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Example sentences for "could observe"

  • I could observe, however, that in height he was above the middle size, and that his eyes were dark and penetrating.

  • I could observe, from numerous hoof-marks in the bog, the place where the river was fordable.

  • I could observe a convulsive shudder creep over him as he writhed in silent agony.

  • Musquetors to day, or an insect So much the Size Shape and appearance of a Musquetor that we Could observe no kind of differance.

  • I could observe no regular stratas of it, tho it lies on the sides of the river hills in large irregular masses, in considerable quantities; it is of a light colour, and appears to be of an excellent quality.

  • I could observe a beautiful Ordonnance of the whole; and such different and considerable Branches of Trade carried on, in the same House, I exulted in seeing dispos'd by a Poetical Head.

  • This we could observe, that there are such men as chiefs, who are distinguished by the name or title of Acweek, and to whom the others are, in some measure, subordinate.

  • His coat alone of all his garments was off, so that one saw the massive gold buttons to his satin waistcoat; could observe, too, the richness of his cravat, the fineness of his shirt.

  • For though the snow lay hard and caked upon it, we could observe where it had taken the impression of cart wheels and of animals' hoofs, could perceive by this that it was sometimes traversed.

  • He was a fellow of great bulk--this I could observe in the light of a watery half moon that now peeped up over the bend of the rock by where the cabin stood; also he was well armed.

  • Yet, from all that we could observe ourselves, or learn from others, there appears to be no one of the boasts of Frenchmen which is in reality less reasonable.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "could observe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    are only; cannot think; corpus delicti; could afford; could assume; could bring; could earn; could gain; could gather; could guess; could hardly; could learn; could love; could meet; could not help laughing; could paint; could reach; could remember; could see; could still; could stop; could they; could walk; couldst thou; felt when; mental exertion