Duke to the riuer side he went, 120 & the kings scaberd in threw hee; & still he kept Escalberd for vertue sake faire & free.
After this solemne feast ended, the place of enteruiew and meeting was appointed to be beside Meulan on the riuer of Seine, where in a faire place euerie part was by commissioners appointed to their ground.
From thence went the king with all speed vnto Point de Larch, standing vpon the riuer of Seine, eight miles aboue Rone towards Paris: he came thither about the seauen and twentith of Iune.
The riuer of Marne diuided this towne into two parts, so that there was no enterie from the one into the other, but by a bridge, raised vp, and made ouer the riuer, susteined with manie arches.
From Pontois the two and twentith of October, the duke of Burgognie marched towards Paris, and passing the riuer of Saine at Pont Meulene, he staid not till he came to Paris, into the which he entred the 23 of October, late in the euening.
Rochester, ouer the riuer of Medwaie with a chappell at the end thereof; he repared also the bodie of the church of the White friers where he was buried, which church was first founded by the ancestour of the lord Greie of Codner.
Clou, where a bridge laie ouer the riuer of Saine.
Being passed the riuer of Loire they spoiled the towne of Beaulieu, [Sidenote: The lord of Rambures.
The raging waues and foming surges of the sea came rowling like mountaines one after another, and ouerraked the waste of the shippe like a mightie riuer running ouer it, whereas in faire weather it was neere 20.
And yet the next day after, the sayd Flemming being in a maner got to the very mouth of the Riuer vp to Lisbone, was taken, and brought in by M.
The next morning the nine gallies which were sent not fiue dayes before out of Andaluzia for the strengthening of the riuer of Lisbon (which being ioyned with the other twelue that were there before, though we lay hard by them at S.
Licentiat de Escober, my Corigidor of my Signorie of Biskay, I haue caused a great fleete to be put in readinesse in the hauen of Lisbone, and the riuer of Siuill.
Another kind of crab taken for cancer fluuiatilis litle slender and of a very quick motion found in the Riuer running through Yarmouth, and in Bliburgh riuer.
Lampetra Lampries great and small found plentifully in Norwich riuer and euen in the Citty about May whereof some are very large and well cooked are counted a dayntie bitt collard up butt especially in pyes.
Mustela fluuiatilis or eele poult to bee had in Norwich riuer and between it and Yarmouth as also in the riuers of marshland resembling an eele and a cod, a very good dish and the Liuer thereof well answers the commendations of the Ancients.
In Norwich riuers in the runnes about Heueningham heath in the north riuer and streames thereof.
Godgions or funduli fluuiatiles, many whereof may bee taken within the Riuer in the citty.
Camden reports that in former time there haue been Beuers in the Riuer of Cardigan in Wales.
Norwich about Surlingham ferry having continued in the riuer for diuers moneths before being an Amphibious animal it may bee caryed about aliue and kept long if it can bee brought to feed.
Normandie, vpon the banke of the riuer of Saine, [Sidenote: Chasteau Galiard built.
Octauian that came to visit him when he arriued in theriuer of Tiber, being vpon his iourneie towards Messina, as after may appeare.
For it cannot beare fruite vnlesse it be moistened with riuer waters, which bee verie rare in that countrey.
Iaec, vpon which two Millenaries doe march, on each side of the riuer one.
The second company was called Sumongal, that is, the Water-Mongals, who called themselues Tartars of a certaine riuer running through their countrey named Tartar.
The king asked him what commoditie of soyle, or sea, or nauigable riuer lay neere vunto it, to be able to sustaine so great a number of inhabitants.
His intent was to declare how vpon the tenth day of March he crossed the riuer of Thames, to walke in Saint Georges field, the matter was not as great as ye may suppose.
The slaughter in this battell was great, both of them that were slaine in the field, and of those that were drowned in the riuer that runneth by the towne of Nauarret.
But before they departed, the prince had aduertisement giuen him that the French king was come to Chartres, with an huge assemblie of men of warre, and that all the townes and passages aboue the riuer of Loire were closed and kept.
In witnesse whereof to this present writing I haue put my seale: dated at Alnet by the riuer of Elwey, in the feast of the decollation of S.
