Since self-diagnosis for these conditions is neither appropriate nor likely to be accurate, no detailed discussion of the distinct forms of psychosis will be given here.
Any diagnosis of psychosis requires a careful evaluation by a psychiatrist, clinical psychologist, or psychotherapist.
The emotional symptoms of both forms of diabetes may include apathy, depression, personality disorders, or even psychosis as a result of undersecretion of insulin.
For it is there shown that if we use the term Reason in its true, as distinguished from its traditional sense, there is no fact in animal psychosis more patent than that this psychosis is capable in no small degree of ratiocination.
These exciting causes we shall discuss more closely at a subsequent stage, confining our attention for the present to one or two general considerations.
The content of the psychosis may then express the relative strength of the two antagonistic factors, sense of reality and fancy, the two factors whose relative importance decide the issue for sanity or insanity.
A year later (June 1905) a frankpsychosis with considerable manic flavor developed.
This is followed by the description of a case which he says contains the symptoms typical of the psychosis but in which no pathognomic abnormality is mentioned except negativism-- a vague term whose meaning varies with the observer.
Not unnaturally with such unfamiliarity, the psychosis is a "dispensation of Providence.
It is true that responsibility may and should be evaded when the psychosis is full-blown; but how about the innumerable cases of incipient psychotic disturbance which grade over into the "mental conflicts?
May we not hope to find in the content of the psychosis some objective criterion as to the degree in which the sense of reality is lost, with all that it implies?
It seems to the reviewer indeed, that what the authors call neurasthenia is merely a somewhat complex elaboration of the psychosis by induction to which Babinski has restricted the name hysteria.
Inevitably, however, control over his psychosis was lost.
As they correspond to what was historically a compromise between reality and phantasy, they should represent a corresponding mildness or severity in the psychosis where they appear.
If we are to regard it as a psychosis then we expect it to show other reactions, just as dementia praecox shows manic depressive symptoms.
In them the psychosis develops and takes its definitely determined course independently of the milieu in which the individual happens to be placed.
A psychosis which develops in imprisonment and progresses irrespective of the change of milieu is not a prison psychosis in the sense that this term is here used.
Aside from this, it is difficult to see wherein the psychosis resembles an hysterical disorder.
The former may resemble the typical "Querulantenwahn", a psychosis artificially built up out of extraneous circumstances, and one which rarely develops in freedom, but is of very frequent occurrence in prison.
The course of their disorder shows so much evidence of this psychogenetic character that it is impossible to think that we are dealing with a psychosis which apparently has no relation to the situation at hand.
Reich supposes that this acute prison psychosis may be included in that large group of abnormal psychic processes, developing from affect and affect-like situations.
A probable diagnosis of manic-depressive psychosis was made by the prison physician.
His first attack showed very little, if anything, of a hysterical nature, while his second attack had so many features of hysteria that it could hardly be considered anything but a psychosis of an hysterical nature.
In this chapter we have seen how this underlying anomaly served under certain stressful situations to give rise to mental disorder, and have concluded that crime and psychosis must be, in these individuals, branches of the same tree.
Some think the entire body thus vanishes from sight of others; some, that the head also ceases to be visible; and a still higher form of this curious psychosis is that, when they are closed, the soul cannot be seen.
If such there prove to be, then, with whatever morbid activities thepsychosis may have been intertwined, it contains indications of an evolutionary nisus as well.
This symptom of perplexity soon grew to dominate the clinical picture, so that the psychosis was really a perplexity ushered in by a brief stupor reaction with a background of stupor symptoms running through it.
The withdrawal is temporary (inasmuch as the psychosis is benign), but just as a normal person wakes more readily on a clear sunshiny day than when it rains, so the more cheering the environment the more rapid the recovery.
He says that stupor following another psychosis may retain some of its symptoms, so that a mixture obtains, as often in medicine.
Here the development of the psychosis is often an aid to diagnosis.
Quietness and apparent apathy of the patient were interrupted by little bursts of emotion, and throughout the psychosis there was a coloring of perplexity.
The actualpsychosis is determined by functional, that is, psychological factors.
These conditions really constitute a different psychosisin the manic-depressive group, essentially they are perplexity states such as have recently been described by Hoch and Kirby.
