While painting these Duke Alessandro gave him a salary of six crowns a month with a place at his table, and board for his servant, &c.
Becoming known by some paintings done for the friars of the Badia, Cardinal Salviati took him into his house, gave him a stipend of four crowns a month, and an apartment at the Borgo Vecchio, he painting any works the Cardinal wished.
Indeed no goldsmith had in his vaults guineas and crowns to the full value of all his paper.
Every man wished to get rid of his clippedcrowns and halfcrowns.
The new crowns and halfcrowns, broad, heavy and sharply milled, were ringing on all the counters.
Millions of crowns were expended on the luxurious villa where he loved to forget the cares of office in gay conversation, delicate cookery and foaming champagne.
He sent twenty thousand crowns to Saint Germains; but he excused himself to the enemies of France by protesting that this was not a subsidy for any political purpose, but merely an alms to be distributed among poor British Catholics.
No coin was to be seen except lumps of base metal which were called crowns and shillings.
It was not the fault of such a farmer or of such a trader that his crowns and halfcrowns were not of full weight.
Ten furnaces were erected, in the garden behind the Treasury; and every day huge heaps of pared and defaced crowns and shillings were turned into massy ingots which were instantly sent off to the mint in the Tower.
So late as the time of the Restoration every trader had his own strong box in his own house, and, when an acceptance was presented to him, told down the crowns and Caroluses on his own counter.
Nobody, they said, would accuse a goldsmith of overissuing as long as his vaults contained guineas and crowns to the full value of all the notes which bore his signature.
Galileo obtained a situation for him with a Polish prince, and spent two hundred crowns in getting him ready for the new position.
He desired to be buried in the family vault of the Galilei in Santa Croce, at Florence, and the city at once voted a public funeral and three thousand crownsfor a marble mausoleum.
I would not do it for the three united crowns that I have been robbed of in turn.
Had we brought the main of our force to bear upon that quarter, all the operations of the British and Imperial crowns would have been combined.
But as the war has been pursued, the operations of the two crowns have not the smallest degree of mutual bearing or relation.
The crowns of Aragon would provide money and men to defend themselves, and pay their stipulated tribute to their King on the ancient conditions; but that if an attempt was made to coerce any further payment trouble would ensue.
On this occasion he is described as being dressed in this way, with a chain consisting of four linked jewelled crowns on his breast.
A sterner nature marks the soul, Men's lips draw near the cup of life, They wait to hear the centuries' roll That bring the kingly crowns of strife.
Sweeter and lovelier than all thy fair sisters, Thy gentleness surely hath fame for thee won, While thy star, not forgotten, shines forth in a glory That crowns the best flag that waves under the sun.
At the festivals of the haughty barons, the lady of the castle, attended by youthful beauties, distributed crowns to the conquerors in the jousts and tournaments.
It was carried higher by means of a second tier of arches whose columns rest strangely on the crowns of the lower.
The crowns were detached in the church, and after the strewing of the rushes were left as ornaments.
The Sovereigns applied to the Pope Alexander the Sixth, to confer on the crowns of Castile and Leon the lands discovered and to be discovered in the Indies.
The crowns of Portugal and Castile were still at peace, but it appears that this "man, dressed in a little brief authority," thought that the capture would gratify his sovereign.
After a long ritual of prayer and blessing, sung in triplicate, the priest took the crowns of flowers, and put one on the head of each, crowning me first, and with the crown tied with gold.
Before me was the table with the open book, on which were laid the gold and silver rings and the two crowns of flowers.
Those who supported us moved behind us, holding the crowns over our heads, and replacing them when we stopped.
Up beneath the crowns of the lofty palms little colored electric lamps were set, producing an illusion of supernatural fruit, whilst the fountain had been magically converted into a cascade of fire.
It lay in a depression, like another well that I am fated often to see in my dreams, and, as one approached, the crownsof the palm trees which grew there appeared above the mounds of sand.
There are crowns and glory to be given us, and garments that will make us shine like the sun in the firmament of heaven.
In a word, there we shall see the elders with their golden crowns [Rev.
There was also that met them with harps and crowns, and gave them to them--the harps to praise withal, and the crowns in token of honour.
In that place you must wear crowns of gold, and enjoy the perpetual sight and vision of the Holy One, for there you shall see him as he is.
We are loathe to change the scene, but winter's storms must come ere the laurel wreath crowns the glorified brow!
Through the thick undergrowth of wood which bordered the path on both sides but little light could penetrate; overhead the leafy crowns of the beeches interlaced and formed an almost continuous roof.
In the centre a rose; the crowns extending through the legend to the outside edge of the coin.
Three triple crowns each issuing out of a cloud shedding rays of the sun.
Within a tressure as before a sun of sixteen rays in place of limbs of the cross, the lions and crowns and the terminations of the limbs remaining.
Crowns and Half-crowns, king in armour on horseback, but with very many variations in detail.
The widow prayed, pleaded, implored, allowed herself to be kissed by the soldiers, patiently endured the coarse pleasantry excited by her sorrow, and at last offered a hundred crowns to buy him off.
What were the few paltry crowns that the Landlord of the Boule-d’Or gave him in payment for the game which his good friends the wolves procured for him?
Here are five gold crowns for yourself,' she went on, handing me the money.
The King of Prussia left twenty gold crowns for her, when he was here, saying that it was payment for saving the life of one of his officers; and you may be sure that we shall not be ungrateful to her.
The devil looks down in triumph and waves the rebel banner, on which are three crowns and a coffin, with the motto, 'A crown or a grave.
There were thirty-six crownsin all, tradition says.
I will add another twenty thousand crowns to her dowry, as if she were another daughter, for she is changed as if she had never been.
From that Fleance descended a race of monarchs who afterwards filled the Scottish throne, ending with James the Sixth of Scotland and the First of England, under whom the two crowns of England and Scotland were united.
The wisdom of your duty, fair Bianca, has cost me a hundred crowns since dinner-time.
Her much-prized crownsof honor were all awarded to the successful soldier.
Hell is loose in France, When Clare and Kerry take the call that crowns the shrapnel dance, O, it's "Find the Dublin Fusiliers!
The men stamp the measure, some begin to whirl about, others rush towards the fire; now and then a huge log breaks in two and crowns the dark, excited crowd with a brilliant column of circling sparks.
Giant trees with spreading crowns suppress everything around, kill every rival and leave only small and insignificant shrubs alive.
There the last dense crowns formed the beautiful fringe of the green carpet stretched soft and thick over the earth.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crowns" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.