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Example sentences for "courtyard"

Lexicographically close words:
courtroom; courts; courtship; courtships; courtsied; courtyards; cous; cousen; cousin; cousine
  1. After a dejeuner fit for the most exacting of bon viveurs we sat in that courtyard and smoked, while an ancient waiter served us with coffee that dripped through silver percolators into our glasses.

  2. Honora put on a linen hat and they took the gravelled path to the stables, where the horses, one by one, were brought out into the courtyard for their inspection.

  3. On the first of four unforgettable days during which I was a guest behind the British lines in France the officer who was my guide stopped the motor in the street of an old village, beside a courtyard surrounded by ancient barns.

  4. They found the buggy and Pepper in the paved courtyard of the stables.

  5. The inn is built in Spanish style and we lunched in a courtyard full of gaudy parrots, singing birds in wicker cages and singing señoritas as gay as the parrots, on balconies above us.

  6. A red-tiled bungalow is built about a courtyard with cloisters and a fountain, while vines and flowers fill the air with the most delicious perfume of heliotrope, mignonette, and jasmine.

  7. At home two plumbers were playfully tossing bricks about our courtyard in a half-hearted endeavor to find out why our cellar was flooded.

  8. It was while lounging in the courtyard half an hour before the evening meal that Vezin made this discovery, and he at once went upstairs to his quiet room at the end of the winding passage to think it over alone.

  9. The trepidation was still in his nerves, but the fact that he had passed through the courtyard and hall without catching sight of a petticoat served to calm him a little.

  10. Stray gusts brought the sounds of hoarse singing and crying from the lower slopes of the hill, and the pungent odour he had already noticed about the courtyard of the inn rose about him in the air.

  11. The calm moonlight flooded a courtyard empty and deserted.

  12. He crossed over and softly opened the window which gave upon the courtyard and also permitted a partial view of the hall through the glass doors.

  13. It looked upon the courtyard at the back.

  14. He reached the courtyard safely and crossed it by keeping close to the shadow of the wall.

  15. Half an hour later she was walking across the courtyard to the old house with trouble plainly depicted on her face, but apparently without a trace of weariness.

  16. When she reached the courtyard she quickened her steps, and disappeared within the door of the old house.

  17. From the other side of the house one could watch all that was going on in the courtyard and could see the servants' quarters, the kitchens, the hayricks, and the stable.

  18. Soon the two of them tore across the courtyard to the garden, Marfinka leading, and from the garden came the sound of chattering, singing and laughter.

  19. In the courtyard a scene by no means unusual was being enacted.

  20. A sudden clatter of horses' hoofs and rolling wheels wakened hollow echoes from the great stone courtyard below.

  21. In the courtyard is the eleventh-century château, now incorporated in the later work.

  22. In the courtyard is a great well with an admirably worked decorative railing in wrought iron, quite worthy to rank with Quintin Matsys's famous well at Antwerp.

  23. The greater portion of them were lodged in wooden huts erected in a great courtyard surrounded by a high wall.

  24. He had, as Julian said, been regarding the droski and its load with an air of supreme contempt, and had been about to demand angrily why it ventured to drive up into the courtyard of the palace.

  25. The gate of the courtyard was unbarred, and they passed out unquestioned.

  26. The governor was standing in the courtyard with an interpreter.

  27. On entering he crossed a courtyard to a door which was standing open.

  28. As she spoke a trumpet sounded in the courtyard below.

  29. There were many questions to be asked and answered, but his display of strength and skill in the courtyard saved Gervaise from a good deal of the teasing to which a newcomer among a party of boys is always exposed.

  30. But before one half-hour into darkness had fled, In the courtyard he stood with Sir Ridley.

  31. He crosses the courtyard with curious eye: He wanders from chamber to chamber, and yet From strangeness to strangeness his footsteps are set; And the whole place grows wilder and wilder, and less Like aught seen before.

  32. He paused for a moment as he passed to the Private Hall of Audience with Birbal to look out across the palace courtyard and so through the Arch of Victory to India stretching wide and far beyond it.

  33. There was a little square, sort of a little courtyard where he might have kept it.

  34. You know how the conservatory comes quite close to the courtyard near there, and the inspector didn’t seem to want any one about.

  35. By this time the cart had rumbled into the square, and driven through an archway into the courtyard of a little inn which stood somewhat back from the rest of the houses.

  36. Ride out with ten men where the stranger who waits in the courtyard below shall lead ye, and come not back without that which ye lost to a handful of men before.

  37. And with a profound bow to De Montfort, Norman of Torn left the apartment, and in a few minutes was riding through the courtyard of the castle toward the main portals.

  38. And turning, he mounted and rode in silence from the courtyard of the castle of Leicester.

  39. He led her in silence to the courtyard and across the lowered drawbridge, to where they soon discovered a group of horsemen, and in answer to a low challenge from Shandy, Norman of Torn replied that it was he.

  40. Take him, My Lord Earl; they say there be a good strong gibbet in the courtyard below.

  41. The courtyard was filled with hurrying squires and lackeys.

  42. Even large houses now tended to do without a courtyard and became compacted into one soaring and stately whole.

  43. Within was a courtyard of some extent, with a few dismal trees growing, and around us was the stagnant green water of the moat.

