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Example sentences for "dormer"

Lexicographically close words:
dorgs; dories; dorm; dormancy; dormant; dormers; dormi; dormice; dormir; dormitories
  1. Brasenose gained in the Jacobean Period its exquisite dormer windows; Lincoln its homely second quad and lovely chapel.

  2. Near the bridge is a mill, fed from the river, looking very picturesque with its steep gables and high-set dormer windows.

  3. Other engravings, as another view in Harris's own book, show it square, but without the peculiar treatment of the middle of each side, and with something simpler and plainer than the pairs of dormer windows in the plate by King.

  4. The high roof above the main building was pierced by dormer windows that lighted a large attic.

  5. Thou shalt see me no more in thy little dormer chamber!

  6. Each corner of the building, and the peak of every dormer window, was crowned by a grasshopper.

  7. Though not a large dwelling, it was large for those days and for that unfrequented region, and its roof seemed to Phoebus remarkably steep and long, and yet, while enclosing so much space, had not a single dormer window in it.

  8. As they rode to the rear of the house a little dormer window, like a snail, crawled low along the roof, and a light was shining from it.

  9. He then opened a wicket at the side of the hall, admitting Van Dorn to an exceedingly small closet or garret room, barely large enough for the men to sit, and lighted by a lamp in the little dormer window seen from below.

  10. He drew his head in the dormer casement, and was making ready to go down to the breakfast he smelled cooking below, when his own name was pronounced in the garden, and he stopped and listened.

  11. Mr. Whitney paused at a queer, long, one-story house with a high-peaked roof in which were set three small dormer windows.

  12. There were still quaint old houses in Ludlow and Orchard streets,--two stories with dormer windows in the roof, and some frame cottages with struggling grass-plots.

  13. The house was a low-eaved structure built of undressed blocks of red Island sandstone, with a little peaked roof out of which peered two dormer windows, with quaint wooden hoods over them, and two great chimneys.

  14. The house itself was in some respects modernized by him; but, with its steep roof and three dormer windows, it still retains much of its primitive character.

  15. Along its roof was a row of dormer windows.

  16. The man was nowhere to be seen, but a fresh track was discovered in the snow leading away from the cabins toward the Dormer tents.

  17. Tucker's party had been organized at Johnson's and Sutter's, and had reached Dormer Lake first.

  18. General Dormer had a way of his own with the Mahdi's disciples.

  19. And with that, Dormer took his glass eye from its socket, tossed it in the air, caught it, and replaced it.

  20. Dormer saluted in a military fashion, and disappeared, leaving Tait to skim the paper and finish his breakfast.

  21. Then he proceeded to question him regarding the reason of his pallor, but with his usual caution first sent Dormer out of the room.

  22. As stolid as a wooden image Dormer obeyed these instructions, and wheeled out of the room.

  23. Mr. Larcher," said Dormer stiffly, and ushered in a tall young man with a bright face and a breezy manner.

  24. Dormer had placed wine and biscuits on the table, and, made hungry by his long journey to Hampstead, Tait was partaking of these modest refreshments when Claude entered the room.

  25. I am a creature of habit, Claude," replied Tait sententiously; and when Dormer made his appearance gave grave directions for fresh coffee and another dish of eggs and bacon.

  26. If this sort of thing goes on I shall retire with Dormer to an uninhabited island.

  27. The invaluable Dormer had procured "A Whim of Fate" from Mudie's, and Tait found it lying on the table in company with biscuits and wine.

  28. Yesterday afternoon, which was Saturday, Pia and I motored into Byestry, as she wanted to see Father Dormer about something.

  29. Father Dormer was at home, so his housekeeper announced, and she was shown into a small square room with a round table in the centre, and a vase of bronze chrysanthemums on the table.

  30. You're the soul of honour and charity, and Father Dormer knows that as well as everyone else.

  31. Father Dormer assured her that he would not.

  32. Even her interview with Father Dormer seemed to belong to another life.

  33. It really is not fair to ask Father Dormer to meet three solitary females.

  34. And then the door opened and Father Dormer came in in his cassock, which he always wore in the morning.

  35. And then, after a moment's pause, "There will be plenty of food because Father Dormer is dining here to-night.

  36. Miss Tibbutt and Father Dormer were sitting on the sofa; Pia was in an armchair near the open window, and Doctor Hilary was standing on the hearthrug.

  37. I am afraid I did ask Father Dormer a good many questions.

  38. But, if it were intended for a snub, Father Dormer had evidently not taken it as such.

  39. She remembered the snub administered to Father Dormer the evening after her arrival.

  40. Father Dormer became quite accustomed to seeing the solitary figure in the church.

  41. Father Dormer was a tallish thin man, with very aquiline features, and dark hair going grey on his temples.

  42. From his southern dormer windows, tradition says, Major Stoddert used to watch with his telescope for the coming of some of those ships that he and Colonel Forrest and Colonel Murdock sent out across the ocean.

