It is also said that the wall was pierced in this way to prevent the appearance of a camel during divine service, but even that explanation would only repeat the same suggestion through the parable of the needle's eye.
But there is another parable written in those long lines of many-coloured clay and stone.
The same truth is expressed in the parable of the treasure hid in the field.
The direction in which the light is to be sought appears by the parable cited above.
The parableteaches that the new spirit of Christianity requires a new form, corresponding to its essence.
So they took that parable to themselves, and thought Enoch would not be doing any wrong by attempting to seize the officers of the schooner when they came ashore to attend divine service.
How, for instance, could He have learned from His own experience or from His environment the startling proposition that He embodied in His interpretation of The Parable of the Sower?
The parable teaches one of the most important lessons to be learned in life, namely, that the foolish cannot be saved from punishment.
The parable of The Talents has shamed a multitude into activity, while the parable of The Vineyard has been an encouragement to those who have neglected early calls to service.
Some complain of the Parable of the Vineyard because the man who began work at the eleventh hour received the same pay as those who toiled all day.
In the parable of the Tares, Christ explains that, just as the tares and the wheat grow together until the harvest, so the righteous and the unrighteous live together in this world, but that on the day of judgment they shall be separated.
These truths covered a wide range and were embedded in the language of the parable because of the unbelief of that day.
Please shut your eyes, dear child, and try to see the parable picture I have drawn for you.
You remember the parable of the woman who drove the evil spirit from her fleshly temple, and swept it clean, but failed to fill its place with another guest, and seven other devils came and repossessed it?
He talks so much in parable it is hard to understand him.
Did you not hear my parable of the rich man and Lazarus?
I know a parable is when a fellow asks for a long drink in everlasting fire, and the other chap in Isaac's bosom won't even wet his lips.
Nor did her interest relax when the good lady took up her parable about Dr.
So it is to be feared that the sermon had not even the chance of the wayside seed in the parable of sinking into the children's hearts.
Was it a mere chance coincidence that this remark of Geordie's came at a moment when it made more easy of introduction to Grace that part of the parable story which she was full of eagerness to tell to her first scholars?
At supper he spake a parable about the mystical supper to come in the kingdom of heaven, Luke xiv.
The same day, alluding both to the season of the year and to his passion, which was to be two days after, he formed a parable of the time of fruits approaching, and the murdering of the heir, Matth.
This distinctive use of language we think also perceptible in the parable of the prodigal son, Luke xv.
He had many times listened to the Reverend Mr. Weightman read the parable from the pulpit, but he had never reflected how it would be to be the father of a real prodigal.
In his explanation of the parable of the Prodigal Son, he gave me the clew to our modern times.
And in the parable of the Prodigal Son may be read the history of what are known as the Protestant nations.
To the literal, material mind, for example, the parable of the talents was merely an unintelligible case of injustice.
Well, that's the parable of democracy, of self-government in the individual and in society.
Thus; by no accountable process of reasoning, he stumbled into the path which was to lead him to one of the widest and brightest of his vistas, the secret of eternity hidden in the Parable of the Talents!
Progress was somewhat delayed by frequent calls to visit a sick person in one or another village, but openings for the Gospel were at the same time secured, and the lessons of the parable of the Good Samaritan imparted.
In the language of the oldparable of the talents, what is given must be traded with.
Assimilation, as popularly conceived in the United States, was expressed symbolically some years ago in Zangwill's dramatic parable of The Melting Pot.
Did not Christ so put it in the parable of the Great Supper?
Ezechiel Chapter 19 The parable of the young lions, and of the vineyard that is wasted.
Son of man, put forth a riddle, and speak a parable to the house of Israel, 17:3.
As I live, saith the Lord God, this parable shall be no more to you a proverb in Israel.
Ezechiel Chapter 24 Under the parable of a boiling pot is shewn the utter destruction of Jerusalem: for which the Jews at Babylon shall not dare to mourn.
That you use among you this parable as a proverb in the land of Israel, saying: The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the teeth of the children are set on edge.
Ezechiel Chapter 17 The parableof the two eagles and the vine.
And now I will take up Mr. North's parable about the horses, and apply it justly.
See also the New Testament parableof the unforgiving servant.
The cursing of the fig-tree and its fulfilment go back in some way or other to a parable of Jesus, which was afterwards made into history.
In the parable of the mustard seed he is not even mentioned.
The disciples, however, do not even understand the simple parable of the Sower, but need to have it interpreted to them, so that the Evangelist once more stultifies his own theory.
The parable of the seed growing secretly is turned to account in favour of the "present" Kingdom of God.
At the next Feast of Tabernacles, in the city of Zion, He makes a last desperate attempt to move men's hearts by the parable of the Good Shepherd who is ready to lay down His life for His sheep, the people of Israel.
How can the Evangelist have invented such a theory, when he immediately proceeds to invalidate it by the rationalising, rather commonplace explanation of the parable of the Sower?
The parableof the pounds is explained as referring to a man who went, like Archelaus, to Rome to obtain the kingship, while his subjects intrigued behind his back.
This is the fate, for instance, of the parable of the wicked husbandmen in Mark xii.
It is pushed to its utmost consequences in the closing incident of the parable of the marriage of the King's son (Matt.
Now breath is oldest and best" (then follows the famous parable of the senses and breath, 5.
But the parable of the Good Samaritan, with its pungent ending "go and do thou likewise," was also spoken to a particular lawyer on a particular occasion.
It abounds in parables and is a parable itself, revealing things hidden from the foundation of the world.
That the cardinal religious conceptions of all bibles are essentially the same--all running in parable grooves.
Parable plays a great part in the familiar instructions of this Hindoo Redeemer.
And He went on to speak a parable which has come to be known as the Parable of the Rich Fool.
Like the man in our Lord's parable we plead the lateness of the hour, and our unwillingness to disturb others as our excuse for not rising at the Spirit's summons.
There was a fascination about its form, its picturesque way of conveying its meaning, its use of the parable drawn from the everyday circumstances of life.
When He became a public teacher and unfolded largely in parable His doctrine, it was her sinless soul which would see clearest and deepest, and with the most ready response.
St. Peter has in mind the parable of his Master (Matt.
He and the other enlightened Israelites who have left us their thoughts and aspirations in the Psalter felt that the history of the chosen people was from first to last a grand parable (Psalm lxxviii.
To the Master's parable St. Peter now gives its application: But the day of the Lord will come as a thief.
Let's talk of real things, and let the parable alone a minute.
So she said to herself, asking still for the perfect parable that should solve and teach all.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "parable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.