Celestine, and chased out the secular canons, which the bishop Hugh Nouant had brought into the same church when he remooued the moonks.
The English and Saxon kings hauing thus remooued the Britains, inlarged the bounds of their dominions.
Sidenote: Walter Gray bishop of Worcester is remooued to the see of Yorke.
About the same time also, Walter Gray bishop of Worcester was remooued to the gouernement of the see of Yorke, which had beene vacant euer since the death of the archbishop Geffrey.
Neuerthelesse certeine it is, that in the yeare next insuing, he was remooued from Falais vnto the castell or tower of Rouen, out of the which there was not any that would confesse that euer he saw him go aliue.
This yeere in October, was Simon Langham archbishop of Canturburie elected to the dignitie of a cardinall, and then William Witleslie, bishop of Worcester, was remooued vnto the see of Canturburie.
They chanced to incounter with certeine of the auaunt currours of the English armie, which remooued that day from a little village fast by.
Then the Genowaies the second time made an other leape and huge crie, and stepped forward a little, and the Englishmen remooued not a foot.
The staple of wols was this yeareremooued to Calis.
This yeare the king by aduise of his councell remooued the mart or staple of wools from the townes in Flanders, and caused the same to be kept at Westminster, Chichester, Lincolne, Bristowe, Canturburie and Hull.
By meanes of which words the king remooued streight to London, and the duke of Yorke (as prisoner) rode before him, and so was kept a while.
This yeare Iohn Kempe archbishop of Canturburie departed this life, & Thomas Burstlier bishop of Elie remooued to his place, being the threescore and third archbishop of that see.
But to returne to the affaires of king Henrie, who in the moneth of Nouember remooued from Rone to Pontoise, and so to saint Denis, to the intent to make his entrie into Paris, and there to be sacred king of France.
After this he remooued to Ludlow, and there brake vp his host, and spoiling the towne and castell, he sent the duchesse of Yorke with hir two yoong sonnes to be kept in ward with the duchesse of Buckingham hir sister.
The Frenchmen thus politiklie hauing doone their feat, in the beginning of August, remooued their armie vnto Fort vnder Yer, where, by a bridge of tuns they passed into the Ile of France.
Then the duke remooued to Rone, where he set good orders, and did great iustice to the countrie; wherefore the Normans in their chronicles highlie extoll him for that point.
After conclusion of this deuise, the earle of Salisburie remooued from Middleham castell, accompanied with foure or fiue thousand men, and tooke his waie through Lancashire, to passe that waie towards London.
Shortlie after by the kings commandement he remooued to S.
Also the same yeare the preests or canons that inhabited within the kings castell of old Salisburie, remooued with the bishops see vnto new Salisburie, which by the king was made a citie.
Richard Graie constable of the castell of Douer, and lord warden of the cinque ports was this yeare remooued by the lord cheefe iustice Hugh Bigod, who tooke into his owne hands the custodie of the said castell and ports.
But after his death, and when the king had remooued those his councellers from him, he confessed he had put his seale to a writing, but that he vnderstood what were the contents thereof he vtterlie denied.
Iones without Smithfield, and there lodged for a season, and yer long she remooued to the Sauoy.
Iohns, & all the other lords were lodged without the citie, and the king of Almaine remooued againe to Westminster.
The cheefe iustice of the forrests on the right hand of the king remooued the dishes on the table, though at the first he was staied by some allegation made to the contrarie.
But while they were marching towards them, the Spaniards returned aboord their Gallyes, and presently remooued them farther into the Bay, where they anchored againe, before and neere a lesser fisher towne, called Newlyn.
King Edmund in the morning when the light had discouered the departure of his enimies, followed them by the tract, and comming to London with small adoo remooued the siege, and [Sidenote: The Danes ouercome at Brentford.
He also builded a church on the place where saint Edmund was buried, and ordeined an house of moonks there, or rather remooued the canons or secular priests that were there afore, and put moonks in their roomes.
In the night following, Cnute remooued his campe in secret wise, and marched towards London, which citie in a maner remained besieged by the nauie of the Danes.
At our comming backe againe to the place where their tents were before, they had remooued their tents further into the said Bay or Sound, where they might if they were driuen from the land, flee with their boates into the sea.
Before we came within the making of these lands we tasted cold stormes, in so much that it seemed we had changed summer with winter, if the length of the dayes had not remooued vs from that opinion.
