In like manner, the different degrees of will, energy, and passion are as variously graduated in higher animals as in man.
How could we come to the conclusion that the extraordinarily great and wonderful degree of perfection and conformity to purpose which we perceive in the eyes and ears of higher animals, is in every respect attained solely by natural selection?
The will is as distinctly and strongly developed in higher animals as in men of character.
Considering first the general form of the skeleton in fish, we are met at once with a difficulty; there is no obvious homologue in fishes of the neck, the trunk, and the abdomen of higher animals.
When we look at the sunfish from the front we see that it has a sort of face, not unlike that of higher animals.
The bones are not homologous with those of the ear of higher animals, being processes of the anterior vertebrae.
The hyomandibular is thought to be homologous with the stapes, or stirrup-bone, of the ear in higher animals.
If we examine the bones behind the gill-openings to which the pectoral fins are attached, we shall find that they correspond after a fashion to the shoulder-girdle of higher animals.
In embryos of higher animals, also, the outer segments are first formed.
Following out any one of these groups in higher animals, say the nervous system, it quickly differentiates again into two sub-systems, viz.
Always present in higher animals, it is totally absent in certain lower groups, such as Sponges, Polypi, and Medusae.
The paired pectoral and ventral fins are ranged one on each side corresponding to the arms and legs of higher animals.
This permanent fusion of a small active cell with a relatively large fixed cell, followed by division of the fused mass, presents a striking analogy to the process of sexual reproduction occurring in higher animals.
We have no reason to suppose that man ever made use of the raw flesh of higher animals as his habitual diet.
And the complicated internal structure of higher animals is in its last analysis such a folding and plaiting in order to maintain the proper ratio between the exposed surface of the cells and their mass.
We have here evidently a process corresponding to the fertilization of the egg in higher animals; yet there is no egg, spermatozoon, or sex.
It is a little mass of protoplasm containing a nucleus, and corresponds, therefore, to one of the cells, most closely to the egg-cell or spermatozoon of higher animals.
It may therefore be useful to consider one or two intermediate forms and the parallel embryonic stages of higher animals, and to see how the higher many-celled animal originates from the unicellular stage.
There is as yet no way to thus select the sperm of higher animals.
It is due to the presence in the bodies of higher animals of a considerable number of glands, such as the thyroid in the throat and the suprarenals just over the kidneys.
In Chapter I, the "immortality" of the protoplasm in the germ cells of higher animals, as well as in simpler forms without distinct bodies, was mentioned.
In higher animals, therefore, the tropisms where operative must act more or less through the agency of the nervous system instead of directly through the general protoplasm of the organism.
Such a simple division, while found in higher animals, is less frequent and apparently much less significant than another type of division which involves profound changes and rearrangements of the nuclear contents.
It is interesting to note that the fundamental neural mechanism which underlies the mental processes of higher animals is not essentially different from that which serves in lower forms.
Balbiani and others have shown numerous cases of their forming their eggs by a process analogous to that of higher animals.
The dorsal portion of the proximal end corresponds to the =tuberculum= of the ribs of higher animals, and the ventral portion to the =capitulum=.
Protoplasm, together with certain substances, such as bony and horny matter, which it has the power of producing, constitutes the entire structure of simple organisms, and is built up into the organs of the bodies of higher animals.
It may here be mentioned that the scales and skin of many fishes are provided with sense-organs which very closely resemble the taste-buds of higher animals.
It is well known, however, that, in the case of higher animals, in birds and mammals, this power of regenerating lost parts does not exist.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "higher animals" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.