The idea of the national being emerged at no recognizable point in our history in Ireland.
I tried to isolate some quality indisputably recognizable as beautiful and hit, to my surprise, on intellectual courage.
The skull is immediately recognizableby its general narrowness, but particularly in the region of the anterior zygomatic roots.
This squirrel is recognizable among the members of the S.
In the next compartment things are more recognizable and I eventually find the door.
It is not so easily recognizable a sound as you might think in those great plains cut by islands of high trees and steading walls.
But it is a mental power or attitude easily recognizable in those who possess it, and perhaps atrophied by the very atmosphere of the study.
The upper or later Proterozoic rocks, however, contain the oldest recognizable animal fossils.
As noted earlier, most of the readily recognizable thin beds, such as the White Rim Sandstone, pinch out south of here, and figure 31 marks the northeasternmost exposure of the Shafer limestone at the top of the Rico Formation.
The gradual disappearance of recognizable beds of this type toward the northeast, including the disappearance of some limestone beds containing marine fossils, are examples of what geologists call facies changes.
Commentry cannel coal, the number of recognizable organs in the midst of the mass of debris is much larger.
This would have to be done by the guild of every trade in its own manner, and within certain easilyrecognizable limits, and this fixing of standard would necessitate much simplicity in the forms and kinds of articles sold.
It was but the three-hundredth part of a grain, dissolved in a drop of water; and it cast its measured bars, for everrecognizable now to human sight, on the chord of the seven colors.
They lie embedded in the coal and are not very easily recognizable in it at first, because they are black also, but when washed with acid they turn greyish-white and then can be recognized clearly.
Ginkgo leaf, and after treatment the cells of the epidermis were perfectly recognizable under the microscope, with the stomates (breathing pores) also well preserved.
Of most genera they are not known, though in a few they have been found in connection with recognizable parts of their tissue.
These are generally clearly recognizable as belonging to one or other of the living families of flowering plants.
When they are recognizable as plant or animal remains they are commonly called "fossils", and it is from their testimony that we must learn all we can know about the life of the past.
Cuanrabi" and "Esperiez" are not recognizable as pueblos.
The only symbols in the design shown in f which are at all recognizable are the two zigzag figures which may have been intended to represent snakes, lightning, or tadpoles.
But we must not overlook the old Occult Teaching indicating a state of Substance so fine that it is imperceptible, and only recognizable as apparently "free force"; its covering, or vehicle of Substance not being evident.
Suddenly he heard rapid footsteps coming toward him, and Colonel Lopez, recognizable in the dark by his uniform embroidered in silver, stood before him, followed at a short distance by a body of soldiers.
Montezuma's Castle is easily recognizable by its unusual shape.
There were shelves and racks with equipment of various kinds, some recognizable and some decidedly not.
This former narrow thoroughfare has been straightened, widened, and graded until about the only recognizable feature of a quarter of a century ago is the sky-line.
They had walked for about half an hour when, from the cover of a belt of squat pines, they saw ahead of them two figures easily recognizable as Greek soldiers.
He was a pleasant young man, not recognizable from her description of him except by the fact that he certainly did smoke incessantly.
At the same moment, the face of a young girl (easily recognizable as the face of Miss Milroy, from Allan's description of her) appeared at the open window of the room.
How far is a novelist justified in taking his characters so closely from actual life that they are recognizable by his readers?
Fortunately we have the trace dotted on his map, and though this is far out of drawing for absolute geography, its relative positions are recognizable for the most part.
Gregg in fact gives his river a recognizable northward convexity along here, and if it does not overreach 40 deg.
And thus from day to day they nursed her back to some recognizable shadow of what she had been two months before.
In this whirling, wicked, wondrous thing there was no orderly and recognizable succession of phenomena, such as wind and lightning and rain.
A revolution of the earth, denoted by the mean solar passage at the Prime or Anti-prime Meridian, will be recognizable by the whole world as a period of time common to all.
The Cosmic day set forth in the recommendations would be the date for the world recognizableby all nations.