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Example sentences for "remonstrating"

Lexicographically close words:
remonstrances; remonstrants; remonstrate; remonstrated; remonstrates; remonstrative; remontant; remooue; remooued; remora
  1. You have surely forgotten us of late, Mr. Lawson," exclaimed she, in a playful and remonstrating style.

  2. He suddenly desisted from the expedition against Schonen, on pretence that the season was too far advanced; and the king of Denmark published a manifesto, remonstrating against his conduct on this occasion.

  3. Remonstrating with him one day in the court of the palace, either on that or some other account, the man gave him the lie.

  4. The Senate asks me for the reasons for entering into the stipulations for the "remonstrating embassies" contained in the late treaty.

  5. Surely there is no stipulation in the treaty for any "remonstrating embassies," or any other embassies, nor any reference or allusion to any such thing.

  6. Of late, Lisette, full of gloomy thoughts, had taken to complaining, and remonstrating with her husband.

  7. In the face of such a danger, Palissy went to the very men who were officially engaged to punish his rashness, and boldly remonstrating with them, proclaimed the innocence and virtue of their prisoner.

  8. These tried friends of Bernard lost no time in personally remonstrating with the magistrates, from whom they, with some difficulty, obtained the promise to defer carrying out their design.

  9. Doubtless you have been interested in the Colenso correspondence, and perhaps in Miss Cobbe's rejoinder to Mrs. Stowe's remonstrating answer to the women of England.

  10. After remonstrating for a long time against the impropriety of our being degraded to the ranks and put among the people, the officer agreed to go to the Minister of Marine[7] to have the business, as he termed it, arranged.

  11. In the very early stage of our acquaintanceship I won old Isaac's heart by remonstrating with a semi-intoxicated player for allowing burning tobacco to fall from his pipe upon the cloth.

  12. These, as a matter of fact, had been highly scandalised at what they considered a flirtation between her and the second mate of the Silver Linings and even gone the length of remonstrating with her on the subject of her frivolity.

  13. Senator Vest then presented a list of two hundred men from Massachusetts, among them forty-five clergymen, remonstrating against any further extension of suffrage to women.

  14. How dare the remonstrating women of Massachusetts declare that they fear the loss of privileges, one of which is the immunity from punishment for a misdemeanor committed in the husband's presence?

  15. By remonstrating they have expressed their opinion and entered into politics.

  16. We gave up remonstrating after this, and let him go his way to an honourable disaster.

  17. The noise went away up the lane with the men, who staggered together in a tight knot, remonstrating with one another foolishly.

  18. No otherwise than thus, at least, can the remissness of some surgeons in remonstrating against cruelty be accounted for.

  19. Two Franciscan friars, members of a religious community in Palestine, were bearers of despatches; which, after remonstrating with the sovereigns on.

  20. They besought him to use greater forbearance, remonstrating against his obvious violations of the treaty, as well as against the expediency of forced conversions, which could not, in the nature of things, be lasting.

  21. People are always remonstrating with the bird-man for the assertion that birds are to be found everywhere if you but know them.

  22. From the momentary glance I had of you and her, I thought you had been remonstrating with her, and she had been objecting.

  23. I don't blame you for remonstrating in the general way.

  24. I was so far from having any thing to do with the offensive criticism in the Edinburgh, that I remember remonstrating against it with our friend, the editor, because I thought the 'Hours of Idleness' treated with undue severity.

  25. Bailey (addressing himself to his father, a venerable man of more than eighty years of age, who approached the doorway and commenced remonstrating with the committee).

  26. On this a very strong declaration was made by the National Assembly to the King, remonstrating on the impropriety of the measure, and demanding the reason.

  27. The man was heard remonstrating and bellowing in the inside; but, without paying any attention, Sir William hastened back towards the stables, leaving the keys hanging in the doorway of the porter's tower.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "remonstrating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.