Every one will notice that Shakespeare as we know him in Romeo is here depicted again with insistence on a few salient traits; here, too, we have the poet of the Sonnets masquerading as a Duke and the protagonist of yet another play.
The protagonist would earn mocking laughter and not sympathy, and this Shakespeare no doubt foresaw.
Throughout the play Caesar is a subordinate figure while Antony is the protagonist and engages all our sympathies; whenever they meet Antony shows as the larger, richer, more generous nature.
My researches into the life of Aviraneta [Footnote: A kinsman of Baroja and protagonist of his series of historical novels under the general title of Memoirs of a Man of Action.
To find the hidden treasure through the talisman of The Goldbug, or through the possession of analytical faculties such as those of the protagonist of Poe's tale?
Once more behold The same assemblage in the same saloon, Waiting the entry ofprotagonist Monsieur Léonce Miranda.
So, too, it would have been a mistake on Sophocles' part to let any one but theprotagonist open the Oedipus Rex.
Here it is not the protagonist who makes away with himself, nor is his destiny the main theme of the play.
Another great protagonist of the alternating current was George Westinghouse, who was quite as much an improver and inventor as a manufacturer of machinery.
It is certain, however, that one of the first, if not the first, protagonist of the locomotive in America was the same Oliver Evans, a truly great inventor for whom the world was not quite ready.
Now that Spain, the protagonist of the French Bourbons, deserted their cause and attacked the Power in which they most trusted, all pretence of a war of principle vanished.
In the absence of Fox, Grey was the protagonist of Opposition.
Each protagonist is a new Prometheus, with a sardonic ignominy piled upon his helplessness.
And in "Under Western Eyes" the protagonist is one who finds his love among the women of his enemies--a situation at the heart of all the military melodramas ever written.
But," your European protagonist declares, "I don't mean the ancient and the primeval.
Bürgerliche Tragödie means a tragedy in which the protagonistis taken from common life, and perhaps cannot be translated clearly into English except by "tragedy of middle-class life.
The protagonist of virtuous respectability sat there triumphantly enshrined.
And he had been the protagonist of everything sensible, orthodox, and prudent!
We see him, the protagonist of his own psychical drama, dancing on a tight rope in the airiest manner, capering deliciously in the void, and quite like a prestidigitator bidding us doubt the existence of his rope.
The protagonist is a professor, a master of conference of the University Faculty, a worthy man and earnest, though by no means of an exalted talent.
Glanvill and Webster were protagonist and antagonist in a drama where the others played somewhat the role of the Greek chorus.
We do not know the details of his opinions; indeed we have nothing more than the fact that in a correspondence with Glanvill he questioned the opinions of that distinguished protagonist of witchcraft.
He was not only the protagonist of a new cause, but a pioneer who had to cut through the underbrush of opinion a pathway for speculation to follow.
Self-expression from conviction matures the man and makes the nation; but the pose of protagonist imposes grave responsibility.
It is jauntily declared by a great protagonist of the Black man that "physically, he is the equal of the white man; he is as tall and as strong," and such is perhaps the general opinion.
But we have seen that the Celtic folk-tales represent the loathly damsel as the real protagonist of the story.
Martin Luther is the protagonist of the first of the four great dramas that follow.
Genius for empire in a race supplies that impressiveness with which a heroic or royal origin invests the protagonist of a tragedy, an Agamemnon or a Theseus.
There is no longer a protagonist in the great drama, for there is no longer an antagonist.
And contradiction demands a "for" and an "against," a protagonist and an antagonist.
From birth to death his soul wrestles with the universe; and the drama of which he is the protagonist lifts the sublime monotony of its scenery from the zenith to the nadir.
That she was disagreeable when she set herself out to be I do not doubt; in fact, she is the protagonistof a whole generation of disagreeable heroines in English fiction.
Like his protagonist Arthur Rimbaud--surely the most extraordinary poetic apparition of the nineteenth century--Jules Laforgue accomplished his destiny during the period when most poets are moulding their wings preparatory to flight.
The protagonist upon the other side of the arena was that same Romanized Gaul which had ever since the fall of the Empire least lost the continuity with the past whereby we live.
By an accident comparatively recent, the protagonist of chaos in these things happened to be that rigid but curiously amorphous power which Prussia has wielded for many years to no defined end.
And this, I conceive, not so much a consequence of Darwin's own statement of his theory as of the forceful uncompromising attitude of the chief protagonist of his cause.
He is at once the materialist par excellence of modern philosophy, and the most uncompromising protagonist of the absolutist theory of the state.
Write Mainly of Characters That Arouse the Spectator's Sympathy Each hero must have his opposite, as each great cause must have its protagonist and antagonist.