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Example sentences for "replenishment"

Lexicographically close words:
replanted; replanting; replenish; replenished; replenishing; replete; repletion; replevin; replica; replicas
  1. The extraordinary demand for other durable goods, for the replenishment of inventories, and for exports may be satisfied earlier.

  2. The business man gives his best thought to the repair and replenishment of his machinery, so that its usefulness will not be impaired and its power to produce may always be at its height and kept in full vigor and motion.

  3. The law which requires the Government, after having redeemed its United States notes, to pay them out again as current funds, demands a constant replenishment of the gold reserve.

  4. Operations which extend beyond the limits of such capacity must cease unless replenishment and support, possible only from other sources, are provided.

  5. These cover provision for procurement and replenishment of supplies, disposition and replacement of ineffective personnel, satisfactory material maintenance, sanitation, battle casualties, and the like.

  6. Logistics support requires provision for procurement and replenishment of supplies, for evacuation, proper disposition, and replacement of ineffective personnel, and for material maintenance.

  7. The same observations apply to considerations of maximum capacity for endurance, the ability to operate without necessity for replenishment from an outside source.

  8. From this unkind point of view his offering was much like that of a lady giving away a dress she is tired of, to promote the replenishment of her wardrobe.

  9. From this viewpoint male and female fall into two lower positions, both right and proper; useful, beautiful, essential for the replenishment of the race on earth.

  10. It is the application to the replenishment and development of the race of the same great force of ever-growing life which made the mother's milk.

  11. The payments of the railroad must be analyzed to determine whether the proper sums have been expended for maintenance of way, replenishment of rolling stock, and other improvements sufficient to keep the road in good physical condition.

  12. The payments of the road must be analyzed to determine whether the proper amounts have been expended for renewal of track, replenishment of rolling stock, and other improvement sufficient to keep the property in good physical condition.

  13. A hungry man in eating or drinking obtains replenishment: an ignorant man becoming instructed obtains replenishment also.

  14. Side-note: Nourishment of the mind partakes more of real essence than nourishment of the body--Replenishment of the mind imparts fuller pleasure than replenishment of the body.

  15. Now replenishment derived from that which exists more fully and perfectly is truer and more real than replenishment from that which exists less fully and perfectly.

  16. Let us then compare the food which serves for replenishment of the body, with that which serves for replenishment of the mind.

  17. An impoverished exchequer which required replenishment by a subsidy could not afford to surrender a solid portion of revenue to Rome.

  18. His supporters were allowed to purchase their pardon by heavy fines, which satisfactorily aided in the replenishment of the royal treasury.

  19. I can not conceive of a longer step toward silver monometallism than we take when we spend our gold to buy silver certificates for circulation, especially in view of the practical difficulties surrounding the replenishment of our gold.

  20. Its replenishment being necessary and no other manner of accomplishing it being possible, resort was had to the issue and sale of bonds provided for by the resumption act of 1875.

  21. So primal germs have solid singleness Nor otherwise could they have been conserved Through aeons and infinity of time For the replenishment of wasted worlds.

  22. Moreover, the increased coal endurance of ships of war tends to make their necessary replenishment less frequent.

  23. Maritime war in all ages has required that the ships of the belligerents should have the use of sheltered waters for repairs and for replenishment of supplies.

  24. The replenishment of this consumption is far more difficult in our case than with the Infantry, particularly in operations partaking of the nature of raids, in which our communications are likely to be interrupted.

  25. Whenever I look toward the shores of England, I fancy I descry the Danaïds there, toiling at the replenishment of their perforated vases, and all the Nereids leering and laughing at them in the mischievous fullness of their hearts.

  26. Special arrangements would be made for rapid replenishment of the ships with gas, fuel, and water ballast.

  27. For long journeys over land, therefore, the aeroplane must come to earth for replenishment of fuel every five hundred miles.

  28. Squadron was to proceed to Dover, there to make ready a landing-ground for the other squadrons, and to provide for replenishment of fuel and minor repairs to aircraft.

  29. But it is only after experience of replenishment that the mind will feel such desire.

  30. Several vessels, each carrying a moderate amount of cargo, would permit much more rapid replenishment of the ships of a squadron.

  31. Each replenishment could be conveyed in five colliers with 2300 tons apiece.

  32. Peace and happiness, relief from all effort and anxiety, the calm replenishment of food and sleep, the most delightful companionship.

  33. Beyond the overwhelming cares of the table the other home industries involve the care and replenishment of furniture and clothes.

  34. General von der Tann caused the whole of his 1st Division, after the replenishment of its ammunition, to advance once more; this movement, however, was arrested by the fire of the enemy.

  35. Under the wasteful system of tobacco and cotton culture, without replenishment of the soil, the staple areas would, in any case, have declined in value.

  36. Instead of applying a system of scientific farming and replenishment of the soil, there was a tendency for the planters who remained to get into debt in order to add to their possessions the farms which were offered for sale by the movers.

  37. Her father's wine-cellar had been celebrated, and she had employed connoisseurs in its replenishment ever since the duties of entertaining had devolved upon her.

  38. When the season was over, they paid a round of visits to country houses, and finished with the few weeks in New York necessary for the replenishment of Miss Madison's wardrobe.

  39. Owen and Mona glared together out of the gloom and disappeared, but the replenishment of Poynton made a shining, steady light.

  40. Additional contributions from the solvent banks are required for the replenishment of the fund when it has been depleted.

  41. The custom of these institutions regarding that matter is to keep on hand relatively small sums and to rely upon the Bank of England or some other London banking house for the replenishment of their supply as needed.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "replenishment" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    armament; catering; endowment; equipment; finding; furnishing; investment; logistics; preparation; procurement; reinforcement; retailing; selling; subsidy; subvention; supply