  43. There are several dormer windows and the entire structure is 200 feet long.

  44. A gabled shingled roof was commonly used; wherever they could be afforded, dormer windows were added.

  45. The building, consisting of the commonly used sandy pink brick foundation material, is a two-and-one-half storied rectangular building with a steep roof which includes twelve dormer windows.

  46. It was the officer spoke then, and Morgan crept out through the rough dormer window, and directly after shouted briefly-- "Ready.

  47. At first it was only level with the dormer window; then by slow degrees it was half way up; and as darkness was coming on, the top of the window was nearly reached.

  48. I will go back from all I've been saying; that was a straight tip you got wherever it came from to give up this job," Dormer whispered to me when they had ridden past.

  49. He had a shifty, half-ashamed expression, and as he sat clumsily playing cards with Dormer he looked as if he knew he ought not to be where he was.

  50. An hour before that time Jim Dormer and I were sitting behind some rocks near the road at that place where we had agreed to stop the cart.

  51. Give it up by--" and Dormer gave vent to his surprise and disgust in very strong language.

  52. At one time I thought I ought not to go on staying with Dormer and living upon him, but he laughed away my scruples.

  53. Dormer carried on his business down the town in billiard-rooms and canteens; he never asked me to help him at faro or roulette or any of the games he played, nor did he impart to me any of the tricks of his trade.

  54. I heard Dormer say as he came back to where I was.

  55. Jim Dormer was on his way back from a visit to a roadside canteen, where a man he was interested in was training for a foot-race.

  56. In the front garret--with a dormer window looking down into the street--stood Mrs Catanach facing the door, with such a malignant rage in her countenance that it looked demoniacal.

  57. It was a small room, low ceiled, with a deep dormer window in the high pediment of a roof, and a turret recess on each side of the window.

  58. Dormer raises his hand to stop the crowd.

  59. Dormer goes off through the group; the rest sorrowfully disperse, looking over their shoulders at Kate.

  60. As the curtain falls, Kate kneels, Dormer puts his hand on her head.

  61. Dormer crosses to table, takes up paper and puts it in his pocket, and crosses back to L.

  62. Yes, milk, (joins Dormer in archway) (Eric saunters on from R.

  63. Dormer goes up to the bureau, puts on his spectacles and by the light of the lamp arranges his papers.

  64. Dormer stands with his hands in his pockets.

  65. Paul Dormer appears in the archway from L.

  66. Dormer and places glass on table, waits till Dormer has finished, and then takes mug off with her.

  67. Parson Dormer has walked over from Market-Sinfield and must see you to-night.

  68. Dormer Colville and the Marquis de Gemosac were left alone, while the rector stood a few yards away, glaring abstractedly at them through his gold-rimmed spectacles as if they had been some strange flotsam cast up by the high tide.

  69. Did the Marquis de Gemosac and Dormer Colville tell you everything, or only a little?

  70. It is because she can refuse nothing to Dormer Colville.

  71. Dormer Colville would walk up to these pictures, and, as often as not, would turn and look over his shoulder at Barebone, with a short laugh.

  72. Dormer Colville was only anticipating events when he took away the character of the Captain of the "Petite Jeanne.

  73. Play him to sleep," Dormer Colville had said to his cousin.

  74. Dormer Colville led the way, picking his steps from side to side of the gutter which meandered odoriferously down the middle of the street toward the river.

  75. There was no time to answer; for Dormer Colville, perceiving their approach, was already hurrying down the steps of the veranda to meet them.

  76. But one night, when we were quarrelling, Dormer Colville mentioned your name.

  77. Captain Clubbe and Septimus Marvin, Dormer Colville and Monsieur de Gemosac shared this knowledge, and awaited, impatiently enough, an answer which could assuredly be only in the affirmative.

  78. Dormer Colville watched him with a good-natured patience which pointed, as clearly as his attitude and yawning indifference, to the fact that he was not at Farlingford for his own amusement.

  79. Dormer Colville hummed a song under his breath as he walked on the top of the dyke.

  80. To travel, however, with Dormer Colville was a liberal education in the virtues.

  81. For Dormer Colville was too universal a man to be capable of concentrated zeal upon any one object.

  82. Up-stairs, in a room with a sloping wall and a low ceiling and a dormer window, sat a young man whose face had been prominent so long in the press and in the court-room that now he preferred to keep away from human eyes.

  83. He retreated from the accusing page and went to lean against the dormer window and look out upon the world from the jail of his past.

  84. Well, would you cut Lady Harriet Dormer for the same reason?

  85. You will then have half the dormer poles all nicely tacked together and cut in the right shape so that they may be evenly fitted in place, and after they are secured there the marking planks may be knocked off.

  86. Suppose, for instance, you want to cut the poles to fit the dormer over the veranda shown in Fig.

  87. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dormer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.