Or was he about to pull the loot to pieces and discover her?
Fortunately, there were a lot of Yaquis in the troop and by the time the fellows who were trying to loot us came along they began to understand the situation and the lot of them joined the troops.
Let us go back and loot the mullah's camp and take the women!
Secret signs as well as loothave been stolen before now.
Only he and she seemed to care nothing for the loot and rode as if each was all the other needed.
Some of them were burdened heavily, and there was much discussion as to whether to loot them or not.
And he took out his little knife, Loot a' his duddies fa'; And he stood the brawest gentleman That was amang them a'.
Not one of them but would have murdered his fellow if theloot were worth it and the chances of escape sufficient.
He gathered up his loot and walked on through the splendid forest which once had belonged to Henry Harrod of Boston, and which now was the property of Harrod's nephew, James Darragh.
Just who was responsible for this enormous conspiracy to rob him of what he considered his own legitimate loot Quintana did not know.
Episode Three On Star Peak I Mike Clinch regarded the jewels taken from Jose Quintana as legitimate loot acquired in war.
The steer may low within the byre, The Jat may tend his grain, But there'll be neither loot nor fire Till I come back again.
It was to loot the stolen treasure of the robber castles, and incidentally it resulted in the destruction by fire of Furstenberg.
I believe Herr Kurzbold has a claim, if it has not been forfeited, to the loot of Rheinstein.
Why, the knights of Rheinstein and Falkenberg alone will loot them before they are out of our sight.
What is the destination of the gold we lootfrom the castles?
The remains of the ill-fated German botanist were identified and reverently buried, but everything in the shape of loot which the camp had contained had been borne away by the rapacious marauders.
The captive slave-hunters had been forced to act as carriers, and enormous bundles containing theloot of both camps had been placed upon them to bear.
Suppose that sheikh at the south end of the Dead Sea who's in debt to Woolly-wits jumps at the chance to loot our caravan and bag the lady, we'll be lucky if one or two of our men don't get scuppered.
Then it occurred to some bright genius that even if they might not loot the train there was no embargo on rejoicing; and there was only one way to do that.
What sort of robber are you that let such loot pass free?
So much the easier to keep the loot when we have won it!
Surely they will come to loot our camp in the dark.
Every rifle missing when we get back, and every scrap of loot you lay your hands on, will be charged double against your Hebron property.
Ships cast upon the wild, rockbound coast of Breage, it is complained, were snapped up as toothsome morsels by the Sheriff, and their contents carried doubtless as loot to Godolphin.
Dasinger turned away towards the wall where he had put down the little steel case with the loot of the Dosey Asteroids robbery.
Beat it until the coast's clear, or make a quick try for your loot before the Spy gets there?
Had I been present, doubtless, witnessing the discovery of the loot and the message penciled by the agitated hand of the unfortunate prisoner at the bar would have aided me greatly in drawing a correct and accurate deduction.
Francis Drake, the very same year, had for the first time plowed an English furrow around the seas of the world, chasing Spanish treasure boats up the west coast of South America and loading his own vessel with loot to the water line.
Later, as fog hides the boats from one another, the pirate crew on board the little frigate Swallow run down an English fisherman on the Grand Banks, board her, and at bayonet point loot the schooner from stem to stern.
Then Jean Bevoir drifted to Montreal, and while trying to loot some houses there during the siege, was shot down in a skirmish between the looters on one side, and the French and the English soldiers on the other.
Well, anyway, the robber hid the loot and of course Marcia and I did all we could to protect him.
Long before that time, Marcia would doubtless go to walk or to the village for mail and leave her ample opportunity to put the loot back where Mr. Heath had hidden it.
He thinks that if they loot the schooner they will be off at once.
He was rarely apprehended, usually abandoning his position, with his absurd loot already under cover, and the loss leaking out later, if at all.
She wanted to run with her living loot to some quiet corner and open it up.
I have a sort of prescient idea that some day we shall face that fellow again with the circumstances reversed; and then I'm going to have his loot cleared out.
I feel disposed to invest my share of the loot and to stop on with the company after the splendid offer they have made me.
You will attach yourselves to my staff, and help keep a watch over the loot in diamonds.
And boys, I thought that this deserted old cabin would offer him about as snug a hiding-place for his loot as any place I knew!
What would happen when he discovered how the package left there was only a false "dummy," and that the bank loot had been carried off?
Throughout the day, between trips to the hospital to see Sally, Jack and Penny watched the dredge boat make its trips back and forth over the area where the loot had been dropped.
I was sellin' stockings and makin' a good, safe income until you come along and talked my husband into lettin' you store your loot in our basement.
Penny had told of the cache of brass in the Harper basement, and also of seeing Sweeper Joe and Clark Clayton dump much of the loot in the river.
Where is the loot of ancient Home that was buried with Alaric!
The prospects for profit and loot were so unprecedentedly great that capitalists now blithely and eagerly darted forward.
Not only did the railroad corporations loot in a gigantic way under forms of law, but they so craftily drafted the laws of both Nation and the States that fraud at all times was easy.
As Gould had used these directors as catspaws, they were aggrieved because he had kept all of the loot himself.
A hint quickly reached them; they thereupon fled to Jersey City out of Barnard's jurisdiction, taking their cargo of loot with them.