The gentleman commenced his address by contradicting the statements made by a gentleman from Massachusetts, and my worthy friends from Virginia and Georgia, (Messrs.
Mr. MACON said, the most regular way for the gentleman from Virginia to obtain his object, would be to move to have the bill committed to a Committee of the Whole, and made the order of the day for the 4th of March.
A gentleman from Kentucky (Mr. DAVIS) had said, that a person was in that State delivering commissions into the hands of every man who was so abandoned as to receive them.
Every member must have been struck with an observation of a gentleman from Albany.
For a gentleman from Tennessee, or Genesee, or Lake Champlain, there may be some prospect of advantage.
I was traveling home from Topeka, and on the railroad train I met a gentleman from Atchison--an intimate friend of this young lawyer--and I was congratulating him on the reformation of our mutual friend.
The Doctor tells the following story at the expense of a Southern gentleman: A good anecdote is told by a gentleman from one of the Southern States, in regard to these Free State prisoners, when under the charge of Captain Hampton.
Here he was merely introduced to the guests--it was a men's party--as a gentleman from England on business.
The men there had seen a large yacht, two ladies and a gentleman from it had visited them.
In a more recent case, a gentleman from Indiana, in his indignation against a gentleman from Illinois, called the Illinois member "an ass.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gentleman from" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.