A population of free-living voles under observation on the Campus at Lawrence was parasitized only by Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes.
The white-footed mouse, the cotton rat, and the prairie vole were parasitized at Lawrence.
The cotton rat was host to Hoplopleura hirsuta Ferris, and the two species of Peromyscus were parasitized by Hoplopleura hesperomydis (Osborn).
The females oviposited only into oothecae that wereparasitized by Zeuxevania, never into normal, nonparasitized oothecae.
There is some evidence that the parasitized cockroaches migrate onto trees when the larval parasite is mature, as pupae have only been found on the trunks of eucalyptus trees.
Neostylopyga rhombifolia, Hawaii (Pemberton, 1941): This record is based on oneparasitized ootheca.
The wasp itself is parasitized by the mutillid Timulla (Timulla) eriphyla Mickel.
Barbier (1947) suggested that the parasite must be spread very easily in ports between neighboring ships by parasitized cockroaches in baskets or sacks of provisions.
This protozoan is commonly parasitized by the microorganism Sphaerita.
Florida (parasitized oothecae were collected near Orlando, by members of the Orlando Laboratory, Entomology Research Branch, U.
Only one evaniid develops in a parasitized ootheca, but many individuals of the other wasps develop in one ootheca and the number of females that emerge is usually large.
Work of an internal parasite, puss-moth larva parasitized by a small ichneumon fly.
In the following list of host species, the names marked with an asterisk are the conspicuouslyparasitized species.
No preference for any one species is detectable; the most frequently parasitized species are simply the common species, and these are the kinds for which nesting records are easily gathered by man.
In central Kansas red-wings are host to the Brown-headed Cowbird in a frequency of one parasitized nest out of nine; in northeastern Kansas the ratio is 1:25.
Parasites Thirty of the adult Aneides collected were examined for parasites; most were parasitized by two species of nematodes, Oswaldocruzia sp.
Salamanders examined in September were allparasitized and probably carried nematodes with them into their winter retreats.
A May-taken female was parasitized by fleas, Cediopsylla inaequalis (Baker).
Several specimens were parasitizedon the ears by chiggers, Leptotrombidium myotis (Ewing).
If one were fortunate enough to possess the power of description and imagination of a Fielding, methinks the crinoline would provide a sufficiently inspiring theme.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "parasitized" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.