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Example sentences for "colts"

Lexicographically close words:
colportage; colporteur; colporteurs; cols; colt; coltsfoot; colubrid; colubrine; colui; columbaria
  1. One of young Nelson's colts in the last ring.

  2. Not used to travel; as, colts that are unwayed.

  3. The hardness of the winters forces the breeders to house and handle their colts six months every year.

  4. Still he did not consider it advisable to inquire, for certain colts of a blooded sire had been missing, and Leland, who had shown signs of temper during the day, looked unusually grim.

  5. Only that we had the rustlers round next day, and I've a kind of notion my colts went then.

  6. You, José, will set fire to the stable; turn out the horses and colts first .

  7. But Iphitus had thither come to seek Twelve mares and twelve mule colts which he had lost, A search that cost him soon a bloody death.

  8. These colts were partially dun-coloured, and were striped on the legs more plainly than the real hybrid, or even than the quagga.

  9. But what makes the case still more striking is that in these colts the hair of the mane resembled that of the quagga, being short, stiff, and upright.

  10. One writer, on the other hand, states that colts are often born without stripes, but that they appear as the colt grows older.

  11. One of the two colts had its neck and some other parts of its body plainly marked with stripes.

  12. Arabian chestnut mare bore a hybrid to a quagga; she was subsequently sent to Sir Gore Ouseley, and produced two colts by a black Arabian horse.

  13. The burros were braying, the calves were bawling, the colts were whistling.

  14. The mustangs and colts in the pastures snorted and ran and kicked and cavorted; and on the hillsides the cows began to climb higher, searching for the tender greens, bawling for the new-born calves.

  15. The hardness of the winters forces the breeders to house and handle their colts six months every year.

  16. My mother was brought up on a Southern plantation; I, in a New York house and a Paris convent--there weren't any colts to ride.

  17. It was a very pretty picture he drew--I wonder if you ever rode the colts bareback?

  18. My father's broke more colts than any man in this county, an' he'd never let 'em be struck a blow.

  19. Jamie had a rare gift for breaking horses, and for several years the only ready money which the little farm had yielded was the price of the colts which Jamie raised and trained so admirably that they sold well.

  20. In height they stood almost sixteen hands, the mares being a trifle smaller than the stallions, of which there were three or four in this band of a hundred, which comprised many colts and half-grown horses.

  21. Some of the best of the colts are pranced round, a few minutes each, to show their paces.

  22. Master Wolf ran off, but both colts bear evidence of his teeth to this day.

  23. He could now gratify his cherished ambition for nice horses and his alfalfa fields and paddocks were the play grounds for some beautiful colts he was raising.

  24. Mr. Norton and Travis Gully had gone to the barn and were inspecting some of Gully's fine colts and discussing their points, a subject on which Jack's father was an enthusiast.

  25. The stallion usually took the lead in these diversions with the mares and young colts by their side trying to keep up to his advance.

  26. Although his arm prevented his using a carbine or rifle, his two Colts were loaded, and one was in his hand.

  27. Webb's carbine and Kirby's Colts cracked in what seemed like a single spat of sound.

  28. Me, I'm never one to argue with local talent, specially if they wear their Colts low and loose.

  29. Now he stood very still, his hand sliding one of the heavy Colts out of its holster.

  30. The army Colts in his belt holsters would not be much hindrance while crawling through cover, but the larger weapon might be.

  31. His fingers seemed stiff--as if his muscles were taking their own time to obey his will--but they closed on one of the Colts which had not been shaken free from his holster when he fell.

  32. As the Cherokee swung up into the hiding place, Drew eased one of his Colts out of the holster, pushing it under the folds of the blankets around Boyd.

  33. Give him two Colts and a carbine every time!

  34. Colts grew horses, beards turned gray, Deacon and deaconess dropped away, Children and grandchildren--where were they?

  35. Where the gray colts and the ten-year-old fillies, Saturday's triumph and joy?

  36. I want to take a look at that bunch of colts and size up the water there.

  37. Then Cap and I sneaked out a couple of three-year-olds and raced them down in the cottonwood flats against some colts brought down by an old Sierra Blanca Apache.

  38. That gaze flickered for the merest instant to the Colts at the Kentuckian’s belt.

  39. All the stories which had been dinned warningly into his ears since he had left the Mississippi now brought his hand to one of the Colts at his belt.

  40. Drew took a scrambling leap out of the water to their tangle of clothing, his hand reaching for one of the Colts in the belt he had left carefully on top of the pile.

  41. I was stable-boy, an' jes' trained up with the colts till Mahs Duke saw I could ride.

  42. As brides, those girls their new homes seek; Their colts to feed I'd undertake.

  43. As brides, those girls their new homes seek; Food for their colts I'd bring large store.

  44. There was a meadow on the opposite side of the road, the gate of which stood open; just then, some cart horses and several young colts came trotting out in a very disorderly manner, whilst a boy behind was cracking a great whip.

  45. He could see the fresh brands on colts and yearlings, and could recognize some of them without his glasses.

  46. Jim" of course didn't relish the half pint of rotgut that he was forced to drink at the point of a colts "45.

  47. I kept my hand near old colts "45" for I expected, from his nervous actions, for him to make a break of some kind.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "colts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.