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Example sentences for "mockeries"

Lexicographically close words:
mocht; mock; mocke; mocked; mocker; mockernut; mockers; mockery; mockes; mocketh
  1. Words are here the only things; and things, physical forms, the mere mockeries of the understanding.

  2. Everybody knows how mysteriously that ingenious personage was deprived of his life, in revenge for the witty mockeries of his 'Comte de Gabalis.

  3. To one awaking to a sense of the vanities in knowledge, this reckless ignorant joyousness of temper was a worse corrupter than all the icy mockeries of a learned Fiend.

  4. They had glimpses of the rougher side of life in the biting mockeries of some schoolboys of the neighbourhood.

  5. The veil of the temple was rent, and the false mockeries of the shrine of the Hebrew divinity made plain to scornful eyes.

  6. Thyrsis went about quite drunk with the burning words with which the minstrel won the lady, and tore her free from the mockeries of convention, and that divinity that doth hedge about a princess.

  7. A wonderful thing it was to be, far beyond his first; in the beauty of it and the glow of it he was forgetting all his disappointments, all the mockeries of fate and the hardness of the world.

  8. Some of that sort made friends with me; some even who were of an entirely diverse political thinking tolerated my mockeries of opinions which they supposed their principles.

  9. We are bid to look on the grim details of the infliction of the terrible death, and to listen to the mockeries of people and priests; but reverent awe forbids description of Him who hung there in His long, silent agony.

  10. Characteristically enough, though they shared in the mockeries of the mob, they kept themselves separate.

  11. If the irritating questions and mockeries of Socrates could not be endured at Athens, how could the bitter invectives and denunciations of Savonarola find favor at Florence?

  12. Then will the people become great, after the conflicts of generations, and put under their feet the mockeries and lies and despotisms which grind them to despair.

  13. On one side were mockeries and rebellion; on the other, sermons without profit, and exhortations without result.

  14. These, encouraged by his forbearance, pushed their mockeries so far that Don Modesto put an end to them, as we will directly see.

  15. Even in Rome, accustomed as it was to mockeries of justice, public opinion was shocked when the confident anticipation was disappointed.

  16. The result of the trial on the first of the two indictments was another of those mockeries of justice which made the Roman law-courts the jest of mankind.

  17. Jean d'Alberg looked sadder than usual, though not with such a bitter sadness as one finds in the face of an ordinary heroine, who reviews the mockeries of her past for another woman.

  18. I will turn their mockeries upon themselves; and will cause them to be mocked by their enemies.

  19. The offering of him that sacrificeth of a thing wrongfully gotten, is stained, and the mockeries of the unjust are not acceptable.

  20. But they that were not amended by mockeries and reprehensions, experienced the worthy judgment of God.

  21. And others had trial of mockeries and stripes: moreover also of bands and prisons.

  22. Surely there are mockeries with me And mine eyes lodgeth in their provocation.

  23. They had special invitations and passage from Boston, but these were only mockeries now.

  24. Great jars of Sevres, those splendid mockeries of high art, stood in the windows, whose curtains were of the heaviest brocade.

  25. Jack, as he closed his eyes, and appeared as if indulging in a revery, "of all the mockeries I have lived to see unmasked, this is the worst and meanest.

  26. They haunted his pictorial fancy, not as mockeries of life nor pale goblins of the dead, but in the guise of portraits, each with an unalterable expression which his magic had evoked from the caverns of the soul.

  27. If not, why did it rouse up so many old recollections, or mockeries of such, the shadows of things familiar yet unknown, and fill my mind with confused images of her features who had spoken, though buried in the gloom of the parlor?

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mockeries" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.