They were dirty again from the tinkering with the motor, but the inspection went deeper than the grime.
After dinner at the hotel they spent some time tinkering with their set.
Even Marconi himself likes to take pride in the assertion that he too was at one time an amateur, because he insists that during his early experiments he was only a boy amateur tinkering with a little known subject.
They lingered for a while, talking over the exciting events of the day and tinkering with the complicated apparatus.
There is another fascinating thing about wireless, and it is the fact that no matter how much work one may really expend in tinkering with it, and no matter how valuable the results, it does not seem like real work.
After ten minutes' tinkering it resumed going and went beautifully till we rounded the head of our cove.
First and last, about two score of them must have chanced along in the hour I was tinkering with my boat late Sunday afternoon.
I talked with some of the fellows who room next to him, and all they could tell me was that he is always tinkering on something or other.
Yes, the chap who flocks by himself so much, and always seems to be tinkering with something in his room.
All that sort of thing, in my opinion, is liketinkering with the works of a clock--amateur tinkering, I mean.
And I believe it's just the same thing with these psychical research experiments; the secondary personality is very likely the result of the tinkering and fumbling with a very delicate apparatus that we know nothing about.
The fancy had come to her that the men tinkering with the car wheel were new men out of the new land who with strong hammers had broken away the doors of her prison.
The men who lived in the other houses along the suburban street spent their Saturday afternoons and Sunday morningstinkering with motor cars.
Clay, still grinning, dropped down again into the hold and resumed his tinkering with air and oil tubes.
When I get to a certain point of tinkering my phrases I have to put them aside for a day or two.
Like teenage hot-rodders, most hackers viewed tinkering with machines as its own form of entertainment.
Nowhere was this tinkering impulse better reflected than in the operating system that powered the lab's central PDP-6 mini-computer.
The tradition is that here he forgot the world without, withdrew in thought as in person from the cares and turmoils of state, and found rest and cheerfulness by alternating his devotions with the tinkering of clocks.
It is true, we both tried the “clock business;” but I must claim that my tinkering in that way throws that of the Emperor entirely in the shade.
Still in the afterglow of composition, Hal, tinkering lightly with the proofs, felt a hand on his shoulder.
I've been thinking out a dandy plan, while I wastinkering on the auto," remarked Mr. Sealman in an engaging manner.
Something was wrong, something which neither his knowledge nor Billy's could set right; and after tinkering for half an hour, they started with no other light than that of the lantern which Billy proposed to hold while Hilliard drove.
Sounds of violent coughing and tinkeringcame from the bowels of the trunk, telling that the child was still alive and busy.
That is the Christian way of mending men, not tinkering at this, that, and the other individual excellence, but grasping the secret of total excellence in communion with Him.
All the manufactures are carried on in the open street, whether it be spinning or dyeing, tinkering or tailoring, or that elaborate kincob work of embroidering in gold thread.
Another member argued that the annuities scheme had so lacked success that no amount of tinkeringwould make it applicable to the country.
No amount of tinkering could now make the old banks as simple, secure, and efficacious as those on the new plan.
What I was supposed to see was a prospector tinkering with his boat.
It will be remembered that, when I leaned on my hay-fork and gazed pensively off toward the river, I was supposed to see a prospector tinkering with his boat.
Will was busily engaged tinkering with his camera, and dreaming of the new pictures he hoped to get on this trip, to add to the album containing the records of the club's outings.
Seems like it's there half the time, getting some tinkering done.
But the sad tinkering it has hitherto received in the nine hundred and ninety-nine Acts of Parliament wholly or partly devoted to the subject makes me almost hopeless about future legislation.
But if you make a tinkering job of it, and ask for too little, you will rouse your opponents and discourage your friends.
I want a man to stay here and do tinkering jobs round the place till they get back.
Doubleday said merely, "Not ready"; he was busytinkering with his engines.
Chris, what do they give you for tinkering up the ties?
I hope it turns out that way today, then," remarked George, as he began to do a little final tinkering with his machinery before the start.
As usual, George detained them, finding occasion to do some more little necessary tinkering with that miserable engine of his, that was forever getting out of order.
George was tinkering with his motor, a customary amusement with him; for his heart was bent on learning how to coax yet another bit of speed from the engine that racked his boat so terribly when put at full speed.
Well, suppose it is, what are you going to do about it, are you going to shut down at once and go to tinkering with it?
The tinkering engineer never knows whether his engine is in good shape or not, and the chances are that if he should get it in good shape he would not know enough to let it alone.
The engine is all there, but I guess it'll need a good bit of tinkering at.
That Ken was tinkering at the Flying Dutchman (as he had immediately called the power-boat, on account of its ghostly associations) was evident to his brother and sister, but why he should be doing so they could not fathom.
But when the last tinkering was over, when frantic spinnings of the flywheel at length called forth a feeble gasp and deep-chested gurgle from the engine, Ken clapped his dirty hands and danced alone on the rocks like a madman.