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Example sentences for "little surprised"

  • In all, we had seven of these men, who got into discourse with me the first day of our passage, and I was a little surprised at discovering how much they already knew of me, and of my movements.

  • This question not a little surprised me; for, though I had never seen Ursula, the uncle had talked so much to me of his ward, that I almost fancied she was an intimate acquaintance.

  • I was a little surprised at this, but read on.

  • To return to King Beder, whom the Princess Giauhara's waiting-woman had carried and left in the island before mentioned; that monarch was not a little surprised when he found himself alone, and under the form of a bird.

  • The Russian grandee looked a little surprised, and, fixing his eyes steadily upon me, began to wonder what I meant.

  • He was not a little surprised at the cadet's reporting that Roland utterly refused to play, because he had promised Eric never to gamble, even for an apparently trifling stake.

  • Eric disputed this, and Knopf was no little surprised, that Eric had the exact passage from Cicero in his memory, and could prove that Cicero only made the assertion that no man was free who was not sometimes idle: non aliquando nihil agit.

  • I went to Villette and was a little surprised to find Mdlle.

  • I was a little surprised, but recovered myself with this satisfactory reflection, viz.

  • Pina opened the door in her usual quiet way, and was a little surprised to see Stradella alone.

  • Yes,' answered Pignaver, at first a little surprised by the question, for he had spoken clearly, although the whole conversation was carried on in low tones.

  • The Queen smiled still more graciously at the ancient name, though she was a little surprised that a Grimani should have married a singer.

  • He was not slow in obeying the call, but hastening to the scene of action, was not a little surprised to find Looby still in the apartment.

  • While he said this the Jew came impudently back into the room without calling, which a little surprised me again.

  • I looked at him a little surprised; but he returned, "Do not be uneasy; it is as unpleasant to me as to you, but I come to consult with you about it and see if it cannot be made a little easy to us both.

  • I had no opportunity to speak first to my royal mistress, but I went to her at noon, rather more dressed than usual, and when I saw her look a little surprised, I explained my reason.

  • I looked a little surprised, and rallying himself, in a few moments he inquired if I wished for any refreshment, and proposed fetching me some.

  • Mrs. Crewe, again a little surprised, I believe, at this second opposition acquaintance, began questioning how often I had attended this trial.

  • Miss Planta now joined us, looking not a little surprised to find Mr. Fairly still here, and I ordered tea.

  • I cannot say that it was much to my credit that, while I thought the Regent's condescension towards me natural enough, I was a little surprised by the favour shown me by the Czar.

  • Although my mission was private, I was a little surprised by the extreme simplicity and absence from pomp which the royal residence presented.

  • After a prolonged conference with the Regent upon matters of business, in which his deep penetration into human nature not a little surprised me, I went away thoroughly satisfied with my visit.

  • Taras's counsel was not a little surprised.

  • That street must be miles long; but we were through it at last, and there the city seemed at an end, and, not a little surprised, I saw large tracts of grass all around.

  • He fully believed thereby to please the people, and was not a little surprised at the judge's deprecating gesture.

  • The girl raised her eyes, not a little surprised at the question, and doubtful whether she had heard it aright.

  • He was, however, not a little surprised instead to receive a second visit from young Ashwoode.

  • He was not a little surprised to detect the prints of a large foot on the stairs and in the passages of the house.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "little surprised" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    little amused; little astonished; little breeze; little cold; little confused; little doll; little dreaming; little faith; little fool; little friend; little higher; little lighter; little over; little pale; little pepper; little round; little salt and cayenne; little silver; little start; little stock; little thrill; little thyme; little touch; little warm; little weary; little wonder