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Example sentences for "biased"

Lexicographically close words:
bhuta; bhuthas; bian; bias; biases; biassed; biaus; biaxial; bibbers
  1. An inquisitor bears testimony--and no testimony could be less biased in their favour--to the moral excellence of the sect.

  2. Lea is also inclined to be biased in favour of all heretics as against their persecutors.

  3. A person thus biased is under suspicion when he praises, but not when he exposes shady sides.

  4. Like all writers who have made a specialty of a subject, he is naturally somewhat biased in favor of it, and this gives still more weight to his words on negative points.

  5. The Journal Receives a Letter Denouncing “Medical Clerks” and “Biased Sceptres” The Journal recently published in this department some inquiries regarding Thomas Webster Edgar, M.

  6. But it is when he charges that these “clerks” govern the healing art “with a sceptre that is biased and steeped in the unadulterated commercialism of a certain medical clique,” that he really shines.

  7. Reconstruction studies will always be valueless as long as they are prosecuted by men of biased minds.

  8. The verdict of the judges was biased by nothing else than habitudes of thinking.

  9. Not warped or biased by prejudice; as, an unprejudiced judgment.

  10. To that extent his was a biased judgment.

  11. Zimmermann stoutly defended actions of both neutrals and enemies that the more biased in Germany had condemned.

  12. Then came the French Alliance, a sacrifice of the great interests, as well as the religion of this country to the biased views of a proud, ancient, crafty and priest-ridden nation.

  13. Trial must be held before a tribunal not biased by interest in the event.

  14. The very first motion of the bell armature performs this unlatching operation after which the bell behaves exactly as an ordinary polarized biased ringer.

  15. One common way to do this is to use biased bells instead of the ordinary polarized bells.

  16. In this the two biased bells are at Station A and Station B, these being bridged to ground in each case and adapted to respond only to positive and negative impulses respectively.

  17. The ratchet wheel is stepped around automatically by each impulse of current from an ordinary pole changer such as is employed in ringing biased bells.

  18. The companion piece to this generator is the so-called biased ringer.

  19. It is obvious that selection may be had between two parties on a single metallic-circuit line without the use of biased bells or current of different polarities.

  20. From the two foregoing two-party line systems it is evident that a four-party line system may be readily obtained, that is, by employing two oppositely polarized biased bells on each side of the metallic circuit.

  21. Symbols C and D are interchangeably used to indicate a biased ringer.

  22. In this system the biased bells are normally disconnected from the line, and, therefore, the leakage path through them from one side of the line to the other does not exist.

  23. It was the oppression of the last years of Domitian's rule that so strongly biased the attitude of Tacitus towards the principate and its founder.

  24. Stripped of picturesque adjectives and reduced to a not superfluously accurate statement of facts resting on easily accepted stories by a strongly biased reporter, his evidence against Bonner and Gardiner is not very damnatory.

  25. This practice, though subject to great delay, would have the advantage of guaranteeing the review of these cases by a competent and properly qualified magistracy rather than by a biased and tyrannical executive.

  26. Is it because in our own concerns we are biased either with joy or grief in too great a degree?

  27. How, impelled by resentment, could I now be biased against her who never has been guilty of any thing toward me, father, that I could not wish, and who has often deserved as well as I could desire?

  28. The above favorable conclusion, seemingly biased and against the current opinion, is further borne out by the other replies as to whether the employee had been capable, sober or temperate, and honest.

  29. A comparison with Mr. Hoffman's words about the two death-rates quoted above and a glance at the curves supply sufficient commentary upon this biased view.

  30. To accept as Grand Jurors men whose names were not on the assessment roll, or men biased or prejudiced against Ruef would, Heney insisted, make the proceedings a farce.

  31. I understand that there is no question as to Abraham Ruef's right to have the indictment set aside if any member of the Grand Jury is biased or prejudiced against him.

  32. Suppose the foreman of the Grand Jury is biased or prejudiced.

  33. Judges in those days were often biased by personal feelings, and in some cases even by bribes.

  34. Your opinion of Voltaire pleases me, as it proves your judgment above being biased by the prejudices of others.

  35. Neither be too much biased by a friend, or any one's advice, in a matter of so great consequence to yourself.

  36. He was well aware that every man's philosophy is biased by his feelings, and is not due to purely rational processes.

  37. James himself never failed to recognize that every man's thought is biased by his temperament as well as guided by purely rational considerations.

  38. With all his conservatism, he was of that stuff out of which the most earnest and biased partisans are made.

  39. Whether she was biased or not we will let her own words decide.

  40. Must seem moral, if only to a biased populace, 33.

  41. Her revelation may have been biased by the fact that she herself was married, but not comfortably.

  42. The release of Te Rauparaha was the signal for a furious outburst of hostile criticism against the Governor, and Colonel Wakefield led the agitation in one of the biased and bitter effusions usual with him where Te Rauparaha was concerned.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "biased" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    across; athwart; bevel; beveled; bias; biased; bigoted; canting; chauvinistic; colored; crosswise; diagonal; doctrinaire; dogmatic; garbled; illiberal; inclined; inclining; interested; intolerant; involved; jaundiced; leaning; listing; lopsided; misquoted; opinionated; parochial; partial; partisan; perverted; pitched; preconceived; prejudiced; prepossessed; recumbent; sidelong; slant; slanted; slanting; sloping; strained; subjective; swayed; thwart; tilting; tipped; tipping; tipsy; tortured; transverse; twisted; warped