The blood of the fetus and the blood of the mother do not mix; the bloodvessels are separated by thin walls, and it is through these thin walls that the fetal blood receives the ingredients it needs from the mother's blood.
The blood from the placenta also furnishes the fetal blood with oxygen, so that the fetus breathes by the aid of the placenta, and not through its own lungs.
Saenger also discovered that in pernicious leucemia the leucocytes of the mother are not present in the fetal circulation.
If she is evidently in articulo mortis and the fetal heart can be heard, her cervix should be forcibly dilated, the child turned, and delivered for baptism.
Some terata, as the Acephalia, have no brain or spinal cord, but they die in the fetal stage.
The allantois becomes a part of the fetal umbilical cord after the formation of the placenta.
If there is any serious obstacle at all to delivery in the parturient canal or in the fetal position, or the like, pituitrin is likely to cause rupture of the uterus and asphyxiation of the child.
When the child is viable a cesarean section is by far the best method for the child, as it lowers the fetal mortality from 61 to about 5 per cent.
The communication between the fetal and the maternal blood systems is as indirect as that between the air in a man's lungs and his blood.
Many women, again, are under the error that there is no moral evil in getting rid of the ovum before quickening, and they think quickening occurs only when they feel the fetal movements.
The communication between mother and fetus is by osmosis, but certain toxins, drugs, and bacteria may also pass from the maternal to the fetal circulation through the placenta.
The child now has reached the fetal stage, and its living body is made up of myriads of cells all derived from the original fertilized ovum.
When labor has begun, if the fetal head cannot be pushed into the true pelvis of a primipara, especially after anesthesia, the necessity for cesarean delivery may be clearly evident.
In Germany a patient of Krafft-Ebing had worked out the same idea, connecting inversion with fetal bisexuality (eighth edition Psychopathia Sexualis, p.
Toward the end of the pregnant period, the attachments between the fetal and maternal placentulae undergo a fatty degeneration and finally separate.
Give the causes of retention of the fetal membranes; state the method of removing them.
In case the animal does not pass the fetal membranes, they should be completely removed.
The disease-producing germs are present in the body of the foetus, the fetal membranes, the discharge from the maternal passages, the faeces and milk of aborting animals.
The first milk of the mother is a natural laxative and aids in ridding the intestine of the young of such waste material (meconium) as collects during fetal life.
It is advisable in most cases to flush out the womb with a one per cent water solution of liquor cresolis compound after the removal of the fetal envelopes.
Under the conditions mentioned retention of the fetal membranes is common.
This permits a change of material between the fetal and maternal circulation.
In the mare the retention of the fetal envelopes or "afterbirth" is commonly due to the muscles of the womb not contracting properly following birth.
The treatment consists in removing the fetal envelopes before there is any opportunity for them to undergo decomposition.
Retention of the fetal membranes is a very common cause of leucorrhoea.
The fetal and maternal placentas are made up of vascular villi and depressions that are separated only by the thin walls of capillaries, and a layer of epithelial cells.
Abortion, especially the infectious form, is commonly complicated by a retention of the fetal membranes.
This results in a separation between the fetal and maternal placenta.
A slight falling of the flanks, swelling of the lips of the vulva and a retention of the fetal membranes, or discharge from the vulva may be the only symptoms noted at the time abortion occurs.
A mother-to-be also started out at her own birth with a vitally important stock of nutritional reserves, reserves put there during her own fetal development.
Gillilam a mentions a case that shows the deleterious influence of even the weight of a fetal limb resting on a cord or band.
Brodie speaks of a case in which fetal remains were taken from the abdomen of a girl of two and one-half years.
There are many narratives of the long continuation of fetal movements, and during recent years, in the Southern States, there was quite a prevalence of this kind of imposters.
Wilson called Chatard in consultation, and from the fetal heart-sounds and other symptoms they decided that there was another pregnancy wholly extrauterine.
On looking into the abdomen he perceived a black object, whereupon he introduced his hand and extracted piecemeal an entire fetal skeleton and some decomposed animal-matter.
When we consider the passage of a fetal head through the vagina the ordinary foreign bodies, none of which ever approximate this size, seem quite reasonable.
His diagnosis proved correct, and brought him resounding praise, and all wondered as to his reasons for expecting a fetal tumor.
After ten days there was a large fluctuating mass on the right side; the abdomen was opened and the mass enucleated; it was found to contain a fetal mass weighing nearly five pounds, and in addition ten pounds of fluid were removed.
In poisoning by lead and copper the accumulation of the poison in the fetal tissues is greater than in the maternal, perhaps from differences in assimilation and disassimilation or from greater diffusion.
The frequent presence of poisons in the fetal skin demonstrates its physiologic importance.
Another speaker criticised this fetal dislocation and believed it to be due to an inversion--a development in the wrong direction--by which the tooth had grown upward into the nose.
The positive signs are: feeling the various parts of the fetus, active movements of the fetus, and hearing the fetal heart sounds.
The sensation experienced by the mother as the result of active fetal movements in the womb.
Quickening is the sensation experienced by the mother as the result of the active fetal movements of the child in the womb.
When felt or seen by the physician, as can be done in the sixth month, fetal movements constitute a positive sign of pregnancy.
It is impossible to determine the sex of the embryo before the tenth week of fetal life.
Alexander Harvey, of Aberdeen, has adopted the theory of fetal inoculation.
We know how fetal limbs are amputated through the formation of amniotic bands, but that maternal impressions should influence the formation of these bands is of itself ridiculously absurd.
So also in the fetal teeth, the part corresponding to the future root presents itself like coagulated mucus.
As different anatomists of the sixteenth century had already done, he examined many fetal jaws in order to study in them the formation of the teeth.
