It may be stated, generally, that whatever impairs the health or reduces the strength of an individual, even temporarily, or acts depressingly on his nervous system, predisposes him to typhus fever.
A condition of ill-health doubtless predisposes to this as to other invasions of infectious disease, yet men in apparently the most vigorous health have succumbed to the poison.
A child ought never to be permitted to sit with his back to the fire; if he be allowed, it weakens the spine, and thus his whole frame; it causes a rash of blood to the head and face, and predisposes him to catch cold.
The use of calomel predisposes to cold, and thus frequently brings on either inflammation or consumption.
The chronic inflammatory enlargement of the uterus predisposes the organ to posterior displacement, and the displacement favors the development of flexion.
Exercise in the open air is so essential in strengthening the nervous and muscular systems that where this is neglected it predisposes to womb disease.
This so weakens the pelvic floor that it becomes inadequate to support the pelvic organs and tissues, and this predisposes to all the varieties of prolapsus that have been enumerated above.
The urine is always more or less altered in character, because the inflamed mucous membranepredisposes the urine to speedy decomposition.
Prolonged nursing causes anæmia, which predisposes the system to catarrhs.
In such cases, the organic state, once set up in response to a certain stimulus, persists after the reaction to that stimulus is finished and predisposes the individual to make the same sort of reaction to other stimuli.
Now, it has long been noticed that there is something in the influences, climatic or other, here prevailing, which predisposes to morbid religious excitement.
Whatever tends to favor an undue accumulation of blood in the hemorrhoidal veins predisposes to piles.
This condition of the blood predisposes to the development of other affections, providing they are in existence, and often it is found associated with Bright's disease, cancer, and lung difficulties.
Great mental excitement predisposes the system to this affection.
Constitutional debility predisposes the system to this eruption.
There is no doubt that education, circumstances, our state of health, predisposes us more or less to the action of these sympathetic powers, for then our feelings are actually more or less morbid.
Any interference with the nerve-supply of the superficial tissues predisposes to ulceration.
Any constitutional condition which predisposes to neuritis, such as gout, diabetes, or syphilis, must receive appropriate treatment.
The toes and feet of old people, the condition of whose circulation predisposesthem to gangrene, should be protected from slight injuries such as may be received while paring nails, cutting corns, or wearing ill-fitting boots.
Thrombosis is liable to occur when calcareous plates are exposed in the lumen of the vessel by destruction of the endothelium, and this predisposes to embolism.
Any interference with the nerve-supply of the skin, whether from injury or disease of the central nervous system or of the peripheral nerves, strongly predisposes to the formation of bed-sores.
One attack predisposes to another, hence the above precautions are necessary to prevent the condition from becoming chronic.
Weakness and constipation alsopredisposes them to Navel or Umbilical Rupture.
Feeding highly nitrogenous food predisposes hogs to this disease; also filth, poorly drained sheds and pens; is especially common in young pigs.
As one attack predisposes the sheep to a second, it should be protected from severe cold, or the other extreme, heat, for a month after making a complete recovery.
Want of exercise predisposes an animal to it and it is caused by woody or indigestible food.
While we have but this instance, there seems no doubt that the same system of persuasion must have been employed for the cure of other mental conditions than that which predisposes to suicide.
It must be remembered that the laxity of tissue which predisposes a patient to weak or flat feet will have a tendency to produce some looseness of fiber, at least, also in the tissues around the knee.
In both of these diseases, but especially in the latter, coughing is an element of the affection that probably predisposesto the implantation of the tubercle bacillus so commonly present in the air of our cities.
It is this that predisposes the patient to the development of the condition which seems to be so acute and yet is really only an exacerbation of a chronic condition.
This predisposes them to exaggerate the significance of their feelings, if it does not actually, on occasion, lower their resistive vitality because of solicitude.
Sometimes we have to overcome a morbid dread of touching themselves even for cleansing purposes which allows the accumulation of irritant material and predisposes to relapse.
Perhaps there is an hereditary lack of resistance in the pulmonary tissues of some people that predisposes them to pneumonia.
It is carried directly to the liver, and there either produces or predisposes to the bad effects upon liver cells which we know as cirrhosis.
We have already suggested that the use of a large amount of proteid materials, especially in people who live a sedentary life, often predisposes to this condition.
Cold weather only predisposes to the infection, and after it has occurred it is sure to run its course.
The bilious temperament predisposes to disorders of the stomach and liver at this epoch; while the union of the nervous with the bilious temperament seems to predispose to mental diseases.
The relaxation of the ligaments or bands which hold the uterus in its place, which takes place during pregnancy and parturition, predisposes to such troubles.
An inquiry still more frequently put to the physician by the husband and by the patient herself after recovery, is, Whether an attack at one confinement predisposes her to a similar attack at a subsequent similar period.
The diarrhœa, if at all severe or prolonged, should not be allowed to go on unchecked, for it quickly weakens the patient and predisposes her to abortion.
It also predisposes a writer to assimilate and to transform any ideas he may meet.
The weakness of the syndicats predisposes the French workingmen to more and more generalized forms of struggle.
The revolutionary spirit predisposes the socialist workingman to a skeptical attitude toward parliamentary action which rests on conciliation and on compromise and is slow in operation.
That even the presence of an auxiliary mechanism {105b} does not compel the unconscious to a particular corresponding mode of instinctive action, but only predisposes it.
Like all liquids taken at meal time, it predisposes to acid indigestion, particularly when it is sweetened.
The infant at the breast is seldom, if ever, the subject of this disorder, whilst an artificial diet, or bringing up by hand, predisposes to it.
The protracted use of unwholesome and innutritious articles of food, or a deficient supply of salt (the most necessary stimulant to the digestive organs), or other condiments, predisposes to worms.
The length of the loins in cattle predisposes these parts to mechanical injury, and in the lean and especially in the thin, working ox the kidney is very liable to suffer.
Want of exercise predisposes to it, or feed which is coarse and indigestible may after a time produce it.
In this connection is should be noted that a great drain of water from the system by any other channel than the kidneys predisposes to the production of gravel or stone.
Again, the concentrated condition of the urine which predisposes to such deposits is favored by the quantity of lime salts that may be present in the water drunk by the animal.
Enchantments, an active life, predisposesto subjection to, iv.
This condition predisposes the boiler to explosion and makes expensive repairs necessary.
General anemia predisposes to it by producing relaxation of muscular fiber.
The temperament of a horse predisposes the animal to inflammation of certain organs.
Even in country practice, punctures of the part should be made with the hot iron, as no other disease so predisposes to septic contamination.
While knuckling is not always an unsoundness, it nevertheless predisposes to stumbling and to fracture of the pastern.
The a priori prejudice does not prevent the erroneous opinion from being sincerely regarded as a legitimate conclusion from experience; though it improperly predisposes the mind to that interpretation of experience.
It not only keeps the human mind within a certain sphere of belief, but it predisposes the mind to adopt one faith rather than another.
That sterilized milk predisposes to tuberculosis, as well as to other diseases which can attack the body only when it is run down, is natural.
Robert Mond, of London, after investigating for years, has come to the conclusion that sterilized milk predisposes to tuberculosis, instead of preventing it.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "predisposes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.