This gas is produced whenever arsenious or arsenic acid, or any of their salts, is in presence of nascent hydrogen.
The mammary glands of the Ornithorhynchus may, perhaps, be considered, in comparison with the udder of a cow, as in a nascent state.
The ovigerous frena of certain cirripedes, which are only slightly developed and which have ceased to give attachment to the ova, are nascent branchiƦ.
But Godwin, who was in so many ways a mirror of the new thought of the time, had caught by anticipation something of its nascent spirit of romance.
The Archbishop of Milan celebrated Mass and blessed the banners of the National Guards; and the day closed with games, dances, and invocations to the memory of the Italians who had fought and died for their nascent liberties.
Artist though he was, and all too human, there lurked in him a nascent streak of the ascetic, accentuated by his mother's bidding, and his own strong desire to keep in touch with her and with things not seen.
Their parting, if less passionate, was more tender than usual; and Roy rode away with a distinct ache in his heart at thought of losing her; a nascent reluctance to make mountains out of molehills in respect of her and Lance.
He saw that she was excited, but there was an air also of returning physical vigor; and the nascent feeling which might have been strengthened by pallor and prostration died away.
And the argument of their having been transported on cakes of ice, in the nascent periods of the globe, is rendered stronger by these appearances than any geological proofs which I have yet seen.
Of this number of nascent words, are most of their names for those distilled or artificial liquors, for which they are indebted to Europeans.
Although gaseous hydrogen does not act directly[43] on many substances, yet in a nascent state reaction often takes place.
There is another explanation of the facility with which hydrogen reacts in a nascent state.
Thus, for instance, water on which sodium amalgam is acting contains hydrogen in a nascent state.
In thenascent state we have hydrogen which is not in a gaseous state, and its action is then much more energetic.
There is a very intimate and evident relation between the phenomena which take place in the action of spongy platinum and the phenomena of the action in a nascent state.
For a while a general chaos of conflicting opinions and nascent ideas is produced.
The rest of a long life he spent here, and faculties of Roman and Canon law took shape in the nascent university of Oxford.
And out of all the rack and ruin rose the form of the nascent Oligarchy, imperturbable, indifferent, and sure.
But our own nascent secret service was beginning to work.
If nothing else, I was escaping from the organized ostracism that had been our increasing portion in the university town ever since the enmity of the nascent Oligarchy had been incurred.
There only remain, then, the Persians, whose influence on the nascent arts of India was certainly felt before Alexander.
We know that the decoration of these beautiful and precious commodities reacted on the designs of Phoenician manufacturers, and directly or indirectly had some effect in guiding the nascent art of Europe.
Considerable as these additions were, the nascent State could not even yet be considered as important in size.
Sancho's eagerness for his government, the nascent lust of actual democracy, or isocracy!
Their idea appears to be that once every man was the husband of every Nupa woman who was accessible, and that the Piraungaru arrangement is a nascent restriction upon, or survival of, this communal marriage.
For if we may thus infer a certain increase in the longevity of the nascent race at even so early a stage in evolution, then that evidently entails a more prolonged infancy.
We are acquainted with no race that is just entered on Totemism, unless we agree with Mr. Hill Tout that Totemism is nascent among the Salish tribe, who live in village communities.
Thus, then, we may at length perceive how a custom even so deeply ingrained in nascent man as paternal incest, may finally have become extinct as a custom.
An added force was caused by the disappearance in the nascent human species of that season of physical and mental repose, granted by Nature to the rest of creation, when not actually in the moment or season of rut.
It is probable that, in the new experiment, success was rendered possible by the rise of new powers in nascent man.
Now this antagonism of male with male, with all its retrograde consequences, a struggle fierce enough in all animals, had a more intense effect on nascent man than on any other creature that had ever existed.
They were days of great costume-balls, of freak dinners and of nascent night-clubs.
Their nascent civilisation will be dislocated if they are made the hunting-ground of labour agents.
Potgieter returned to found the little town of Winburg in memory of his victory, and, with the assistance of Pieter Retief, to frame a constitution for the nascent state.
A nascent colony was neglected till it asserted itself and appeared already mature on the political horizon.
Not only has modern Europe's great dynamic been nationalism, but also nationalism has seized upon the nascent racial concept and has perverted it to its own ends.
The nascent movement was thus basically a "patriotic" protest against all those, both foreigners and native-born, who were endangering the country.
The nascent Wahabi empire had vanished like a mirage.
And of course thesenascent stirrings were greatly stimulated by the flood of Western ideas and methods which, as the nineteenth century wore on, increasingly permeated the East.
In Persia the Shah repressed a nascent liberal movement with equal severity, while in Egypt the spendthrift rule of Khedive Ismail ended all native political life by provoking European intervention and the imposition of British rule.
Had the nascent amity of East and West in the eleventh century continued to develop, both would have greatly profited.
Here appears nascent the doctrine of 'elevating the Fathers,' which is expressly taught in the next era.