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Example sentences for "prepuce"

Lexicographically close words:
preposterous; preposterously; preposterousness; prepotency; prepotent; preputial; prerequisite; prerequisites; prerogatiue; prerogative
  1. By this time there is little left of the organ, and, as a rule, the party is unable to tell where the disease originated, whether in the prepuce or glans, to them the swollen prepuce seeming to be the whole organ.

  2. The loose, pendulous prepuce, or even the prepuce in the evolutionary stage of disappearance, that only loosely covers one-half of the glans, is as dangerous as his long and constricted counterpart.

  3. He records a number of cases where the prepuce alone was affected when first seen, but none wherein the glans was attacked and where the prepuce was exempt, giving ample evidence of the original starting-point of the disease.

  4. On examination at the operation, a firmly adherent prepuce and a large roll of caseous matter was found just back of the corona.

  5. This man had only been merely inconvenienced by his prepuce up to the time that it caused his death.

  6. On examination the prepuce was found to be completely absent.

  7. Remondino,[70] of Los Angeles, California, has seen a large number of cases of absence of the prepuce which proved to be hereditary.

  8. With a silk handkerchief, the exposed part should be grasped by the left hand; and while every means is employed to push the gland back, the fingers of the right hand ought to be used, to draw the prepuce over it.

  9. The prepuce sometimes is not to be withdrawn, and the struggles of the animal are excessive when its retraction is attempted.

  10. The lining membrane of the prepuce in these animals cannot be readily laid bare, and that part is always the most seriously attacked.

  11. If the animal be a male, the prepuce is first pressed and then withdrawn, to perceive if any discharge be present, or if the lining membrane be inflamed or ulcerated.

  12. The two crura of the prepuce terminate in their upper and anterior extremities; they are of a florid colour, and in their natural state they are contiguous to, and cover the orifice of the urethra.

  13. On the dorsum of the clitoris several large vessels and nerves take their course, and are distributed upon the glans, and upon its prepuce are situated a number of mucus and sebaceous follicles.

  14. One offered one's prepuce to Isis, probably as one presented everywhere the first fruits of the earth.

  15. It is not circumcision that makes the phallus sacred--it is sacred in itself, and all procedures of savage veneration for the prepuce assume its inherent potency.

  16. It is quite conceivable that early observation led him to regard the prepuce as a hindrance.

  17. Somewhat more to the point is Crawley's view that the object of the removal of the prepuce is to get rid of the dangerous emanation from the physical secretion therewith connected.

  18. The prepuce is sometimes treated as an amulet or in general as a magically powerful or sacred thing; but many other parts of the body (hair, finger nails, etc.

  19. We have the odoriferous glands of sebaceous origin, and with them the prepuce of the clitoris which has been described as a kind of gigantic sebaceous follicle with the clitoris occupying its interior.

  20. At the age of about 37, he himself slit the prepuce by three or four cuts of a scissors at intervals of about ten days.

  21. As Liétaud long since pointed out, it cannot rise freely in erection as the penis can; it is apparently bound down by its prepuce and its frenulum.

  22. It was during this summer also that I frightened myself by pulling back my prepuce far enough to disclose the purple glans, which I had never seen before.

  23. When I turned over on my side with my back to him he drew my prepuce back and forth until I experienced orgasm, but not ejaculation.

  24. I either pumped my organ by slipping the prepuce back and forth, or I grasped the organ at its root and violently jerked it back and forth.

  25. A director being introduced within the prepuce, a narrow-bladed knife is guided along it, and pushed through the prepuce from within, and then made to divide skin and mucous membrane from within outwards.

  26. The angles will in time round off, and a wonderfully seemly prepuce be obtained.

  27. When the prepuce is narrowed at its orifice without being redundant in length, a milder operation will prove sufficient.

  28. This operation may be done as a method of cure for obstinate enuresis in cases in which the prepuce is very long and redundant, even when it is not too tight.

  29. At the orifice of the prepuce the primary lesion assumes the form of multiple linear ulcers or fissures, and as each of these is attended with infiltration, the prepuce cannot be pulled back--a condition known as syphilitic phimosis.

  30. In the female, the cauliflower-like masses are dissected from the labia; in the male, the prepuce is removed and the warts on the glans are snipped off with scissors.

  31. Venereal warts occur on the genitals of either sex, and may form large cauliflower-like masses on the inner surface of the prepuce or of the labia majora.

  32. On the external aspect of the prepuce or on the skin of the penis itself.

  33. As under these conditions it is impossible for the patient to keep the parts clean, septic infection becomes a prominent feature, the prepuce is Å“dematous and inflamed, and there is an abundant discharge of pus from its orifice.

