His grammar, on the whole, is fuller and more detailed than most of its kind.
This anonymous writer[44] however, thought it necessary to make the interlinear English gloss much fuller than Bibbesworth had done, which shows that French had become more of a foreign language in the interval between the two works.
As a grammar it is fuller and more clearly arranged than Mauger's, and, in main outline, there is much similarity between the two.
A few rules for pronunciation and the different parts of speech are accompanied by advice to seek fuller information in other French grammars.
Fortunately we are enabled, by means of the French text-books that have come down to us, to draw a fuller picture of the French lessons of the time.
I was proceeding to describe it in fuller detail, when my mother entered the room with a telegram in her hand.
As the acceptance of the principle of toleration is by no means universal in the Church, its fuller recognition in some quarters may serve at first to intensify division.
To some of us it seems that part of this fuller revelation has come through modern knowledge and discovery.
Yet it has certainly foundfuller expression in the West than in the civilization of India or China.
Every call for money, and every response we give, might be the stirring of a new love, and the aid to a fuller surrender to its blessed claims.
The absence of fuller particulars concerning the early history of the legal Templars, is ordinarily and with good reason attributed to Wat Tyler's rebels, who destroyed the records of the fraternity by fire.
Tis life, not death, for which we pant, More life and fuller life.
Halting long enough to tear up the rail to whose absence Conductor Fuller owed his somersault, they sprang to their places again and the runaway train sped blithely on.
It was picked up by Fuller in the same manner as before.
We must now go back to trace the doings of the forlorn-hope of pursuers, Fuller and his companion.
The structure of the retina demands fuller notice.
In Howes' Atlas of Biology there is a much fuller series of figures of the frog's development than can be given here, and they are drawn by an abler hand than mine can pretend to be.
He gave coherence to all the unformulated desires for a fuller scope of military and mercantile power stirring at the fount of Arabia's life, and at the same time he founded his dominion in a unique and absolutely personal manner.
I sincerely hope the General, on fuller reflection, will consider this practical and proper, and that you will not object to it.
I beg to assure you that I have never written you or spoken to you in greater kindness of feeling than now, nor with a fuller purpose to sustain you, so far as in my most anxious judgment I consistently can; but you must act.
Usually it is time for the patient to come out from his pack, when the pulse becomes fuller and stronger, the face begins to flush and the head to be affected.
The higher the temperature of the body, and the quicker and fuller the pulse, the lower the temperature of the water, and the wetter the sheet.
Any modification of historical fact in this dramatization has been made only to give a fuller meaning to the great facts of history touched upon therein.
Above all, we know that we have achieved in these "piping times of peace" a fuller independence for the South than that which our fathers sought to win in the forum by their eloquence or compel on the field by their swords.
No section shows a more prosperous laboring population than the negroes of the South; none in fuller sympathy with the employing and landowning class.
She was his third wife, but only two children are known to have used the Fuller cradle, now preserved in Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth.
Mistress Fuller lived until after 1667, and exerted a strong influence upon the educational life of Plymouth.
Fuller and Mrs. Hicks as well as by other teachers.
One specific gift was for the good of the church and this forms the nucleus of a fund which is still known as the Fuller Ministerial Fund of the Plymouth Congregational Church.
I should have thought that therefore it mattered all the more: and that just because dumb animals have, as far as we know, only this mortal life, therefore we should allow them the fuller enjoyment of their brief mortality.
What do the latter, the writers of the New Testament, say, with that fuller knowledge of God, which they gained through Jesus Christ our Lord?
The establishment of a fuller harmony between men and their environment in the third stage will no doubt mean happiness.
If the Ancients had better intellects than ours, the brains of that age must have been better arranged, formed of firmer or more delicate fibres, fuller of "animal spirits.
The best answers to both objections are found in the movement now active all over Europe and North America to furnish more and fuller opportunities for this training, and to extend, not curtail, its duration.
Woman having learnt the laws of life, will immediately view her economic responsibilities with a clearer eye and fuller understanding.
Our purpose in doing so is to suggest illustrations which appeal to every householder, and may create a desire for fuller knowledge rather than to supply a course of instruction.
All the machinery of State affairs and municipal and social life are excellently ordered theoretically, and in time may be expected to work out in general practice to a fuller extent.
For a fuller list of these, see the excellent volume on Mexico of the International Bureau of the American Republics.
A fuller description of this capital is given in another chapter.
I cannot write a fuller account, for I am struck beyond expression by this event.
If they had to pay only a sesterce for every venomous word, I tell you Pontius, the city would be impoverished and our treasury would soon be fuller than that of Gyges at Sardis.
Except it be Milton's, there is not any prose fuller of grand poetic embodiments than Lord Bacon's.
My reader will recognize in the extract a fullerforce of intellect brought to bear on duty; although it would be unwise to take a mind like Spenser's for a type of more than the highest class of the age.
The music goes before the fuller revelation, preparing its way.
As a rule they did not mean to attack, in the fuller sense.
As further evidence of the prevalence of rigorism, Kaye cites from Thomas Fuller the following passage: "corrupt nature (which without thy restraining grace will have a Vent.
Old Mammy Fullerwho had loved Mary so much, sat alone at the top of the grave.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fuller" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.