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Example sentences for "ouses"

Lexicographically close words:
ourselues; ourselves; ousand; ouse; ousel; oust; ousted; ouster; ousting; out
  1. This 'ere's Radnor Place, but these 'ouses fronts into the square.

  2. I've known these 'ouses ever since I was a nipper.

  3. Them two 'ouses was 'is what stands right be'ind Learoyds', down the village.

  4. Ann was right when she said, "It's 'ouses like this wears girls out.

  5. It's 'aving 'ouses built by men, I believe, makes all the work and trouble.

  6. I 'ave taken a number of orders at the nicest 'ouses along Bancroft Road.

  7. Why, you find the skeletons in the 'ouses now.

  8. They went down to Brighton too and all day and night there was people going, great cars as big as 'ouses full of people.

  9. And all those 'ouses and streets and ways used to be full of people before the War in the Air and the Famine and the Purple Death.

  10. Them chaps as builds ’ouses don’t think of the luggidge and foornitoore.

  11. There's little 'ouses going into Hythe, just the sort we want, not too big and not too small.

  12. I suppose you think the landlords ought to let people live in their 'ouses for nothing?

  13. Why, just look at the work that's in one o' them 'ouses on the Grand Parade.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ouses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.