We may see it evinced in respect to the very questions of morality, in cases where they are quite compelled, as will occasionally happen, to feel themselves brought within the cognizance of one or other of its plainest rules.
Hannah Johnson was about the plainest girl in the school.
She put on her plainest hat and a little reefer coat which looked neat and substantial.
They neglected the plainest military precautions, and the mandarins thought only of enriching themselves.
Miss Martindale has theplainest ways in the world.
Thus a dangerous ferment was excited by the king's espousing the cause of spiritual insolence and oppression against the general voice of his people, and the plainest dictates of reason and common sense.
Alarmed by these considerations, they prognosticated their own ruin in the approaching revolution; and their countenances exhibited the plainest marks of horror and despair.
Let anyplainest man who reads this think of his usual mode of getting himself into his matutinal garments, and confess how much such a struggle would cost him.
A time when that sweet truth, all unconfessed, Gives added fragrance to the summer flowers, A golden glory to the passing hours, A hopeful beauty to the plainest face, And lends to life a new and tender grace.
There are two sculptors, who, with chisels fine, Render the plainest features half divine.
Without waiting until he had recovered himself, she answered him (to all appearances) as composedly as if he had spoken to her in the plainest terms.
I beg your pardon, Miss Emily; I was considering how to put what I have to say in the fewest and plainest words.
The early history of which he spoke was altogether Bible history, and the fallacies to which he alluded were the plainest statements of the book of Genesis.
Miss Gauntlet can tell you all about Miss Waddington," said Miss Todd, in her veryplainest voice.
The entrance doorway usually received some attention, and the gables often had finials, but otherwise the work was of the plainest description.
The plainest examples are sufficient to give character to a room, while the richest are bewildering in the intricacy of the pattern and the minuteness of the detail.
They generally came to church in the plainest equipage, and often on foot.
A coffin of the plainest materials, without pall or other covering, was borne by some of the villagers.
I have, sir; and that in the plainest terms--such as cannot well be misunderstood.
Some sold their possessions, adopted coarse garments, and subsisted on the plainest food, but they did not leave the city and were still to be seen upon the streets.
He also fixes the responsibility for that war partly upon them in the plainest terms: "In a word, they had the consciences of Roman Catholic sovereigns and their ministers in their hands as educators, and in their keeping as confessors.
Of what avail are a few texts, which were designed for local and temporary use, when urged against the vital, essential spirit, and the plainest precepts of our religion?
I objected Singleton and her brother, and offered to dress in the plainest suit I had.
The houses were made of boards, and were of the plainest and simplest construction.
The arch was evidently, when first built, of the plainest and rudest construction.
Then, why so much opposition against this plainest attribute of the church?
Now, whence this confusion of ideas about one of the plainest and most vital requirements of a free Christian people--education?
The most expensive present that she ever permitted me to offer her was a little enameled ring, the plainest and cheapest thing of the kind in the jeweler's shop.
Understanding enough of the chief's language (illustrated by his gestures) to receive in the right spirit the communication thus addressed to him, the Captain repeated the warning to the ship's company in the plainest possible English.
It was my duty to tell her what my own position was in the plainest terms.
I shall describe my conduct toward the two men who courted me in the plainest terms, if I say that I distinguished neither of them.
Strangers who saw Mrs. Godfrey for the first time were generally apt to remark that she was one of the plainest women they had ever seen; and they would add in a parenthesis, "It is such a pity, for the Colonel is so handsome.
The details throughout are Romanesque of the plainest and the best, but the inspiration is clearly Byzantine.
The sole original features are the very plainest of windows under segmental arches.
Simplicity is by far the chief merit of the palace, only in the centre of each side are pilasters introduced; the top is finished with the plainest cornice and balustrade and the sky line is as horizontal as that of the sea.
It requires a strong effort to master this instinctive tendency, and that effort the plainest principles of Christian morality require from us all.
To Paul there was the closest and most vital connection between the profoundest experiences of the Christian life and its plainest and most superficial duties.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "plainest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.