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Example sentences for "regrets"

Lexicographically close words:
regressus; regret; regretable; regretful; regretfully; regrettable; regrettably; regretted; regretting; regrouping
  1. All good Catholic as he would be, he himself also in his two introductions regrets that the conciliating spirit and eclectic methods of Leibnitz were not accepted.

  2. How many cares and regrets are had on their account, and how much trouble they give!

  3. Mrs. Coleridge is recovering apace, and deeply regrets that she was deprived of seeing [you].

  4. That was just like Miss Ruth--no fuss, no unnecessary words, no adding to my trouble by selfish regrets at my absence.

  5. Scott Nearing in his "Woman and social progress" regrets "the woeful lack of provision for the needs of the child in the construction of the modern city home.

  6. But Dennis regrets his ignorance of poetic art and the disadvantages under which he lay from not being conversant with the ancients.

  7. It facilitates greatly the comprehension of the subject by a correct delineation of the passions, and contains a treasury of pretty melodies which one regrets do not form part of an opera.

  8. Mr. Armadale presents his compliments to Miss Gwilt, and regrets that he cannot have the pleasure of seeing her at Thorpe Ambrose.

  9. He is full of ceremonious regrets at the loss of my company on the cruise; and he politely hopes that Midwinter may yet induce me to alter my mind.

  10. In proportion as Mrs. Galton and Augustus approached Eltondale, their regrets increased from their anticipation of so soon parting with Selina; whilst, on the contrary, her spirits seemed to rise with the varying scene.

  11. Sir Henry's generosity, which was totally unexpected by Augustus, served but to imbitter his regrets for the loss of his benefactor.

  12. Regrets at the abandonment of Bishop Mackenzie's plans.

  13. One after another, every body was full of regrets that you were not of the party, declaring that a man of such wit and genius as you was exactly made for society.

  14. One of my great regrets is that circumstances compel me to grind away at ephemeral work which is wholly averse to my tastes.

  15. He regrets to find that during his absence Franklin H.

  16. So he put away his letters, took the black pocket off Sanch's neck, and allowed himself to whistle softly as he packed up his possessions ready to move next day, with few regrets and many bright anticipations for the future.

  17. As she was pouring forth a torrent of regrets and apologies, I observed my father bestowing glances of evident admiration at the fair speaker, while the rich color came and went in her cheeks and her eyes kindled with animation.

  18. Arthur is his mother's idol, and I dare say she now almost regrets that he has now so entirely recovered from his lameness as to be fit for the army.

  19. He had engaged to act as second groomsman, Richard being first, and there was much wondering over his absence; many regrets were expressed, and some anxiety was felt.

  20. So it was with a light heart, though not without some lingering regrets for the sad ones and the loveliness left behind, that she and her father set out on their homeward way.

  21. Who of us regrets that we did not stay at home in inglorious ease, and leave our grand old ship of state to founder and go to pieces amid the rocks of secession?

  22. Sir, it is one of those unique opportunities that only presents itself once in a lifetime; and I do not want the day to come when I must have regrets and reproach myself for missing it.

  23. One sees that Mademoiselle de La Chaux sensed this; and one regrets that Condillac, more docile to the judicious advice of this enlightened woman with uncommon insight, did not follow the route that she pointed him towards.

  24. In such a case it will express its regrets and afford damages without first instituting a prize court action.

  25. Heriot's compliments, and regrets that she had not tasted the omelette--a message that Polly delivered with the utmost solemnity.

  26. After regrets of this kind, he would dwell upon the reasons which made it a state question; and M.

  27. His majesty regrets that he cannot keep his engagement this evening with Count Podstadsky.

  28. Let me go to my Franz blessed by the tears and regrets of my subjects--let me appear before posterity as an upright and peace-loving empress.

  29. Genius is untrammelled because here reverie is sweet: its holy calm soothes the soul when perturbed, lavishes upon it a thousand illusions when it regrets a lost purpose, and when oppressed by man nature is ready to welcome it.

  30. Perhaps at this moment my father regrets me, while distance prevents my hearing his voice exerted to recall his son.

  31. She was not contemplating with any premonitory regrets a future in which, when Walderhurst did not wish to go out to dinner or disdained a ball, she should stay at home.

  32. He had not come out to India followed by regrets and affection.

  33. Regrets that even his ardour in the sacred cause of Liberty did not prevent him from feeling.

  34. His regrets were of a more tender kind: for he had such.

  35. But the sacrifice made, the regrets were soon past; and she devoted herself entirely to soothing the agitated spirits of her venerable friend.

  36. At another time Mary would have thought only of the regrets of her venerable friend at parting with her; but now she felt only her own impatience to be gone, and she hastily quitted the room to prepare for her departure.

  37. No one regrets the feud between our houses so deeply as I,' replied Sir John.

  38. Your regrets come late, Mistress Vernon," said I.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "regrets" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acknowledgment; apology; attrition; bitterness; confession; contrition; excuse; grief; penitence; regret; remorse; shame; sorrow