Scotland are now remooued from his obedience vnto an archbishop of their owne, whereby the greatnesse and circuit of the iurisdiction of Yorke is not a little diminished.
Alexander Phereus, who by his onelie courage and attendance kept his maister long time from slaughter, till at the last he was remooued by policie, and the tyrant killed sléeping: the storie goeth thus.
King Edmund in the morning when the light had discouered the departure of his enimies, followed them by the tract, and comming to London with small adoo remooued the siege, and entered [Sidenote: The Danes ouercome at Brentford.
But afore all things he vtterlie remooued and appeased such ciuill discord, as séemed yet to remaine after the maner of a remnant of those seditious factions and partakings, which had so long time reigned in this land.
About the same time the king remooued all such shiriffes as were either preests or strangers, and in their places appointed knights to be shiriffes, that were of the same countrie were their offices laie.
Also he shuld restore all the castels (his seruants being remooued which he had placed in the same) togither with the pledges incontinentlie, at the request of the same queenes, or of either of them.
These were dismissed out of the court, and remooued from the king, but not discharged, for they were constreined to put in suerties to appeare at the next parlement.
Albons, were taken from the gallowes, and remooued a good waie from the same: with which presumption he was so stirred, that he sent foorthwith his letters to the bailiffes of the towne of S.
On the six and twentith of October, the king of England remooued from Calis toward the castell of Guisnes, and with him the duke of Berrie, who was sent to take his oth.
They remooued thence to the towne where the Cacique was wont to lie, because it was in a champion countrie.
The Indians said, that two yeere before there was a plague in that countrie, and that they remooued to other townes.
After that the king had got the vpper hand of his enimies, he remooued to Lincolne, and there taried three dais, causing euerie of the same daies solemne processions to be made in rendering thanks to God for his fortunate victorie.
But at length it was thought best to delaie no time but to giue them battell, before they should increase their power, and therevpon he remooued to Notingham, & there by a little wood called Bowres, he pitched his field.
But the danger of this seditious attempt was shortlie remooued and taken awaie, the maister and scholer being both apprehended and cast into prison and atteinted.
In the meane season king Henrie remooued forward by soft iournies towards London, the people comming in from all sides to behold him, and exceedinglie reioising at his presence, as by their voices and gestures it well appeared.
And Henrie Deane bisbop of Salisburie, was made archbishop of Canturburie, and Richard Fox was remooued from Durham to the see of Winchester.
For stones that laie couched fast in the earth, were remooued out of their places, stone houses were ouerthrowne, and the great church of Lincolne was rent from the top downwards.
Also his fatherremooued from him certeine of his seruants, as Astulfe de S.
Alexander Phereus, who by his onelie courage and attendance kept his maister long time from slaughter, till at the last he was remooued by policie, and the tyrant killed sleeping: the storie goeth thus.
It began since the conquest, about the beginning of William Rufus, by one Remigius, whoremooued his see from Dorchester to Lincolne (not without licence well paid for vnto the king.
Aidan a Scot or Irishman was the first bishop of this see, who held himselfe (as did manie of his successors) at Colchester and in Lindesfarne Ile, till one came that remooued it to Durham.
After he had kept his Easter at Leicester, he with the queene remooued and went northward, till they came to Yorke, where they were receiued with great ioy of the citizens, and other the nobles and gentlemen of the countrie.
From thence, he remooued to Monstreau ou fault Yonne, which towne was taken on the three and twentith daie of Iune, by assault, so that manie of the Dolphins part were apprehended, before they could get to the castell.
When the king heard of these despitefull dooings, he with his whole armie remooued from Pont Larch, and the last daie of Iulie came before the citie of Rone, and compassed it round about with a strong siege.
When the king saw that thorough default of his aduersarie, no treatie would be had, he remooued to Vernon, and there a while remained.
This yeare also king Edward began his Christmasse at Waking, and at fiue daies end remooued to Greenewich, where he kept out the other part of his Christmasse with great roialtie.
After this the whole campe remooued with bag and baggage.
Which king from thence remooued to Mountargis, leading with him the earle of Richmond, and all the noble personages of his retinue and faction.
The land in some places rose vp, and the cliffs remooued from one place to another, and some hils were defaced and made euen with the ground.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "remooued" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.