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Example sentences for "occipital"

Lexicographically close words:
occidentalis; occidente; occidentem; occidere; occidit; occipitonasal; occiput; occlude; occluded; occluding
  1. Connexions can be traced to the optic tract, the higher visual centre on the mesial surface of the occipital lobe, the deep origin of the third or oculo-motor nerve as well as to the mesial and lateral fillet.

  2. From these latter pass large bands of fibres to the occipital region of the neopallium.

  3. Extending horizontally backwards from the middle cerebellar peduncle, along the outer border of each hemisphere is the great horizontal fissure, which divides the hemisphere into its tentorial and occipital surfaces.

  4. This frontal area yields on excitation conjugate movements of both eyeballs extremely like if not exactly similar to those yielded by excitation of the occipital (visual) region of the cortex.

  5. A smaller sickle-shaped vertical mesial band, the falx cerebelli, attached to the internal occipital crest, passes between the two hemispheres of the cerebellum.

  6. In the dog, and in such monkeys as the Macaque, the region of cortex containing this stripe traceable to optic fibres forms practically the whole occipital lobe.

  7. An example of restitution would be the recovery from temporary hemianopia caused by a small injury in one occipital lobe.

  8. But this is a greater defect than is found in the dog even after entire removal of both occipital lobes.

  9. The Occipital Lobe also consists from above downwards of three parallel gyri, named superior, middle and inferior occipital.

  10. That post-central strip of cortex would in this view bear to these paths a relation similar to that which the occipital and temporal regions bear to afferent tracts from the retina and the cochlea.

  11. Occipital elements produced antero-posteriorly, the external occipital forming the posterior lateral angle of the head, no projection of the head occurring in the region of the marginal plate.

  12. Connected with the posterior or occipital aspect of the skull are two small narrow plates which lie closely alongside the first half-dozen vertebrae.

  13. Also a pair of elements which overlie the position of the external occipital joint.

  14. Defn: Situated near or beside the occipital condyle or the occipital bone; paramastoid; -- applied especially to a process of the skull in some animals.

  15. Defn: The external occipital protuberance of the skull.

  16. Defn: Shaped like the Greek letter lambda (as, the lambdoid suture between the occipital and parietal bones of the skull.

  17. Defn: The exoccipital bone, which often forms a part of the occipital in the adult, but is usually distinct in the young.

  18. Defn: Of or pertaining to the occipital bone and second vertebra, or axis.

  19. Defn: Of or pertaining to the occiput, or back part of the head, or to the occipital bone.

  20. Defn: A group of vertebrates, including the birds and reptiles, or those that have only one occipital condyle; the Sauropsida.

  21. It is dull dusky brown, and has a large occipital crest.

  22. They are mostly pale blue, or ash- blue, marked with white, and have a large occipital crest of spatulate feathers.

  23. Defn: The back, or posterior, part of the head or skull; the region of the occipital bone.

  24. The frontal and occipital lobes dwindle and the principal mass remaining is that in the basis of the skull between the ears.

  25. Still, it has not yet developed what might be called frontal and occipital lobes.

  26. Besides the facial angles, a great number of others are taken; the more important are the sphenoidal angle and the different occipital angles (of Daubenton, Broca, etc.

  27. A priori, the living head should have the index a little higher than the cranium, the muscles of the temporal region being thicker than those of the supra-occipital and frontal region.

  28. Among the measurements of the curves it is necessary to note the horizontal circumference of the head, the antero-posterior curve with its frontal, parietal, and occipital portions, etc.

  29. This equilibrium being almost perfect, necessitates but very thin and flexible ligaments in the articulation of the two occipital condyles of the skull on the atlas.

  30. The correspondence of the tourbillon of the hair with the lambda, or point of junction on the cranium of the sagittal and occipital sutures (Fig.

  31. At the occipital region of the skull, the osseous structures are denser and thicker in the tame varieties of turkeys; and, as a whole, the skull is smoother, with its salient apophyses less pronounced in them than in the wild types.

  32. The figure formed by the line which bounds the occipital area is, as a rule, roughly semicircular in a domesticated turkey, whereas in M.

  33. The headaches were occipital in nature and severe at times.

  34. For about a year after, headaches were present almost continually, occipital in location and of a tingling sensation.

  35. The paroccipital processes are shorter and more rounded, and the basi-occipital tubercles more prominent than in Anomalopteryx, while the quadrate and mandible resemble the same bones in that genus somewhat closely.

  36. Length from the supra-occipital to the nasals rather less than the breadth at the squamosals.

  37. The breadth of the anterior part is almost exactly that of the occipital region, and the extent of the sides is not much more than that of the front and back part.

  38. The occipital region inclines forwards as it rises, while the same is more vertical in Porphyrio.

  39. The basi-occipital tubercles are prominent, and give an arched posterior profile to this bone.

  40. The dimensions of the cranium, as taken by the calipers: The entire length from the insertion of the superior incisores to the tip of the occipital crest, is rather more than four inches and three-tenths.

  41. The visual speech centre, which is located in the left angular gyrus, is connected with the two centres for vision which are situated one in either occipital lobe.

  42. Occlusion of the left posterior cerebral artery causes extensive softening of the occipital lobe and produces pure word blindness.

  43. The projection of the muzzle, which gives the character of brutality to the gorilla as distinguished from the man, is yet further exaggerated in the lemurs, as is also the backward position of the occipital foramen.

  44. There are several large impressions on each parietal bone, and deep, though rather small, fossæ for the extremities of the occipital lobes on the occipital bone.

