Nor was the resolve to abolish the awkward and indefensible system of a dual premiership less open to question.
Macdonald, and the story of his premiership was practically the political history of Canada for that period.
In July, 1920, after nine years of power laden with some of the heaviest responsibilities ever imposed upon a Canadian statesman, Sir Robert Borden was compelled to resign the premiership through ill health.
On the 23rd May the President, relying on the general support of the nation, summarily dismissed General Tuan Chi-jui from the Premiership and appointed the veteran diplomat Dr.
Smuts was hanging on to the Premiership by his teeth.
We can now return to Smuts and find out just how he achieved the miracle by which he not only retained the Premiership but spiked the guns of the opposition.
When Botha died in 1919 Smuts not only assumed the Premiership of the Union but he also inherited the bitter enmity that General J.
On the other hand, so far as concerned the ultimate fortunes of the Liberal party, Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman's premiership can only be regarded as a period of marking time.
Transvaal, and Rhodes's complicity in this movement compelled him to resign the premiership of Cape Colony in January 1896, the vacant post being taken by Sir Gordon Sprigg.
The creation of a supreme court engaged the attention of Sir John Macdonald in the early years after federation, but was only finally accomplished in 1876, during the premiership of Alexander Mackenzie.
The election of 1878 marked the beginning of a long period of Conservative rule--the premiership of Sir J.
Throughout the political transactions of his premiership his grace showed much passion, and a tyranny to his colleagues in office more suitable to the barrack-room than the cabinet.
In the fourth month of his premiership he died at his post, leaving to posterity a great name, and an eternal reproach against his unprincipled persecutors.
My brother's knowledge of the secret history of the Liberal party in the memorable days when Mr. Gladstone was fighting his historic battle for Home Rule, and during the subsequent Premiership of Lord Rosebery, was exceptional.
Duclerc resigned the premiership in January 1883 to his minister of the Interior, M.
He had retained Jules Ferry at the ministry of Education, but unwilling to adopt all his anti-clerical policy, he resigned the premiership in September 1880.
It was during his third premiership that this peace, so long deferred, was at last gained, mainly through the influence and skill of Sir Donald M'Lean, native minister in the Fox cabinet.
Charles Dupuy thus became prime minister for the third time with a cabinet of the old concentration pattern, and for the third time in less than five years under his premiership the Presidency of the Republic became vacant.
The premiership of Jules Simon came to an end with the abortive coup d'etat of 1877, commonly called from its date the Seize Mai.
Loubet resigned the premiership in December 1892 to M.
He was succeeded by a coalition of all the Whig factions, under the nominal premiership of Lord Wilmington, the greatest nonentity in the whole cabinet.
The British Government cashiered the officers concerned in the plot, but did nothing to Rhodes, though he soon lost his premiership at the Cape.
Arthur Balfour had resigned the premiership in the previous week, and Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman had succeeded him.
He had survived just ten years the crowning disappointment of his life, his passing-over for the premiership on the final resignation of Gladstone.
Towards the end of Lord Beaconsfield's second Premiership a younger politician asked the Premier to dinner.
For ten years he had been uninterruptedly Premier of Quebec with a moral guarantee that he could occupy the Premiership by an overwhelming majority until he should be gathered to his fathers.
There is really nothing else left for an ambition like this except the Premiership of Great Britain.
Just previous to the coronation, in July, 1902, Lord Salisbury had resigned the premiership and had been succeeded by his nephew, A.
There may have been something accidental in his rise to leadership, but his capture of the premiership was a solid political achievement.
They had ejected the most eminent living French-Canadian from the premiership to the very evident injury of Quebec's influence in Confederation--that about represented the sum of their achievements.
The wheel of fortune spinning from the hands of fate had thrown into the high office of the premiership one about whose qualifications there was doubt even in the secret minds of many of his supporters.
Sir John was a faithful son of the church, with an immense influence with the clerical authorities; he was succeeded in the premiership by Sir Mackenzie Bowell, ex-grand master of the Orange Order.
Palmer, had been translated to the Presidency of the Legislative Council, and the Premiership was assumed by Mr. T.
But at the close of the first session Sir Thomas retired from the Premiership with a view to visiting England on business.
Batthyanyi, terrified at this act, resigned his premiership and fled to Vienna; and the Diet of Hungary passed a resolution condemning the murder.
On the refusal of Rosmini, the Premiership was given to Muzzarelli.
During eighty years, from the premiership of Walpole to that of Liverpool, he acted as messenger in the Royal printing office, London.
He was of humble origin, but rose to the premiership by his great talents, and sustained himself against a powerful opposition.
The duke of Newcastle on resigning hispremiership in the British ministry being offered a pension declined, saying, "if he could no longer serve he could not burden his country.
Only rarely has the premiershipdevolved upon a senator.
Footnote 90: Lord Salisbury at this point retired from the Foreign Office, which was assigned to Lord Lansdowne, and assumed in conjunction with the premiership the less exacting post of Lord Privy Seal.
Since the middle of the eighteenth century the tenure of the premiership has been divided approximately equally between peers and commoners, but the apportionment of cabinet seats between the two houses has been extremely variable.
Upon the resignation of Knudsen the premiership was offered to Michelsen, whose health, however, precluded his accepting it.
For the time the Earl of Rosebery, who had been foreign secretary, assumed the premiership and there was no break in the Government's policy.
The first was the establishment, under the premiershipof the Liberal (p.
In August of the same year Estrup was succeeded in the premiership by Reedtz-Thott who, although a Conservative, and hence a supporter of the Government's position, was more favorable to conciliation than had been his predecessor.
In 1901 a coalition ministry was created, under the premiership of the Conservative Dr.
In the days of his premiershiphe rose each morning before eight o’clock, and after breakfast his private secretary would go to his library and the morning’s mail would be opened.
In the late years of his premiership Sir Wilfrid avoided the night sessions whenever possible.
During the fifteen years of his Premiership Sir Wilfrid Laurier, with the exception of his Imperial Conference trips and his western tour of 1910, and during election campaigns, was scarcely ever away from his post at the Capital.