth by Riuers [Sidenote: Ricoll.

  39. There are also in this Iland great plentie of fresh riuers and streams, as you haue heard alreadie, and these throughlie fraught with all kinds of delicate fish accustomed to be found in riuers.

  40. It hath fiue riuers verie much abounding with salmons, and other fresh streams not altogither void of that prouision.

  41. That part also called Lewisa, which is the north half of the Ile is well inhabited toward the sea coasts, and hath riuers no lesse plentifull for salmon than the other halfe.

  42. Of all the riuers in the north, Leland (in so manie of his bookes as I haue seene) saith least of this.

  43. Grandam, one night as we did sit at Supper, My Vnkle Riuers talk'd how I did grow More then my Brother.

  44. Enter the Queene with her haire about her ears, Riuers & Dorset after her.

  45. This seemes probable, and the rather because heereby a reason of the originall of Riuers might more easily bee giuen.

  46. The question is whether the motion of the riuers bee streight, or Circular.

  47. Lacus a Lake, a little sea with in the land hauing riuers running into it, or out of it, or both.

  48. If we take the Ports and villages within the Bay of Vraba in the kingdom or riuers of Dariene, and Caribana, the Cities and townes of S.

  49. And we went vp the riuer, to the place where the gouernour did dwell; and comming to the place where we landed, hard by the riuers side, the gouernour came thither and receiued vs very courteously.

  50. They also trade in those riuers for bread of Cassaui, of which they buy an hundred pound weight for a knife, and sell it at Margarita for ten pezos.

  51. When he came to Mexico, hee ware his haire very long, and his beard tyed up in a lace, and reported strange things of the lands, riuers and mountaines that he had passed.

  52. And in very deede the very same euening, his wife accompanied with all the women of the village came vnto the riuers brinke, and cryed vnto me to enter into the barke, to see her husband and her sonne, which I held both prisoners.

  53. For this purpose he caused the barke to retire, wherein were the two Indians his guides, and went with his men towards the Canoas which were on the Riuers side.

  54. Afterwards turning towardes the South in the entring into the Hauen on both sides there are most pleasant hils, with many riuers of most cleare water falling into the Sea.

  55. For when hee was set downe by the Riuers side, being compassed about with tenne other Paracoussies, hee commaunded water to be brought him speedily.

  56. And the Isle of Orleans is a fayre Isle, all couered with trees even vnto the riuers side: and it is about 5 leagues long, and a league and an halfe broade.

  57. Wateri and Caiowa are two kings, and two riuers to the North of Saint Helena.

  58. M144) There are certain mountaines farre distaines diuers riuers descend, which fall into the said riuer.

  59. And after this, he went about to defend the riuers of Auon & Seuerne, with placing his souldiers in camps fortified néere to the same.

  60. These riuers were as wel replenished of cities and townes, as the other riuer whereof we haue spoken.

  61. They that were determined to go vnto Luzon, doo departe for the cittie of Chincheo: in which voyage they see many riuers and townes: and other particular things.

  62. In the mids thereof standeth an exceeding high mountaine, from which issue foure riuers that moisten all the countrie.

  63. Turpentine, and Rosen of the trees, which ranne into the riuers vpon the firing of them.

  64. Such riuers found, both Barges and Boates may be made for the safe passage of such as shall pierce the same.

  65. There are no riuers or running springs, but such as through the heate of the Sunne, with such water as decendeth from the mountaines and hilles, whereon great drifts of snow do lie, are engendred.

  66. Into what gulfe doe the Moscouian riuers Onega, Duina, Ob, powre out their streames Northward out of Moscouia into the sea?

  67. Riuers great Broads & carres afford great store of otters with us, a [des crossed out] great destroyer of fish as feeding butt from ye vent downewards.

  68. The great number of riuers riuulets & plashes of water makes hernes [to abound in these struck out] & herneries to abound in these parts.

  69. The Trutta or trout the Gammarus or crawfish [no crossed out] butt scarce in our riuers butt frequently taken in the Bure or north riuer & in the seuerall branches therof.

  70. I haue not obserued in these riuers crossed out] to bee found in diues other Riuers in England I haue not obserued in these.

  71. Mergus minor the smaller diuers or dabchicks in riuers & broade waters.

  72. Salmon[92] no co[=m]on fish in our riuers though many are taken in the owse.

  73. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "riuers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.