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Example sentences for "plunder"

Lexicographically close words:
plumpness; plumps; plums; plumule; plumy; plundered; plunderer; plunderers; plundering; plunderings
  1. For he would come, not for plunder only, but hating the name of England, hating the name of Christian, and above all hating the land where his father had been slain.

  2. For he must needs justify himself, and give reason for withholding plunder from Danes as free as himself.

  3. Not idle had her crew been in the place where they had wintered, and one might know that they had had a good voyage, which to a Dane means plunder enough for all.

  4. The intelligence of this event spread throughout the province, and each region feared to be visited by the soldiers who were sure to plunder and perhaps to kill.

  5. But the ill-disciplined hordes were hard to hold in and bands of brigands, as soon as the ramparts were passed, began to plunder and slew a score of Christian men.

  6. They were not much regretted, for most of them had enriched themselves by the plunder of Huguenots, and during the troubles of the League.

  7. Property was becoming daily less secure; for the successful practice of this species of plunder was a continual encouragement to fresh outrage; and there was no estimate of the degree to which the injury might be carried.

  8. These were: the sack of Volterra; the plunder of the treasure set apart for the dowry of poor Florentine damsels, which had driven many of them to evil lives; the blood he had shed to revenge the conspiracy of the Pazzi.

  9. Burning the fort, and destroying all the plunder that he was unable to carry away, he hastened back to France; and so ended the history of French Florida.

  10. The Commissary of Police of Sisteron, after extraordinary labour, succeeded in scaling the mountain, and penetrated to the mysterious grotto, where he discovered an enormous quantity of plunder of every description.

  11. They plunder other people's houses, issue false paper money, and worst of all they kill my children and my father, and then talk of rules of war and magnanimity to foes!

  12. Within a week the peasants who came with empty carts to carry off plunder were stopped by the authorities and made to cart the corpses out of the town.

  13. Disregarding Napoleon they rushed after the plunder and Napoleon managed to escape.

  14. Still, they will nor refuse us shelter and food, and assuredly there is nothing on us to tempt them to plunder us.

  15. You are the master's guest," he said, "and you saved his house from plunder when your people were in possession.

  16. Besides, there would be no chance of my repaying them; and, if I am to rob anyone, I would rather plunder these rich dons than my own countrymen.

  17. An enormous amount of plunder in arms, gold chains, jewels, and rich garments were obtained by the defenders from the bodies of the fallen.

  18. Ordering them to unsling and level their rifles, but not to fire until he gave the word, he drew near to the leader of the party, and in a stern voice desired him to restore the plunder and give up the murderer of the Delaware youth.

  19. In the afternoon we passed several villages, at none of which we could procure a lodging, and in the twilight we received information that two hundred Jallonkas had assembled near a town called Melo, with a view to plunder the coffle.

  20. No immediate cause of hostility is assigned, or notice of attack given, but the inhabitants of each watch every opportunity to plunder and distress the objects of their animosity by predatory excursions.

  21. Perfectly at liberty to keep it all, if he will plunder Hanover for us!

  22. His men, many of them, were greatly disappointed, for they were to be denied the privilege of plunder for which they hoped and talked about as they marched upon their way.

  23. Sixty days was too long a time for them to wait for the departure of the remnant of the "Mormons" that they might plunder and rob, and besides they thirsted for blood.

  24. The Indians made several attempts at night to creep into the camp, evidently to plunder and steal animals.

  25. They did not stop there to complete their work of plunder and pillage, but hastened on until they reached the Solomon river where their villanous and blood-thirsty designs were carried out in full force and effect.

  26. Evidently they must have come to the conclusion that the team of mules and the plunder of the tent was sufficient for one day.

  27. They intended to murder the teamsters and plunder their goods of whatever they wanted and then make their escape.

  28. They will plunder their own countrymen as readily as they will Christians, and the safe guard of the governor of Syria will be of no use whatever to you.

  29. A vast amount of plunder could thus be reaped, together with captives of even greater money value.

  30. He has rescued him, whom we dearly love, from slavery; he has saved Genoa from great disaster, and many towns and villages from plunder and ruin.