  34. The discharge is then foul and blood-stained, and the prepuce becomes of a dusky red or purple colour, and may finally slough, exposing the glans.

  35. In concealed chancres with phimosis, the sac of the prepuce should be slit up along the dorsum to admit of the ointment being applied.

  36. Concealed chancre is the term applied when one or more chancres are situated within the sac of a prepuce which cannot be retracted.

  37. If phagedæna occurs, the prepuce must be slit open along the dorsum, or if sloughing, cut away, and the patient should have frequent sitz baths of weak sublimate lotion.

  38. The sore is then covered with a piece of gauze kept in position by drawing the prepuce over it, or by a few turns of a narrow bandage.

  39. It is especially in elderly patients with a tight prepuce that the induration of syphilis is liable to be mistaken for that associated with epithelioma.

  40. In difficult cases the prepuce must be slit open.

  41. This is tied tightly over the foreskin so as to exclude about an inch and a half of the prepuce above and three quarters below.

  42. They use a stick as a probe passed round between glans and prepuce to ascertain the extent of the frenum and that there is no abnormal adhesion.

  43. There is a larger number of others, however, in which the redundant prepuce is neither adherent nor constricted and is only slightly longer than it should be.

  44. As is usually the case in these instances, I found that the prepuce was very tight indeed, having scarcely more than a pinhole opening in it.

  45. Much has been said in recent years about the influence of a long prepuce in the male in producing various reflexes the effects of which may be seen in serious disturbance of even distant organs.

  46. The glans is covered and the prepuce is lined by mucous membrane.

  47. It has been explained above that secretions frequently accumulate under the prepuce and accumulating there serve as a local irritation, causing itching of the organ.

  48. The removal of the prepuce in young children is an exceedingly simple operation and not by any means difficult or dangerous in the adult.

  49. If the prepuce is removed the organ will need no especial care, as contact with the clothing will remove the secretions as they appear.

  50. Beneath the prepuce cheesy secretions from the glands back of the head of the penis collect, and if the organ is not frequently cleansed these accumulated secretions may serve as an irritant.

  51. The normal prepuce of the adolescent male should be free from the glans and should be sufficiently loose easily to retract back of the glans, a position it is likely to take in erection.

  52. I felt theirs, but again to my mortification, the tightness of my prepuce caused jeering at me; I was glad to hear that there was another boy at the school in the same predicament, though I never saw his.

  53. At that time when my prick was stiff, I used to pull the prepuce back, so as to loosen it.

  54. My prepuce used to give me then at times pain just before, or when I spent in Charlotte; in Mary I scarcely seemed to feel it, and afterwards a quiet sort of grinding of her cunt, prolonged my pleasure until my penis left it.

  55. Soon after they came to see me, we all went into the garden, each pulled my prepuce back, I theirs, and then we all frigged ourselves in an out-house.

  56. Up she got, off I went to my room, and found my prepuce torn at the top, raw and all but bleeding.

  57. They both had bigger pricks than mine, and never had jeered at me because I could not retract my prepuce easily.

  58. We now frequently examined our pricks, and Fred jeered me so about my prepuce being tight, that I resolved that no other boy should see it; and though I did not keep strictly to that intention, it left a deep-seated mortification on me.

  59. In some boys the prepuce is quite long and tight.

  60. Underneath the folds of the prepuce are hundreds of little glands that secrete a substance that should be removed daily with water, or a wet rag.

  61. In many cases doctors are able to break up the adhesions and dilate the prepuce as a substitute for circumcision.

  62. When the prepuce is not passed back every few days and the secretion removed, an adhesion takes place between the prepuce and the head of the penis.

  63. Where the prepuce passes back naturally in babyhood, the mother should occasionally take a damp cloth and remove the secretion.

  64. This act consists in cutting off that portion of the prepuce that extends beyond the head of the penis.

  65. In this way they dilate the prepuce and break up the adhesions.

  66. It would be well for the father to inquire of his son, if he has any irritation or soreness in his sexual organs, if the prepuce is capable of passing back and if the frenulum is too short.

  67. When the prepuce of a boy will not glide back, becomes red, sore and swollen, he should ask his father to have a doctor treat him.