At Bedford the riuer of Ouse bare downe six houses togither, and did vnspeakeable hurt thereabouts.
Afterward also he passed the riuerof Charent, and wasted all the countrie of Xantonge.
The head of this riuer is aboue Capell Nantgwin, from whence it runneth by Whitchurch, but yer it come at Kilgwin, it taketh in a little water that riseth short of Wrenie vaure, and thence go foorth as one vntill they come to Newport.
Certes I am deceiued if thisriuer be not called Isis, after it is past Isefield.
From Taffe to Laie mouth or Ele riuer a mile, from Laie mouth (or rather [Sidenote: Thawan.
Certes the Taffe is the greatest riuer in all Glamorganshire, (called by Ptolomie Rhatostathybius, as I gesse) and the citie Taffe it selfe of good countenance, sith it is indued with the cathedrall see of a bishop.
It is excellentlie well serued with all kinds of prouision, but especiallie of freshwater fish and wildfoule, by reason of the riuer that passeth thereby; and thereto the Ile of Elie, which is so neere at hand.
But some of them the Turke cannot subdue, for that they holde certaine Ilandes in the riuer Euphrates which the Turke cannot winne of them.
Bally, where one of their barks borded vs, telling vs that there we should find a Riuer of fresh water, and of all thinges els sufficient to serue our necessities, wherevpon we ankered.
From thence I went to Bir, and so passed the riuer of Euphrates.
We went with our boates vp the riuer seeking refreshing: but the Inhabitants gaue vs to vnderstand by signes that wee might returne, for there was nothing to be had.
They haue here very bad water, for theriuer is farre off.
From Agra I came to Prage, where theriuer Iemena entreth into the mightie river Ganges, and Iemena looseth his name.
From Babylon I came by land to Mosul, which standeth nere to Niniue, which is all ruinated and destroyed: it standeth fast by the riuer of Tigris.
From Agra downe the riuer Iemena, and downe the riuer Ganges, I was fiue moneths comming to Bengala, but it may be sailed in much shorter time.
Wee rowed into the riuer about three leagues, and found their report to bee true.
It is a greate Citie, and planted by a riuer side, whiche springeth out of Atlancatepec, and watreth the most parte of that prouince, and from thence issueth out into the South sea, by Zacatullan.
From thëce he entred the riuer of Tauasco, which Grijalua hadde so named, in the whiche place he bartered for things of small value.
The same nyghte hée sente certayne Souldyers wyth a sea compasse, to lye in ambushe in the woodde whyche stoode betwéene the riuer and the towne, for two considerations.
Tenich standeth vp towarde the head of the same riuer of Malinaltepec, who are people of another language, and would not permitte our men to haue relation of the thing that they sought.
In the plaine by the riuer side, standeth the Towne house, and other offices, as in the Citie of Venice.
Trent, and made a bridge ouer that riuer betwixt the old towne [Sidenote: Manchester repared.
The prouince of Mercia was ruled by the foresaid Aldwine bishop of Lichfield, and one bishop Walstod holding his sée at Herford gouerned those people that inhabited beyond the riuer of Sauerne toward the west.
King Edward awakened héerewith assembled his people, and followed the enimies, wasting all the countries betwixt the riuer of Ouse and saint Edmunds ditch.
Buckingham on either side of the water of Ouse (as before is shewed) and also one at the mouth of the riuer of Auon.
Hir bodie was first buried in an Iland compassed about with the riuer of Trent called Andresey, taking that name of a church or chappell of saint Andrew, which she had built in the same Iland, and dwelled therein for the space of seuen yéeres.
Ethelbert at length was buried at Hereford, though first it was committed to buriall in a vile place, néere to the banke of a riuer called Lug.
I doubt not but Norumbega [River] entreth into the Riuer of Canada, and vnto the Sea of Saguenay.
M570 The Frenchmens landing at the riuer Tacatacourou.
The next daye we determined to depart from this place being as wel contented as was possible that we had so happily ended our busines, with good hope, if occasion would permitte, to discouer perfectly the riuer of Iordan.
