This bold act gave the instrument many sympathetic strings free to vibrate from the bridge when the rest of the instrument was played, each string, according to its length, being an aliquot division of a lower string.
The inventor of the damper register opened a floodgate to such aliquot re-enforcement as can be got in no other way.
This appeared in his Observationes diametrorum solis et lunae apparentium, meridianarumque aliquot altitudinum cum tabula declinationum solis.
The difference between this and the amount of silver originally present in the aliquot part has been precipitated as silver chloride (AgCl).
The use of numbers, or of letters denoting numbers, for lines and rectangles capable of division into aliquot parts, had long been too obvious to be overlooked, and is only a compendious abbreviation of geometrical proof.
The liquid measured off should, therefore, carry with it its proper proportion of the sediment, so far as that can be brought about by shaking the solution just before removal of the aliquot part for titration.
As this is too large a quantity for convenient titration, an aliquot portion of the solution is measured off, representing one fifth of the entire quantity.
Of the perfection of the number six, which is the first of the numbers which is composed of its aliquot parts.
The stomach contents or viscera properly comminuted are weighed, and an aliquot part taken for analysis.
A certain aliquot share of every estate might be taken from its former owner and be allotted to a Burgundian or a Goth according to a uniform plan[1183].