  45. Measures—The glabello-occipital length and maximum width of the skull can not be accurately determined on account of injuries to the bones.

  46. The gradual tapering of the parietal regions from their middle backward continues on the occipital bone up to the inion, and gives the norma verticalis of the skull a peculiar appearance.

  47. The occipital depressions, ridges, and protuberance are very marked, and the temporal ridges approach to within 1.

  48. The occipital region, as a whole, does not protrude much, as in true dolichocephals, but it shows a prominent broad crest, formed by the two superior semicircular lines and the region between them.

  49. The Skull The skull is of fair size, and is symmetrical throughout, with the exception of a slight irregularity in the occipital region.

  50. The extreme occipital protuberance is pronounced and shows signs of strong muscular attachments.

  51. A group of vertebrates, including the birds and reptiles, or those that have only one occipital condyle; the Sauropsida.

  52. The back, or posterior, part of the head or skull; the region of the occipital bone.

  53. Of or pertaining to the occipital bone and second vertebra, or axis.

  54. Of or pertaining to the occiput, or back part of the head, or to the occipital bone.

  55. Occipital headaches were marked, with remissions, and constipation became chronic.

  56. At this stage, two ticks, fully distended with blood, were found over the junction of the spinal column with the occipital bones in the hollow depression.

  57. The illustration shows the characteristic indications of the presence of lice, viz: the occipital eczema gluing the hairs together, the swollen cervical glands, and the porrigo, or eruption of contagious pustules upon the neck.

  58. I know that this animal almost habitually walks erect, though it has no strength in its legs, I suppose that the occipital foramen is not situated so far from the base of the skull as in the other Quadrumana.

  59. I have not observed the situation of the occipital opening of the jacko or orang-outang (Simia satyrus L.

  60. If the Quadrumana have not the occipital opening situated directly at the base of the cranium as in man, it is assuredly much less raised posteriorly than in the dog, cat, and all the other mammals.

  61. The head of the negro, less flattened in front than that of the European man, necessarily has the occipital foramen central.

  62. Where craniotabes is largely developed on the occipital portion, the frontal and the parietal bones (in their anterior halves) are usually thus thickened.

  63. The disease does not affect the auditory bones, the condyles of the maxillary and occipital bones, nor the styloid process of the temporal bone.

  64. Indeed, it appears that sometimes about the middle of the first year the occipital bone becomes thinned out in apparently quite healthy children.

  65. He points to the ligament situated between the spinae intrajugulares of the temporal and occipital bones, which, as long as it is of normal consistency, separates the jugular vein from the pneumogastric nerve.

  66. Illustration: Occipital View of Horns of Bos Caffer, from a Specimen in the Zoological Society's Museum.

  67. The volitive temperament is distinguished by height of the posterior, superior occipital region, called the crown of the back head, and by corresponding breadth from side to side.

  68. In this illustration, B represents the occipital protuberance, and A the junction of the frontal and malar bones at the external angle of the eye.

  69. A large neck and corresponding development of the occipital half of the brain indicate nervous energy, yet nutrition is not absolutely dependent upon it, for the nutritive processes are active before a nervous system is formed.

  70. SKULL--The skull should be flat rather than domed, and have a slight indentation running up the centre, the occipital peak not prominent.

  71. The skull oval (from ear to ear), having plenty of brain room, and with well-defined occipital protuberance.

  72. The skull oval from ear to ear, showing plenty of brain room, and with a well-defined occipital protuberance.

  73. The entire length of head from the posterior part of the occipital protuberance to the end of the muzzle should be 12 inches, or more, in dogs, and 11 inches, or more, in bitches.

  74. SKULL--The skull is long and narrow, with the occipital peak very pronounced.

  75. The length from end of nose to stop (midway between the eyes) should be not less than that from stop to back of occipital protuberance (peak).

  76. Dissociation of visual perceptions due to occipital injuries with especial reference to appreciation of movement.

  77. Defense movements on touching the neck or occipital region.

  78. There were four islets of gray hair in the left fronto-parieto-occipital region, separated from one another by normal hairs.

  79. The occipital pain had now become less; the musculocutaneous nerve was not so large.

  80. Second: Patients with right-sided hemianopsia due to lesions of occipital regions were not aphasic and could read or write perfectly.

  81. The recovery of fields of vision in concussion injuries of the occipital cortex.

  82. October 30, on sitting up, occipital pain and vertigo.

  83. The autopsy showed a yellowish, quasidiffluent softening of the size of a small egg in the first occipital gyrus on the right side.

  84. On the relative perceptions of movement and a stationary object in certain visual disturbances due to occipital injuries.

  85. Impressions formed simultaneously, for instance, on the right side of the right retina and on corresponding areas of the right side of the left retina, are conveyed to the same spots in the right occipital lobe of the brain.

  86. The suture dividing the parietal bones below from the occipital bones above.

  87. Occipital bone, deeply depressed below the crest or ridge of the head--48.

  88. There is in both the same coronal elevation, occipital compression, and lateral protuberance accompanied with frontal depression, which mark the American variety in general.

  89. The female head possesses the same general character, but is more elongated in the occipital region, and of more delicate proportions throughout.

  90. Cephalic foramen: the posterior or occipital foramen of head through which the dorsal vessel, oesophagus, salivary ducts and ventral nerve cords pass from head to prothorax.

  91. Foramen magnum; the opening on the posterior surface of the head to give passage to those structures that extend from head to thorax occipital foramen.

  92. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "occipital" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.