In fetaljaws one finds, besides the germs of the deciduous teeth, also those of the permanent ones.
And there she was disappearing behind shelves of canisters containing fetal abnormalities and bloated testicles as though sickened by it all and yet returning to him from the toilet nonetheless with a ring braided in strands of her hair.
He slid down the bathroom wall into a fetalposition on the floor as he was obviously imploding.
One of the membranous intervals between the incompleted angles of the parietal and neighboring bones of a fetal or young skull; -- so called because it exhibits a rhythmical pulsation.
Blood formative; -- applied to a substance in earlyfetal life, which breaks up gradually into blood vessels.
The womb may be drawn out, but not until all the liquid has flowed out, and the fetal membranes must be separated from the natural cotyledons, one by one, and the membranes removed.
Further examination will disclose the fetal sac attached in some part of the abdominal cavity and containing the more or less perfectly developed body of a calf.
One can easily understand how inflammations and other causes of disturbed circulation in the womb, fetal membranes, or fetus would cause similar distortions and variations in the growing fetus.
In case of rupture before calving, that act should be completed as rapidly and carefully as possible, the fetal membranes removed, and the contraction of the womb sought by dashing cold water on the loins, the right flank, or the vulva.
Fetal calf with a portion of the wall of the abdominal cavity of the right side and the stomach and intestines removed to illustrate the nature of the umbilical or navel cord.
Still another sign is the beating of the fetal heart, which may be heard in the latter half of pregnancy when the ear is pressed on the flank in front of the right stifle or from that downward to the udder.
In early fetallife the winding of the navel string around a limb may cause the latter to be slowly cut off by absorption under the constricting cord.
In such cases the calf dies, and its soft parts are gradually liquefied and absorbed, while its bones remain for years in the womb inclosed in the remains of the fetal membranes.
On the outer surface of this membrane are found the fetal placentulæ, or cotyledons, which, through their attachment to the maternal cotyledons, furnish the fetus with the means of sustaining life.
In earlyfetal life the place of bone is supplied by temporary cartilage, which gradually changes to bone.
The ovaries may persist in their fetal state, or their growth may be arrested at any time before the expected period of puberty.
Pulsation of the fetal heart, when heard, is no longer presumptive but absolutely positive evidence that pregnancy exists.
In some of the States the laws are stringent and conform with the physiological facts of fetal life, but, like most of our “good laws,” they are.
An instrument for cutting into the fetal head, to facilitate delivery.
The operation of opening the fetal head, in order to effect delivery.
Such twins are monochorial; that is, they grow inside the same fetal membrane, whereas each ordinary twin has its own fetal membrane and has obviously originated from a separate ovum.
In it the maternal and fetal blood, although not intermingling, are brought into such close proximity that an interchange of dissolved substances is possible.
As soon as this connection is complete and fetal circulation is established this "morning sickness" disappears.
The nausea and vomiting so often a part of early pregnancy is not believed to be the result of a disordered stomach but primarily a mild form of poisoning resulting from the incomplete establishment of the fetal circulation.
The need of its employment in behalf of the child may be determined by careful observation of the fetal heart-sounds, which are heard over the mother's abdomen, and by means of which one may learn the condition of the child.
Since the time of conception determines the beginning of embryonic development, to prove that the act was committed before fetal movements were perceived is no longer a valid defense.
Under these circumstances, obviously, the date of confinement cannot be estimated in the ordinary way, and it is then especially important to know the first day on which the fetal movements were felt.
In order to pass through their walls, material must be in solution; solid bodies, therefore, are denied admission to the fetal circulation.
Ability to hear the fetal heart not only provides a means of confirming the existence of pregnancy in doubtful cases, but also enables the physician to reassure his patient if she fails temporarily to feel the child move.
In every pregnancy the placenta serves in this way as an organ of nutrition, arranging for the passage of food from the mother's blood to the fetal circulation.
The raw maternal surface was formerly attached to the inside of the uterus; the fetal surface, covered by the amniotic membrane, was in contact with the amniotic fluid.
If an infant is born with the buttocks first, the head does not linger in the birth-canal, a fact which in such cases explains the pleasing shape of the skull, which emerges with the contour determined by fetal growth.
It must be noticed, moreover, that the maternal blood not only brings to the surface of the villi everything the child needs, but it also takes away the waste products of fetal life.
Attempts have been made to cut down the amount of minerals in the food for the purpose of softening the fetal skeleton.
It is plain that we have now in our hands the fetal sac, the development of which we have already traced from the beginning.
During embryonic and fetal development the child will tend to unfold in all departments of its nature according to the pattern received from its ancestors, but this may be more or less influenced by maternal impressions.
In fact, the fetal blood never comes in direct contact with that of the mother, or vice versa.
The contents of thefetal intestine; hence, first excrement.
It is largest in fetal and early life, and disappears or becomes rudimentary in the adult.
It is composed of several fetal bones which become united the adult.
A forceps with a measuring attachment for ascertaining the size of the fetal head.
Of or pertaining to both the squamosal and zygomatic bones; -- applied to a bone, or a center of ossification, in some fetal skulls.
A tumor of fleshy consistence; -- formerly applied to many varieties of tumor, now restricted to a variety of malignant growth made up of cells resembling those of fetal development without any proper intercellular substance.
Let him lie on his right side, for this favors the complete closure of the fetal heart valve, the foramen ovale.
This sign, together with the noting of the fetal heartbeat at the seventh month, constitute the positive signs of pregnancy.
That the method requires more care in its administration than can be expected outside of the hospital in order to avoid the dangers of fetal asphyxiation--which danger has led not a few obstetricians to abandon it.
Before the baby is born the fetal pulse is about 150.
Chief of the later signs of pregnancy are "quickening" or fetal movements.