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Example sentences for "devolved"

Lexicographically close words:
devoir; devoirs; devoit; devolution; devolve; devolves; devolving; devos; devote; devoted
  1. In the meantime it devolved on sir William Johnston, who happily prosecuted the plan of his predecessor with all the success that could have been desired.

  2. At his death, which happened on the first day of September, the regency of the kingdom devolved to the duke of Orleans, who adopted a new system of politics, and had already entered into engagements with the king of Great Britain.

  3. His son and daughter being both infants, the administration of the government devolved upon the princess, as governanté during her son's minority; and as such she succeeded to all the power which her husband had enjoyed.

  4. Henrietta, the young duchess of Marlborough, dying about this time, the title devolved to her sister's son, the earl of Sunderland.

  5. The Earl of Hereford (who was High Constable), and the Earl Marshal gave as their excuse that they would willingly perform the duties which devolved on them by hereditary right, by accompanying the King in person.

  6. The Master, whom he served so long and so faithfully, having released him from the work he loved so well, and from the suffering he so patiently endured, the final revision has devolved upon me.

  7. A few days after, he died of cholera, and the command devolved on Gen.

  8. How strange was it, too, that it should have devolved upon me to pay him these last rites.

  9. It devolved on Richard to make the first tilt at the ring.

  10. Thus the whole power devolved upon the bishops, the slaves and sycophants of the Crown.

  11. Some of the lawyers endeavoured to persuade the house that the revenue having been granted to James for his life, devolved to William during the natural life of the former; a technical subtlety against the spirit of the grant.

  12. On him devolved the duty of making the closing argument.

  13. Immense labor devolved upon him during this difficult and protracted trial, and for eight weeks his arduous duties allowed him but brief intervals of rest.

  14. I trust in God the day will never come when a judge, or a jury, will be influenced in the discharge of the most solemn duty that can possibly be devolved upon human beings by political or religious considerations.

  15. The last paragraph quoted is directed to some of the many artful appeals made to the political prejudices or to the feelings of the jury to swerve them from the duty devolved upon them by their oath.

  16. The expense of preparing the army for the field seems not to have become considerable in any nation, till long after that of maintaining it in the field had devolved entirely upon the sovereign or commonwealth.

  17. Alderte being gone to Europe, and Aguirre absent on his expedition into the distant province of Cujo, the command devolved on Villagran.

  18. According to the royal decree for establishing the court of audience, the government of Chili now devolved upon Don Luis Merlo de la Fuente, the eldest oydor or judge.

  19. How far the merits of this work may be perceived becomes not me to judge; I only know and feel that on me has devolved the endearing task of publishing the writings of my lamented child--that I am fulfilling the desire of her life.

  20. But it was the next morning ere he had the opportunity of doing so, for much devolved on the young seneschal.

  21. Wright, the duties of presiding officer devolved upon her.

  22. As provided in the amendment itself, it devolved upon Congress "to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

  23. It devolved upon Mr. Trumbull, the author of the bill, to answer the objections of the President.

  24. The Thirty-ninth Congress assembled, realizing that it devolved upon them to define the extent of the rights, privileges, and duties of the freedmen.

  25. Since the duty devolved upon it of taking testimony in regard to the impeachment of the President, this committee attracted public attention to a degree never known before.

  26. Annum devolved on them, such Knights were to be discharged the College, and they were to proceed to a new Election.

  27. Knights begirt with the Military Girdle, a Custom devolved to the Germans and Gauls from ancient Times, and from them to After-Ages.

  28. The most indispensable task which devolved on Sennacherib at his accession was the keeping of Babylon in subjection.

  29. As these, on whom devolved the protection of the eastern border against the Babylonians, had been left behind, the Egyptian warriors thought that the Pharaoh had purposely sent them to their destruction.

  30. He would have succumbed under the countless and burdensome labours which devolved on him had he not constantly aroused himself anew by the exercise of a sort of violence.

  31. It was in this spirit that Mrs. Washington took up the additional duties devolved upon her by the sudden death of her husband.

  32. Although the youngest of the executors, in consequence of his more thorough knowledge of his brother's affairs, the responsible management of his extensive estates devolved upon him.

  33. This arduous task devolved on citizens selected by the people, from a knowledge of their wisdom and confidence in their virtue.

  34. That great care and responsibility must have devolved upon Mrs. Washington, appears from Irving's description of a Virginia estate.

  35. The conduct of the national business soon devolved entirely upon the Crown Prince, the age and infirmities of the King not permitting him to conduct them any longer.

  36. It devolved upon the subject of this writing to come forth at a time which has no parallel in all the ages of the past.

  37. She was ever disposed to do good and to meet every obligation that devolved upon her.

  38. For the last three weeks Mr. Aubrey had addressed himself with calmness and energy to the painful duties which had devolved upon him, of setting his house in order.

  39. The third and last degree came next, in which the inheritance devolved on the gentiles, that is on the collective members of the dead man's gens or House.

  40. On his death without heirs most of his titles became extinct, but the Barony of Walpole devolved on his cousin Horatio.

  41. He married a daughter of Sir Edward Walpole but had no son, and at his death the family honours devolved upon his brother John.

  42. The girl spoke scarcely at all, and the onus of appearing entertained devolved upon Kent.

  43. The care and maintenance of the settlement had devolved upon trading companies, and their narrow-minded mercantile selfishness had stifled its progress.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "devolved" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.