  44. After attending to what was necessary, I watched from the courtyard the sun go down in darksome glory.

  45. My Uhlans formed a guard of honor at the bridge and in the courtyard itself.

  46. I told him to remain in the courtyard until I should deliver his young mistress into his hands.

  47. Outside in the courtyard under the dark, starlit sky, I found Peter with Mademoiselle Capello and Gaston Cheverny.

  48. As we rode out of the courtyard in the pale December dawn I saw a light in Francezka's chamber.

  49. My master swore up and down and crosswise when he recognized Madame Riano's equipage crossing the Bridge of the Lions, but went down to the courtyard to receive her.

  50. One day, shortly before the carnival, there was a great fete at the Louvre, and the courtyard was filling up with magnificent coaches.

  51. Meanwhile, Francezka and Gaston had withdrawn into the shadow of the courtyard wall, where Gaston continued to whisper in her ear.

  52. We passed through the small gate of the courtyard and around to the private entrance, where Francezka dismissed the chairmen and I took off my mask and domino.

  53. She accepted Count Saxe's hand, and he led her across the courtyard and up the stairway, where she disappeared within the door, first making a curtsy to us all as well as to Count Saxe.

  54. When the carts rattled under the archway which led into the courtyard on which the great hall of the prison fronted, I had dismissed my coachman and was waiting to see what could be done to screen Mademoiselle Capello.

  55. Half of them rushed into the courtyard only to find it empty.

  56. By his advice, the gate of the courtyard was left open, that the Turks might see they had no thought of resistance.

  57. At midnight a group assembled in the courtyard of the Meneshians house.

  58. The courtyard was filled with them, as well as most of the rooms of the house.

  59. The Vartonians, the Meneshians, and a few others, were gathered in the courtyard of the large Vartonian house.

  60. In the large courtyard of another house near by, there were many men together.

  61. Jack stood at one of them, and looked out on the courtyard round which the house was built in the form of a hollow square.

  62. The spacious courtyard seemed turned into a hospital; men, women and little children sat or stood about, waiting to be treated.

  63. The gate of their courtyard was broken the day before; and now some one pushed open the door of the room where they were.

  64. After what seemed to himself a long time, he thought he heard a faint cry from the interior of a house in the courtyard of which he was standing.

  65. Here we threw aside our torches, and in a weary, drawn-out file found our way, one by one, into the courtyard of the inn.

  66. In and about the courtyard live the sacred doves, and he who will may have their company for the spreading of a feast of crumbs.

  67. The queen had hardly uttered these words when an ominous noise in the royal courtyard caused her armed guard to rush toward the entrance of the palace.

  68. Sidenote: Siege of a Castle] Tourfiere consisted merely of a single curtain of walls around the courtyard of a central keep, with, of course, a palisaded barbican before the gate.

  69. By desperate efforts, indeed, the defenders prevented decisive harm, but some of the buildings in the courtyard were burned and Sire Gauthier's men became wearied in their efforts to fend off disaster.

  70. A few steps from the little garden, which formed a sort of flowery courtyard to the humble habitation, the lovers stopped.

  71. At three o'clock on the afternoon of that day the equipages of the duke and suite entered the courtyard of the castle.

  72. Now partly a school and partly an orphanage, the great hall for conferring degrees is in ruins, but the courtyard with its two ranges of galleries still stands.

  73. In the dilapidated courtyard of the castle there is one very picturesque window of Dom Manoel's time (his father the duke of Beja is buried in the church of the Conceição in the town).

  74. In the courtyard the poorer class of spectators stood; in the galleries the more wealthy sat at their ease.

  75. Such a place was offered by the courtyard of an inn.

  76. So she remained in the flat, and stared at the courtyard and the continual mystery of lives hidden behind curtains that occasionally moved.

  77. A low wall divided the courtyard from that of the next house.

  78. This was a large brick building, with a courtyard before it and a Dutch garden at the back.

  79. One of Shepherd's charming sketches in the Crace Collection illustrates the courtyard of the inn.

  80. The entrance to the War Office stands back behind a courtyard in which is a statue of Lord Herbert of Lea.

  81. Mr. Hua Hsing-tun was a well-to-do farmer, who had in his courtyard a handsome pomegranate tree of which he was very proud.

  82. During a lull in the storm the neighbour, who had stepped into the courtyard to see what was the matter, confided to another neighbour that it was the nephew who had done the mischief.

  83. A Chinese woman for many years employed in the writer's family, remarked that for a long time after she was married she was never allowed to leave the narrow courtyard in her hamlet.

  84. Yet there was a great din from the courtyard of wild hoofs thumping on the dung, and of scurrying feet as if a mile-long caravan were practising formations.

  85. Under the echoing arch we strode into a shadowy courtyard where the sun had not penetrated long enough to warm the stones.

  86. The fact that stallions squealed and fought in the stalls across the courtyard scarcely promised us uninterrupted sleep; but sleep is not to be weighed in the balance against the news of eastern nights.

  87. The courtyard was littered with weeds that Kagig's men had slashed down, and here and there a tree had found root room and forced its way up between the rough-hewn paving stones.

  88. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "courtyard" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    area; arena; cincture; close; confine; container; coop; court; courtyard; enclave; enclosure; field; fold; ground; list; pale; park; pen; quadrangle; square; theater; yard