So often a stupor begins with the same indefinite kind of upset as does another psychosis that the development may furnish no clew.
Then, at the engagement dinner of the brother, the psychosis broke out.
The essence of a functionalpsychosis is a flight from reality to a retreat of easeful unreality.
A week after this, January 16, she is described as quite free in her talk and activity, but when asked about the psychosis she merely shrugged her shoulders.
Four years after this attack her mother was a patient in the hospital with an atypical manic-depressive psychosisfrom which she apparently recovered.
Some years later the patient accounted for her psychosis by saying she had a quarrel with her sister, immediately after which she began to feel depressed.
Ray Kennard had come up with an idea that might keep imprisoned Traiti alive, at least long enough to be questioned before they succumbed to the prisoner psychosis that so inevitably killed the ones who could be kept from suicide.
The two prisoners the boarding party did manage to take had lived to reach Terra before the psychosis set in, no longer.
Professor Kowalewski[177] explains the mania of doubt straight away as exclusively a psychosis of degeneration.
The episodic lying or aimless false accusations of the choreic psychosis needs no comment--the confusional mental state sometimes accompanying that disease readily predisposes toward fantastic treatment of realities.
They are often on the verge of a psychosis as the result of their intoxications.
Our earliest feeling that we had to do with a temporary and mild psychosis was perhaps justified, but further observation of her has led us to see clearly that she is not to be considered as a deeply aberrational type.
Every psychosis is really a dramatized dream of this sort.
When this occurs the person merges into a psychosis which may be called "hallucinatory confusion.
And the fact, now unquestioned, that certain great men of genius have been insane, permits us to presume the existence of a lesser degree of psychosis in other men of genius.
A still greater influence on Renan’s psychosis must be attributed to the insanity in his own family.
As to his previous history, he had had a depressive psychosis two years before, but the delusions at that time were of persecution.
Case 167, a naval officer who distinguished himself greatly by work on land in Belgium, was regarded by its reporter as one of manic-depressive psychosis with the fatigue of war as its base.
In the differential diagnosis, alcoholism, cyclothymia, obsessive psychosis and occasionally systematized delusional psychosis may be considered.
Lépine remarks that Pierret and others, observing such spells of confusion often accompanied by agitation, have inquired whether manic depressive psychosis is not a kind of epilepsy.
Incidentally, the number of cases of psychosis in the Russian army had remained in general small.
There was no evidence of neurosis or psychosis in the family.
Look at the alky-sikys you see in every bar today, a completely new type of alcoholism-psychosis that we haven't even been able to describe, much less cure.
But unless we can locate the areas, find the location of both factors, the psychosis and the extra-sensory powers, we're lost.
He'd even spotted the symptoms of the psychosis himself, back in his college days.
According to materialism, psychosis is a product of neurosis; but according to monism, neither is psychosis a product of neurosis, nor is neurosis a product of psychosis, but neurosis is psychosis.
Is not the identification of neurosis and psychosis a begging of the question, unless the how, the modus operandi, is explained?
The neurosis is the outer or objective aspect; the psychosis is the inner or subjective aspect.
He is in reality a good example of the psychosis of the very Baconism which he contemns, and which he would probably be quite unable to confute.
These attempts have been generally regarded as quite useless, for the writer introduces into his conception of the psychosis psychological relationships quite foreign to the clinical picture of the disease.
The question of the importance of the unconscious for psychopathology may be briefly put as follows: "In what manner may we expect to find unconscious psychic material behave in cases of psychosis and neurosis?
These were extreme cases, but they illustrate the important principle that all men have limitations and may develop a psychosis or expire when their limit is reached.
Mufti (salvation) meant the dissociation of the self from the subjective psychosis and the world.
These six senses or operating fields would again presuppose the whole psychosis of the man (the body and the mind together) called nâmarûpa.
For even supposing that in man, and in man only, psychosis is superadded to neurosis--the neurosis which is common to both man and animal gives their reasoning processes a fundamental unity.
And the difference between higher and lowlier animal forms in respect of the fore-brain as a condition for psychosis becomes more marked when the Arthropoda are examined.