  68. Is there some method of dilating the prepuce and thus avoiding the necessity for circumcision?

  69. At the end of this organ is a sheath of loose skin, called the prepuce or foreskin.

  70. If the prepuce passes back freely and there is no irritation or soreness, I would not advise circumcision.

  71. A large number of boys labor for years, from the age of six to twelve trying to pass the prepuce back.

  72. When the prepuce will not glide back over the head of the penis, it cannot be kept clean.

  73. At about this date I was circumcised on account of the prepuce being too long.

  74. The testicles are well developed, the penis perhaps rather below the average in size, and the prepuce long and narrow.

  75. This anomaly, called phimosis, does not exist among the Jews owing to circumcision, or the removal of the prepuce in the newly born, which forms part of their religious rites.

  76. The prepuce is often too narrow so that it cannot be withdrawn behind the glans.

  77. Phimosis, or narrowness of the opening of the prepuce is nearly always of embryonic origin.

  78. Tenderness of the glands and prepuce often exists, in a greater or less degree, for years; in such circumstances the affection may be termed gleet of the prepuce, and is usually the consequence of irritable urethra.

  79. Often there is a mere vestige of the orifice of the urethra in the natural situation, the opening being situated half an inch or a whole inch behind, and on the lower part—Hypospadias; in such cases the prepuce is generally short.

  80. After reduction, a minute notch in the extreme edge of the prepuce is the only deformity visible, except the swelling.

  81. When swelling of the prepuce or inflammation of the lymphatics is threatened, constant rest must be enjoined.

  82. The stricture is not situated anteriorly to the swelling, as has been sometimes supposed, but near its middle—where the tight orifice of the prepuce grasps the penis, and causes a depression in the swelling.

  83. The glans and lining membrane of the prepuce swell anteriorly to the stricture, the integuments of the penis swell behind, and the stricture is depressed and concealed between.

  84. The preferable situation for incision is close by the side of the frænum, much less deformity ensuing than when the prepuce is divided either laterally or in front.

  85. Sometimes it destroys the prepuce and glans in a few days, or again, when chronic, it spreads deceitfully, healing at one part and destroying at another.

  86. But he was afflicted with congenital phimosis, the prepuce being so tight that retraction was impossible.

  87. The constant contact of the prepuce with the most sensitive part of the organ increases its sensibility.

  88. Emmet Holt, the eminent pediatrician, about one male baby in four or five is born with an elongated or tight prepuce that needs surgical attention.

  89. The act of cutting off the prepuce or foreskin of males, or the internal labia of females.

  90. To cut off the prepuce of foreskin of, in the case of males, and the internal labia of, in the case of females.

  91. The prepuce is a fold of the internal membrane of the verge of the anus, as in the bird; and the penis, when retracted, is entirely concealed.

  92. Externally there is no appearance of the organs of generation in either sex; the orifice of the anus being a common opening to the rectum and prepuce in the male, and to the rectum and vagina in the female.

  93. The longitudinal wound thus made, becomes transverse, as soon as the prepuce is drawn behind the glans penis, and cicatrizes in a line scarcely visible; so that the prepuce acquires in breadth what it loses in length.

  94. Plate 57, represents the prepuce in a state of congenital phymosis.

  95. In this figure is shown a condition of the glans and prepuce resembling that last mentioned, and the effect of a similar cause.

  96. In this figure is represented the form of the penis of an adult, in whom the prepuce was removed by circumcision at an early age.

  97. By the removal of the prepuce when in the position here represented, or in that of Fig.

  98. Plate 57, shows a form of phymosis in which the prepuce during inflammation has become adherent to the whole surface of the glans.

  99. As the prepuce in such a state becomes devoid of its proper function, and hence must be regarded, not only as a mere superfluity, but as a cause of impediment to the generative function of the whole organ, it should be removed by an operation.

  100. The orifice of the prepuce being directly opposite the meatus, and the parts offering no obstruction to the flow of urine, an operation for separating the prepuce from the glans would not be required.

  101. Plate 57, exhibits the form of a congenital epispadias, in which the urethra is seen to open on the dorsal surface of the prepuce at the median line.

  102. The orifice of the prepuce is contracted, and the tissue of it infiltrated.

  103. The prepuce at the dorsum is in part deficient, and bound to the glans around the abnormal orifice.

  104. The prepuce in this condition being superfluous, and acting as an impediment, should be removed by operation.

  105. Plate 57, represents the prepuce in the condition of paraphymosis following gonorrhoeal inflammation.

  106. Should the latter supposed specific prove alike ineffectual as the former, their last resource is to swallow that part of the prepuce which is cut off in the operation of circumcision; and this they deem a sovereign remedy against sterility.

  107. Littre, in dissecting a negro, in 1702, remarked, that the point of the glands which was not covered with the prepuce was black, and the rest perfectly white.

  108. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prepuce" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.