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Example sentences for "hoarse"

Lexicographically close words:
hoardings; hoards; hoarfrost; hoarhound; hoariness; hoarsely; hoarseness; hoarser; hoary; hoast
  1. Has Horace," she enquired in a hoarse and hysterical whisper, "hurt Herbert?

  2. At three in the afternoon, too tired both in body and soul for elation, Steve watched them drive home the last spike and heard their hoarse effort at a cheer.

  3. Hers was the sad face when they entered the clearing at Thirty-Mile and a hoarse shout saluted her return.

  4. The whistle shrieks at every moment, hoarse and commanding like a tyrant who would rule by shouting, so that no one on board can hear his own thoughts.

  5. When he tried to laugh, his lips trembled convulsively and the only noise produced was a hoarse wheeze like the blowing of bellows.

  6. Basilio urged in a hoarse voice, catching his friend by the arm.

  7. Only the sea, whose waves were rippled by the night breeze, as though awaking from the heat of the day, sent its hoarse roar, its eternal chant, as it rolled against the jagged rocks.

  8. As the line swayed to and fro in that desperate final struggle, there was a hoarse cry against him, constantly repeated, of, "Shoot that white man!

  9. He sighed as he thought of the forecastle that he knew somewhere awaited him; how he would recall those still nights in Oa when he would be roused by the boatswain's handspike on the hatch, and the hoarse cry of "All hands on deck!

  10. Once, in some big woods in Maine, it was a hoarse bark, utterly unlike a bird call, which made me slip heavy shells into my gun and creep forward, expecting some strange beast that I had never before met.

  11. He seemed bewildered at not seeing his rival, ran swiftly along the bank, turned and came swinging back again, all the while uttering his hoarse challenge.

  12. Both boys, frantic with fear, stood with Ellis as the child lay in his mother's arms, the four dreading that each hoarse breath would be his last.

  13. Jap's voice was so hoarse that she looked up at him in alarm.

  14. I have been robbed," was the reply, in a hoarse whisper.

  15. Why don't the fools move faster," he said, in a hoarse whisper.

  16. People who had turned over in bed growling when they had been awakened by him before, were only too thankful to hear his hoarse voice croaking out the good news.

  17. To be sure I am," says the stranger, with a hoarse chuckle.

  18. Sea-gulls swooped and hovered with hoarse cries and a lovely effect of silvery wings.

  19. Frank Marr's voice was hoarse as he spoke; for he had felt the old man's words burning as it were into his brain, as scene after scene presented itself to his imagination.

  20. Most men are like dogs that answer bark for bark, and only make night hideous and themselves hoarse thereby.

  21. It would be all the more piteous, because it was spoken in that feeble, hoarse voice characteristic of leprosy, and it was in itself most pathetic.

  22. The undertaker paused in his contemplated flight to stare--then he laughed, a loud, hoarse laugh that sent the hot blood tingling to Gyp's face.

  23. An old man's shriek, hoarse with the remorse of sleepless nights and days of unimaginable regret and foreboding!

  24. The anguish of this gave asperity to his manner, and in a strange, hoarse tone he loudly cried: "One of you did this.

  25. Then followed low mutterings, in a hoarse and subdued tone; but as they gradually grew louder, she could recognise the menacing voice of the Resurrection Man.

  26. Cracksman in a hoarse whisper: "why--I knocked the fellow down to be sure.

  27. Light footfalls sounded on the crust; there were scratchings at the very door and hoarse breathings at every crack; while the dogs, with hackles up straight and stiff on their necks, fled howling under beds and tables.

  28. Then the wolves had to stand aside; for the stags roamed over all the land, pawing the moss in fury, bellowing their hoarse challenge, and charging like a whirlwind upon every living thing that crossed their paths.

  29. The hoarse shouting of a man's voice in anger was heard through the noise.

  30. During the breeding season, when the male and female are together, the male utters a hoarse roar or bellowing, which, it is said, can be heard at the distance of more than a hundred yards.

  31. In five minutes he stood before the good clergyman--and in one more had asked, in a hoarse whisper, if he had bought any "Sally Meeker.

  32. There was something awful in this preternatural silence, made more impressive by the hoarse murmur of the crowd outside, breaking down the door.

  33. I'm a little hoarse this evening; but if you swallow the yolk of an egg raw, your voice becomes clear again, as if by magic.

  34. Dodichet sang snatches of his part between the courses; his voice had a fair range, but it had been made hoarse by the excessive use of tobacco.

  35. He thrust his broom into the chamber first, as if he intended to remove the cobwebs; then entered himself, saying in a hoarse voice: "Is anybody being killed here?

  36. The ex-inspector was evidently embarrassed, and tried to pull his hat over his eyes; he glanced at Jean Ficelle and rejoined in a hoarse voice: "That may be!

  37. As was their wont, they fought in silence, and for the most part with knives only, and inside the room only the trampling of feet, short gasps, and a sharp cry or two were heard against that long hoarse roar outside.

  38. The hoarse roar of crowds came to the servants of Mehemet Salik as they were returning to the house with meat and bread.

  39. Not so the other; there was a moment's cessation of the noise; then came a hoarse cry of agony, a horrid crack, and the stone began to turn again.

  40. When dead yon lordly pike shall float, While loud and hoarse the ravens call, Then grief and woe shall be thy lot, Glen Lyle's house must fall.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hoarse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    blurred; brassy; brazen; breathy; choking; coarse; cracked; dissonant; dry; grating; gruff; guttural; harsh; hawking; hoarse; husky; inarticulate; indistinct; jarring; lisping; loud; metallic; nasal; quavering; ragged; rasping; raucous; rough; rude; rugged; rusty; scratchy; shaking; shaky; stertorous; stifled; strangled; strident; thick; throaty; tinny; tremulous

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    hoarse voice; hoarse whisper