Aschoff and Koch, during the recent war, noted the same peculiarity of involvement, calling attention also to the fact that previous skin diseases such as keratosis or seborrhea seemed to predispose to this localization.
In the lower extremity, for example, any condition which disturbs the static equilibrium of the limb as a whole would appear to predispose to the disease in one or other of the joints.
To avoid those postures which predispose to deformities, the child should lie as much as possible.
Well may it be that such are but the thoughts of a man's dying moments, whispered into his soul by a merciful God to predispose him for the wrench and agony of his passing.
Your attentions flatter her, and predispose her to capitulate.
A slight degree of cold excites wakefulness at first, but if the constitution be strong the effect is to predispose to sleep.
Loss of sleep and severe intellectual exertions invariably produce them, as do also cafe noir and champagne, which, by causing headache and insomnia, strongly predispose him to the hypnagogic hallucinations.
Worry and anxiety, excessive mental work, long hours without proper rest, strain the nervous system and predisposeit to attack.
In some cases they are clearly due to exuberant nutrition, and although they may occasionally predispose to disease, in others they show no evidence of doing so.
One of the most important ways of developing a favorable situation is to predispose enemy soldiers toward the idea of surrendering.
Certain mental diseases, by abnormally stimulating the emotions, predispose strongly to religious fervor.
Dirt, bad provisions, and any form of disease to which sailors, in common with other men, are subject, will predispose to scurvy.
Three forms of constitutional derangement predispose the system to eczema; nutritive, assimilative, and nervous debility.
There are certain indications which predisposethe system to infection, such as robust health, a hot climate, and uncleanliness.
Repeated attacks of quinsy, scarlet fever, diphtheria, or scrofula, and general impairment of the system, predispose the individual to this disease.
Menstrual derangements should never be neglected, for they predispose to affections of the brain, liver, heart, and stomach, induce consumption and frequently end in death.
A scrofulous diathesis, or habit of body, may strongly predispose to the disease, and chronic kidney disease frequently follows acute rheumatism and the practice of masturbation.
They predisposeto a good many infectious diseases of the intestine, and no doubt predispose to cancer.
Briefly, it consists in avoiding such conditions as may predispose the animal to the disease or act in any way as an exciting cause.
The reports of hospitals for lunatics almost universally assign intemperance as one of the causes which predispose a man's offspring to insanity.
Why it is, in the Insecta, that islands[39] shouldpredispose to an apterous state more than continents, it is not easy to speculate.
And this application of hypnotism to post-epileptic states affords us possibly our best chance--I do not say of directly checking epilepsy, but of getting down to the obscure conditions which predispose to each attack.
Everything that tends to throw the mind off its healthy balance will, of course, predispose to suicide.
While temperature plays a part in producing degeneracy in the offspring through its production of systemic disorder in the ancestor, it is usually associated with other factors which aid or predispose to its effects.
The inherited tendencies of childhood predisposeto these attacks.
One attack of laminitis may predispose the animal to a second attack.
The complicated stomach of ruminants predispose them to diseases of this portion of the digestive tract.
Catarrhal diseases predisposeanimals to glanders, as the normal resistance of the mucous membranes is thereby reduced.
Heart and lung diseases also predispose to the formation of varicose veins.
The causes that produce this terrible disorder are not very well understood; some of them probably predispose to it before delivery, or even before pregnancy, while others are connected with labor and its consequences.
A full habit, with tendency to local congestion, seems to predispose a female very much to miscarriage; every one so constituted should carefully avoid luxurious living and an inactive life.
The causes that predispose to this fainting are not very well understood, though there is no doubt but it is mainly dependant upon uterine disturbances.
Occupations that are accompanied with prolonged mental strain, such as now occur to the heads of large manufacturing and financial institutions, also predispose to early arterial changes.
Hard work, worry, and high living all predispose to degenerative changes in the arteries, and so bring on premature old age.