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Example sentences for "requite"

Lexicographically close words:
requisitioning; requisitions; requisitus; requital; requitall; requited; requites; requiting; requyre; requyred
  1. My guide received all this excess of joyful gratulation much like a prince too early accustomed to the homage of those around him to be much moved by it, yet willing to requite it by the usual forms of royal courtesy.

  2. For he left behind him a defender of his house against his enemies, and one that will requite kindness to his friends.

  3. Therefore neither shall my eye spare, nor will I have pity: I will requite their way upon their head.

  4. And now the Lord surely will render you mercy and truth, and I also will requite you for this good turn, because you have done this thing.

  5. Then hear thou from heaven, and do justice to thy servants, so to requite the wicked by making his wickedness fall upon his own head, and to revenge the just, rewarding him according to his justice.

  6. If I do not requite thee in this field, saith the Lord, for the blood of Naboth, and for the blood of his children, which I saw yesterday, saith the Lord.

  7. In like manner they can neither give riches, nor requite evil.

  8. But thou, O Lord, have mercy on me, and raise my up again: and I will requite them.

  9. Now he being dead, his brethren were afraid, and talked one with another: Lest perhaps he should remember the wrong he suffered, and requite us all the evil that we did to him.

  10. I will requite you, taming my wild heart to your loving hand.

  11. Those that are thankful study to requite A courtesy; would you do so?

  12. And principles of cheating made you as free From taking as you went invisible; And do ye thus requite me?

  13. Well, I shall live one day to requite you.

  14. In your good wishes you requite me amply.

  15. Welcome to Syracuse, Welcome, Eugenio; prythee, ask some boon That may requite the good that thou hast done.

  16. These words were winged with his swift delight: 'You heifer-stealing schemer, well do you 580 Deserve that fifty oxen should requite Such minstrelsies as I have heard even now.

  17. Did I not requite him With such severity, that he has fled Where none has ever heard of him again?

  18. I hope I shall live to requite your kindness.

  19. You have done worthy acts being a soldier, and now you shall give me leave to requite your tale, and to acquaint you with the most notorious deeds that I have done being a Courtier.

  20. Sir, my death must be suddain, if I requite you not: at the back door good Sir.

  21. Pardoner is ready to requite part of this favour whenever it shall be the devil's pleasure.

  22. Sir, though ye were bound of equity To do as ye have done to me, Yet do I thank you of your pain, And will requite some part again.

  23. Whereby what time thy pleasure is, I[527] shall requite any part of this, The least devil here that can come thither, Shall choose a soul and bring him hither.

  24. God so identifies him with Himself, that He must needs requite all who befriend him out of His own riches in glory.

  25. Poor though Paul may be, and sometimes sad, yet see how the resources of God must be pledged to requite the kindness done to him.

  26. And I doe with an eye of loue requite her Leo.

  27. And Benedicke, loue on, I will requite thee, Taming my wilde heart to thy louing hand: If thou dost loue, my kindnesse shall incite thee To binde our loues vp in a holy band.

  28. To this the Báb replied: May God requite you for your noble intentions.

  29. Learn first my name, that even in this land Remote I may be known, and that escaped From all adversity, I may requite Hereafter, this your hospitable care 20 At my own home, however distant hence.

  30. O vouchsafe To us thy suppliants the desired effect 70 Of this our voyage; glory, first, bestow On Nestor and his offspring both, then grant To all the Pylians such a gracious boon As shall requite their noble off'ring well.

  31. My unborn child shall live to curse you--to requite you--to visit my wrongs on you and yours.

  32. Arabella, thus roused from her first listlessness, sought to requite Darrell's kindness by exerting every energy to render his insipid daughter an accomplished woman.

  33. At his return 45 No doubt he will requite it.

  34. It is the duty of parents to lay up for their children; and the duty of children to requite their parents.

  35. But mark, let them 'requite their parents.

  36. And should there be any such here, I would present them with a scripture or two; the first is this, "Do ye thus requite the Lord, O foolish people and unwise?

  37. Now Joseph's brethren being well aware That they were fatherless, began to fear That he would hate them, and requite them all The evil they had treated him withal.

  38. All these things ought duly, and like a man, to be considered by thee; and care ought to be taken on thy part to requite them.

  39. Thou art better able now to consider the pains and care that thy friends have been at, both for thy body and soul; wherefore strive to requite them.

  40. May Zeus requite them, the god of suppliants, seeing that he watches over all men and punishes the transgressor!

  41. Come then, weave some counsel whereby I may requite them; and thyself stand by me, and put great boldness of spirit within me, even as in the day when we loosed the shining coronal of Troy.

  42. Who knows but that Odysseus may some day come and requite their violence, either himself alone or all the host of the Achaeans with him?

  43. May God requite it to his bosom, for he purposes to commit a great folly, since the day we are wed he takes his mortal foe to wife.

  44. Altogether lovely in my eyes is this tournament wherein She has done my devoir; but very foully shall I requite such gracious service if I seek another Lady, or in my folly return to the vanities of the world.

  45. Fair Marian, God requite it her, Doth even as much for Doncaster, Whom newly she hath lain in bed, To rest his weary, wounded head.

  46. My lord, I thank you for your honest care, And, as I may, will study to requite it.

  47. May a day come when I shall be able to requite your goodness.

  48. I must requite him for his food which I have eaten; so take me and sacrifice me to the goddess for his sake.

  49. And if I do not requite this benefit, what is the use of my sovereignty, and of my protracting my life, which would only be like that of an animal?

  50. To requite that loss Gifts will I send him first by messengers Ere yet I see his face.

  51. Give this girl, therefore, to the god, and if ever Jove grants us to sack the city of Troy we will requite you three and fourfold.

  52. Do, sir, or turn your adoration that way; You were kind to him in his tatter'd state; Let him requite it now.

  53. I thank you too, sir; I am so much beholding to you both, I am afraid I shall never requite it.

  54. Requite one, sweet chastity, and let it be Sir Godfrey, with the correspondency of your love to him.

  55. As we read Lao-Tse's injunction to "requite hatred with goodness," it seems that he must have drawn his inspiration from an Indian source.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "requite" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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