In a mild case, uncomplicated by septic infection, these symptoms rapidly subside, and resolution occurs.
Although in some cases it is so small as to go undetected, we may take it that in all cases of coronitis there is a wound, with consequent danger of septic infection of the surrounding parts.
Always, however, the presence of septic infection must be suspected and looked for.
It lays the orbit open to the possibility of septic infection.
Anterior synechiæ rarely require division unless they are likely to cause tension or the adherent iris is considered a source of danger to the eye on account of its liability to septic infection.
Bateman describes the death of one of the twins and its excision from the other, who died subsequently, evidently of septic infection.
The head of the fetus could be felt through the abdomen; an incision was made through the parietes; a fully developed female child was delivered, but, unfortunately, the mother died of septic infection.
As under these conditions it is impossible for the patient to keep the parts clean, septic infection becomes a prominent feature, the prepuce is œdematous and inflamed, and there is an abundant discharge of pus from its orifice.
An attack of secondary hæmorrhage a few days later, combined with the degree of septic infection, ended the man's life.
Salpingitis (inflammation of the oviducts) is nearly always secondary to septic infection of the genital tract.
Rawitsch and many others prove that septic infection is not dependent on the existence of bacteria.
An infective process probably, similar in nature to septic infection, but differing from it by giving rise to local inflammation and suppurations, often complicated by thrombosis and embolism, probably due to the blood condition.
In post-mortem examinations of fresh subjects the serous fluids, withdrawn under proper precautions, do not contain round bacteria except in cases of septic infection.
In septic infection, or septicemia, only a small number of organisms may get into the blood, but they multiply rapidly.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "septic infection" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.