Ben rummaged out the note with remorseful haste, protesting that he was in no hurry for Mr. Gulliver, and very glad to save him for another day.
A wave of remorseful tenderness overwhelmed Harlan and he unlocked the door.
From simple profanity, Uncle Ebeneezer descended into blasphemous comment, modified at times by remorseful tenderness toward the dead.
He seemed to take it quietly as far as people generally saw during the next ten days; but Jean put away allremorseful thoughts as to the silence she had kept during the last long year.
He had a remorseful consciousness that he might have been a guest at the Wood House eighteen months ago.
I wish I had not been so hard on him," thought Mrs. Herrick with a remorseful recollection of the young officer's hurt look.
You must be content to marry a saddened, remorseful man, broken down in health and spirits, his whole life embittered by that fatal remembrance, forced to endure an inheritance that seems to have come like the prosperity of the wicked.
I always had a remorseful feeling that I was keeping you from wedding with a duke, or a city magnate, or an archbishop.
It was this youth who now stepped down to the darkened footlights and spoke in a remorseful and conscience-stricken manner.
He wasremorseful as regarded Jill, but the optimist in him, never crushed for long, told him that Jill would be all right.
Between them, as they sat side by side, there inserted itself suddenly the pinkly remorseful face of Freddie Rooke.
Now "my poor dead wife" cropped out every other instant in the conversation of the remorseful ranchman.
There are times when I feel remorseful over the way I have treated him.
Roger, did I judge amiss when I saw, or thought I saw, those eyes full of humble shame, those lips quivering with remorseful sorrow?
Renouard did not like being asked about his people, for whom he had a profound and remorseful affection.
Mildred, as though remorseful for what she had said, did all she could to make herself pleasant to him.
He felt remorseful because he had refused to see that she looked upon him with any particular feeling, and now these words in her letter were infinitely pathetic: I can't bear the thought that anyone else should touch me.
With which dismal and remorseful remembrance the old bird, who had been trapped like a young pigeon, swore mightily, and withdrew into humbled and disgusted silence.
Nevertheless, she had awakened, during a spasm of remorseful self-abasement, some nobler quality latent in the man.
Death has opened the gate of freedom--for me, at least--and I can only feel remorseful thankfulness.
Howbeit, there was a general breaking up of the party, while the remnants of the dinner were being put away; and I strolled off by myself among the trees, in a raging and remorseful state.
That he should cherish a remorseful sorrow for that lost wife, made him only the truer, nobler, and dearer in Belinda's sight.
As he moved, he muttered many expressions, indicative of a deeply disturbed and even remorseful mind.
Four years after the fall of his empire, and at a distance of several hundred leagues from his native valley, he expiated upon a gibbet, a crime that existed only in the gloomy and remorseful imagination of the Conqueror.
He stated that when he was confined in Portsmouth Prison he became remorseful over this crime and decided to confess.
He had an infinite tenderness for her, and he was remorseful at having left her.
After the fifth day my remorseful and melancholy thoughts and feelings gave way, to some extent, to more cheerful ones.
A creature of antique healthfulness had vanished from the earth; and, in his stead, there was only one other morbid and remorseful man, among millions that were cast in the same indistinguishable mould.
He stood before a shrine, writhing, wringing his hands, contorting his whole frame in an agony of remorseful recollection, but finally knelt down to weep and pray.
Katherine hesitated; she did not like to say in so many words that she had refused him, a curious, half-remorseful feeling made her especially considerate towards him.
There was no sign in Teresa's manner of theremorseful affection which her letter had expressed.
She was the more remorsefulas the disappointment was not mutual.