  31. I have not the remotest doubt that my mansion is their objective point; and they will first plunder that.

  32. No doubt many of these Home Guards believed sincerely in the neutrality policy, which was advocated by some of the best men in the State; but it afforded thousands of ruffians the advantages of an organization for plunder and outrage.

  33. A tribe of low-caste Hindus, called Kunjers, go in quest of them at proper seasons to plunder their hoards, and often within the space of twenty yards square find as much corn in the ear as could be crammed in a bushel.

  34. The daring courage and character of the man had attracted rogues of lesser calibre to his side, and now Vizco el Borje was the acknowledged chief of the party of plunder and anarchy.

  35. Amongst the various devices employed by the gitanos to plunder their victims, may be mentioned the following:-- Hokkano Baro.

  36. Vizco el Borje robbed only from the rich, and was profuse in the distribution of money and plunder among the peasantry.

  37. In her apartments the famous Cabal was formed which had the fall of the honest Clarendon for its immediate and the plunder of the State for its ulterior object.

  38. Great as was her victory and long as her sway lasted, we very much doubt if Lady Castlemaine's power over the King, marked as it was by plunder of the State, was ever so real as before the arrival of the Queen.

  39. The plunder of Spain did not at that time tempt England.

  40. But a nation with an ideal has "principles," and England made hers the excuse to defy Catholic and despotic France to plunder Spain at the expense of Protestant and democratic Holland.

  41. England and Holland were at war to plunder Spain of Flanders, was now anxious to swallow the Franche Comte and the Palatinate.

  42. The vile persecutions of his enemies at Vienna, with whom he refused to share the plunder he had made, lost him honour, liberty, and not only the personal property he had acquired, but likewise the family patrimony in Hungary.

  43. He does not plunder the public treasury that he may preserve his own private property.

  44. This work was committed to the English fleet, and the plunder of these seaports was given up to those who manned it.

  45. Anxious that his small army should not be destroyed in an attempt to defend what was hopeless, Suetonius resolved to retreat and give up the city to the plunder of the Britons.

  46. Joining policy with force, he made a separate treaty with the Danes, offering them, as the price of their withdrawal into Denmark, permission to plunder and ravage the sea-coasts.

  47. Edward immediately led the larger part of his army into Wales, having first sent a body of troops into Gascony, and commanded his powerful fleet to attack and plunder the French coast.

  48. This was, indeed, a great complaint, which was frequently brought to Parliament against all the princes of the blood of those times, who used the privilege of purveyance to plunder the defenceless people at will.

  49. His protection was instantly afforded to all who sought it, and the royal banner displayed from tower or steeple was a signal that no violence or plunder of the inhabitants was permitted.

  50. The Scots, who appear to have been thrown off their guard by over-confidence, and who were thinking more of plunder than of the enemy, were taken by surprise.

  51. It was not, therefore, with intent to plunder that he made a second expedition into England, but to destroy the whole country with fire and sword.

  52. They regarded every rich man as an Armagnac, for that was a good plea on which to plunder him; and thus passed the winter of 1417.

  53. Sword in hand, undaunted by the savage assault of the inhabitants of the village, who had rushed to plunder our property, he sprang forward to stay the hand of the assailants.

  54. Georges hurried away to this mules and his duties; thinking with loving regret of the delicious Chinese plunder of which the dogs of Albion had deprived him.

  55. When I was four I could swear like a grenadier, plunder like a prefet, lie like a priest, and drink like a bohemian.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "plunder" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    banditry; blackmail; boodle; booty; depredation; despoil; divest; fleece; forage; foray; graft; gut; haul; loot; looting; maraud; marauding; overrun; perquisite; pickings; pilfer; pillage; pillaging; plunder; plundering; prize; raid; ransack; rape; ravage; raven; ravish; ravishment; relieve; rifle; rob; robbery; sack; sacking; spoil; spoliation; squeeze; steal; stealing; strip; stuff; swag; sweep; take; till; wreck; divest; fleece; forage; foray; graft; gut; haul; loot; looting; maraud; marauding; overrun; perquisite; pickings; pilfer; pillage; pillaging; plunder; plundering; prize; raid; ransack; rape; ravage; raven; ravish; ravishment; relieve; rifle; rob; robbery; sack; sacking; spoil; spoliation; squeeze; steal; stealing; strip; stuff; swag; sweep; take; till