The Riuer was of great depth, and of a strong current: the water was alwaies muddie: there came downe the Riuer continually many trees and timber, which the force of the water and streame brought downe.
A few dayes afterward Iohn Ribault determined to returne once againe toward the Indians which inhabited that arme of the Riuer which runneth toward the West, and to carrie with him good store of souldiers.
Naumburg through Gorlitz vpon the riuer of Neiss, and that night lay without Reichenbach.
Citie of Breslaw, which is a faire towne, great, well built and well seated vpon the riuer of Odera.
The first of September we came to Philippopoli, which seemeth to be an ancient towne, and standeth vpon the riuer of Stanuch.
Bogdania vpon the riuer of Neister, that parteth the said countrey from Podolia.
December wee departed from Hamborg, and passed the Elbe by boate being much frosen, and from the riuer went on foote to Boxtchoede, being a long Dutch mile off, and there we lay; and from thence passed ouer land to Emden.
Weissenburg to dinner at Monhaim, and that night we passed the riuerof Danubius at Tonewertd, [Footnote: Donauwerth.
Note that by the way as wee came from Ragusa to Constantinople, wee left on our right hand the Countreys of Albania, and Macedonia, and on the left hande the countreys of Bosnia, Bulgaria, and the riuer of Danubius.
Bamberg: and before wee came to the towne wee passed the riuer of Mayne that runneth towards Arnfurt, and that night to Forchaim.
Strelitz, and that night we lay at Oppelen vpon the riuer of Odera.
These northerne people, after they were once passed ouer the riuer of Trent, spoiled and wasted the countrie afore them, in maner as if they had beene in the land of forren enimies.
Afterwards, they besieged the towne of Blaie, standing on the riuer of Garonne, the which in conclusion by verie force was conquered and woone.
The losse of this place was of no small importance, being the verie keie and passage ouer the riuer of Seine, from France into Normandie, being distant from Rone onelie foure leagues.
The duke of Yorke, perceiuing that the French king minded not to fight, purposed to passe ouer the riuer of Oise, and so to fight with him in his lodging.
The Frenchmen anon as open truce-breakers, raised a crue, and suddenlie tooke the towne of saint Valerie in Normandie, neere to the mouth of the riuer of Some.
Sidenote: The English armie entreth the riuer and winneth the banke.
This was doone in the countries that lie on the northside of the riuer of Thames.
Humber, sailed vp the water, and entering into the riuer of Trent, he landed at Gainesbourgh, purposing to inuade the Northumbers.
Dearehurst, neere to the riuer of Seuerne, by [Sidenote: Matth.
Thus made he an end, and the two princes allowed well of his last motion, and so order was taken, that they should fight togither in a singular combat within a litle Iland inclosed with the riuer of [Sidenote: Oldney.
Cesar learning by relation of prisoners which he tooke, what the Britains intended to doo, marched foorth to the riuer side, where the foord was, by the which his armie might passe the same on foot though verie hardlie.
After this, he marched to the riuer of Thames, which as then was passable by foord onelie in one place and not else, as the report goeth.
And amongst other works which were by him erected, he builded a citie in the south part of Wales, neare to the place where the riuer of Vske falleth into Seuerne, fast by Glamorgan, which citie hight Caerleon, or Caerlegion Ar Wiske.
Beline and Brenne, neare to the riuer Allia, about 11.
The king herevpon went to London, where he dined at the house of his brother the earle of Huntington in the stréet behind All hallowes church vpon the banke of the riuer of Thames, which was a right faire and statelie house.
It may be, that the water of that riuer sanke into the ground, and by some secret passage or chanell tooke course till it came to the place where it might rise againe as in other places is likewise séene.
Than pleasur did me so prouok Perforce thair to repaire, Betuix the riuer and the rok, Quhair Hope grew with Dispaire.
With sober pace I did approche Hard to the riuer and the roche Quhairof I spak befoir; Quhais running sic a murmure maid, That to the sey it softlie slaid; The craig was high and schoir[1441].
John vnto the riuer or bay that goeth to Mezen, it is all sunke land, and full of shoales and dangers, you shall haue scant two fadome water and see no land.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "riuer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.