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Example sentences for "comming"

Lexicographically close words:
commest; commeth; commettre; commin; comminatory; comminge; commingle; commingled; commingling; comminuted
  1. After the which they returned to Wittenberg; and comming into the house of Faustus, they found the servant of Faustus very sad, unto whom they opened all the matter, who tooke it exceeding heavily.

  2. Shortly after, Alexander made humble reverence, and went out againe; and comming to the doore, his paramour met him.

  3. We thinke it good that you prouide against the next yeere for the comming of our shippes 20 or 30 bullockes killed and salted, for beefe is very deare here.

  4. Then the winde comming about at the Northeast, we sailed West Northwest: after that, the winde bearing to the Northwest, we lay with our sailes West southwest, about 14.

  5. As touching the bringing of money with you, it will bee good, for I assure you since our comming to this countrey haue not so many persons gone to the Sea, as will doe this yeere.

  6. I cannot imagine why the Holy Ghost should give Timothy the solemnest charge, was ever given mortall man, to observe the Rules he had given, till the comming of Christ, if new things must be expected.

  7. There is a set of Bishops comming next behind, Will ride the devill off his legs, and break his wind.

  8. I suppose at his comming home he sente suche wayes as he suspected or thought meete to searche for this Prigger, but hetherto he neuer harde any tydinges agayne of his palfreys.

  9. He liues a Prince, and comming in this sort, Shall to his Countrey of your fame report.

  10. But comming backe when she is wed, Who breakes the Cake aboue her head.

  11. And comming close to Trompart gan inquere 2 Of him, what mighty warriour that mote bee, That rode in golden sell with single spere, 4 But wanted sword to wreake his enmitee.

  12. And the meate being set vpon the table, and he required to sit down, he perceiued a woman comming forth behind the hanging, which was so beautifull as might be seene, sauing that her head was all shauen, and apparelled in Almaine blacke.

  13. The President sayd to his seruant: "Do not tarrie at the dore, for thou knowest ther is no other going out or comming in but onely this, except a litle closet wherof I alone do beare the keye.

  14. And before the three weekes were expired of his returne, she was so amorous of the king as she was no lesse sorowful of his comming home, then she was before for his departure.

  15. These wordes and sutch like, this sedicious and desperat man declared: Whose talke Tarquinius interuented, and vpon his comming euery man conuerted him selfe to salute him.

  16. Thy comming then into Asia is for none other purpose, but to spoile and make hauocke of that which an other hath.

  17. Howbeit, after it was perceiued that this suspicion was grounded on no truth, he was also suffered to follow the archbishop, and so comming vnto Canturburie, he was made abbat of the monasterie of saint Augustines.

  18. Hunt] his first comming into Britaine, hauing procéeded in his businesse [Sidenote: By this it is euident that he was not driuen out of the land after he had once set foot within it.

  19. Herevpon comming to Benedict the first of that name (as then bishop of Rome) he required him that some learned men might be sent into England to preach the gospell vnto the Englishmen, offering himselfe to be one of the number.

  20. These priests comming into the prouince of the Middleangles, preached the woord, and were well heard, so that dailie a great number of the nobilitie & communaltie renouncing the filthie dregs of idolatrie, were christned.

  21. The fift, that none of the cleargie should depart from his bishop to run into anie other diocesse, nor comming from anie other place should be admitted, except he brought letters of testimonie with him.

  22. He was of bodie well cast and strong, of a good stature in heigth, well fauoured of face, with the lid of one of his eies comming downe, so as it almost couered the apple of the same eie.

  23. Then he laid siege to the castell, but hearing a feigned rumor that prince Edward was comming thither with his power, he departed from thence with his companie, and went to Killingworth.

  24. On the thirteenth of October was a portion of the holie bloud of Christ (as it was then supposed) shewed in most reuerent wise in a solemne procession, for the king comming to the church of S.

  25. Then, comming into a faire valley, compassed with mountaines whereon grewe many pleasant shrubbs, they might descrie where two flocks of sheepe did feede.

  26. Peter, leaue comming behinde me, I pray any longer, for you and I must part Peter.

  27. Sidenote: The duke of Yorkes comming against the king iustified.

  28. In this parlement was granted to the king a subsidie of twelue pence the pound, towards the maintenance of his warres, of all merchandize, comming in or going out of the realme, as well of Englishmen as strangers.

  29. Indeed (sweet Loue) I was comming to your house Bian.

  30. No sure, I cannot thinke it That he would steale away so guilty-like, Seeing your comming Oth.

  31. I haue told my Lord of you, he is comming down to you Flam.

  32. All Timons Creditors to wait for his comming out.

  33. I must serue him so too; Tell him of an intent that's comming toward him Painter.

  34. Which being ended, they by signes made request to our Generall, to send something by their hands to their Hioh or king, as a token that his comming might be in peace.

  35. Our men went on land there, and saw great store of men, women, and children, who gave them tabacco at their comming on land.

  36. And this done, Fernando Aluardo returned to aduertise mee that certaine Indians were come vnto them in peaceable maner, and that two of them stayed for my comming with the master of the fielde.

  37. Before his comming, were sent two embassadors or messengers to our Generall, to signifie that their Hioh, that is, their king, was comming and at hand.

  38. Alured comming vpon them on the sudden, slue of them a great number, hauing them at great aduantage.

  39. At his comming backe to Beuerlie, he redéemed his knife with a large price, as before he had promised.

  40. After his comming home, bicause of his great ouerthrow and fowle discomfiture, he began to gouerne his people with more rigor & sharper dealing than before time he had vsed.

  41. Humber, and there comming on land, began to inuade the countrie.

  42. Why, do the old beggar not think as a feller ben't a man as well as hisself, with his comming sailors, an' be blowed to him.

  43. Nay for the cause of Understanding also, they say the thing Understood sendeth forth Intelligible Species, that is, an Intelligible Being Seen; which comming into the Understanding, makes us Understand.

  44. Our Saviour then forgave him; and at his comming againe in Glory, will remember to raise him againe to Life Eternall.

  45. But Cupid came, his comming causd her hate them, And in a heat, proud Venus gan to rate them.

  46. The seruingman being gone about his affaires, the subtill mate that has listned to all their talke, acquaints his fellows both with the determination and token appointed for the Tailers comming to the Lady.

  47. Then looking aside, hee spyed his trugge or queane comming vppe the Church: away, quoth hee to the other, go looke you for some other purchase, this wench and I are suffient for this.

  48. And at his comming out, John Hull before spoken of stood at the railes with Dr.

  49. After the Civil war, a white man, by the name of Luster, was comming to Ohio, brought John Gibson with him.

  50. She wrote her brother she was comming to see them, and try to find her children, if any of them were left.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "comming" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.