The secretions from the individualsalivary glands have their own special characteristics, and these are not the same in all animals.
The thick, moist matter which is secreted by thesalivary glands; saliva; spit.
It unnecessarily excites thesalivary glands, the strength of which should be reserved for eating.
Eat only those things that will excite the salivary glands to assist digestion.
Milk contains all the food elements except starch, which cannot be digested by very young children, owing to the insufficient formation of digestive elements of the salivary secretion during the first few months.
During the mastication of the food, the salivary glands are actively pouring out the saliva, which mingles with the food, and by softening it, aids in its division and prepares it for the action of the other digestive fluids.
Tannin is an astringent exercising a powerful effect in delaying salivary and stomach digestion, thus becoming one of the most common causes of digestive disorders.
The larval salivary glands in connection with the gullet are also broken down, and fresh glands are formed for the imago.
The source of the poison is usually supposed to be the salivary glands of the insect.
Salivary gland emulsion added to a dilute suspension of corpuscles did not lead to hemolysis.
All of the organs of the Argasid are invaded by the parasites, but they pass from the coelom into the acini of the salivary glands and collect in its efferent canal.
The function of the salivarypump is to suck up the saliva from the salivary ducts and to force it out through the beak.
The data obtained from the series "do not support the hypothesis that the salivary glands, at any rate in Culex pipiens, contain a substance which prevents coagulation.
As in the case of a number of other predaceous Hemiptera, the salivary glands of these forms are highly developed.
Like Nuttall, he failed to get satisfactory evidence that the secretion of the salivary glands retarded coagulation of the blood.
The poison is elaborated by thesalivary glands, excepting, possibly, in Belostoma where Locy is inclined to believe that it is secreted by the maxillary glands.
It was found that as the insect fed, from time to time the abdomen underwent convulsive contractions which resulted in the emptying of the oesophageal diverticula and the salivary glands through blood pressure.
De Bois had guessed that the pancreas must be considered not according to its position in the body, but according to its structure: that it was analogous to the salivary glands.
The first Anopheles with its salivary glands infected was found on 14th June.
Illustration: The Parotid--one of the salivary glands.
Ammonia bites the tongue of the smoker, excites the salivary glands, and causes dryness of the mouth and throat.
They are met with in the mamma and in the salivary glands.
Similarly, a calculus in one of the salivary ducts frequently results in an abscess forming in the floor of the mouth.
In its complete state the alimentary canal of the hen is a long and complex tube, with which the lungs, liver, salivary glands, and many other small glands, are connected.
Glands of this kind are the salivary glands, the lungs, the liver, and many smaller glands.
There is ready at the service of the general practitioner an important and potential therapeutic agent in the saliva of his patients and in the use ad finem of their salivary digestions.
It is found that the removal of original taste from any given bolus of food coincides with cessation of salivary flow and complete alkaline reduction.
Salivary digestion is thus at once incited, and the starch very quickly commences to undergo the characteristic change in soluble products.
It was the presence of these globules which probably led Moseley to regard the salivary glands as fat bodies.
Section through the point of junction of the salivary ducts with the median oral diverticulum.
This organ may perhaps be best compared with the simplesalivary gland of Julus.
Behind it narrows, passing insensibly into what may most conveniently be regarded as a common duct for the two salivary glands (Pl.
Median backward diverticulum of mouth or common salivary duct which receives the salivary ducts.
The cells lining the ducts of the salivary glands pass, without any sharp line of demarcation, into those of the oral epithelium, which are flatter and have their nuclei placed in the middle.
Peripatus capensis dissected so as to shew the alimentary canal, slime glands, and salivary glands; x 3.
If I am correct in regarding it as homologous with the salivaryglands so widely distributed amongst the Tracheata, its presence indicates a hitherto unnoticed arthropodan affinity in Peripatus.
They are almost entirely filled with the nerve-cord and salivary gland in front and with the nerve-cord alone behind, and their lumen is broken up by muscular bands.
Where this influence lies has not been fully explained; probably it is indirect, being produced by some alteration in the vascularity of the parts or a diminution of the salivary secretions.
The Salivary Glands are six in number, three on each side of the mouth.
It is of a pale, pinkish color, and its secretion is analogous to that of the salivary glands; hence it has been called the Abdominal Salivary Gland.
Intense fear causes great drops of perspiration to accumulate on the skin, while the salivary glands remain inactive.
Very little if any water should be taken at meal time, since the salivaryglands furnish an abundance of watery fluid to assist in mastication.
The largest of these glands, the Parotid, is situated in front and below the ear; its structure, like that of all the salivary glands, is cellular.
Grief excites the lachrymal, and rage the salivary glands.
It is proverbial of the American people that they bolt their food whole, washing it down with various fluids, thus forcing the stomach to perform not only its own duties, but also those of the teeth and salivary glands.
Sometimes there is associated with these anomalies curious terminations of the salivary ducts, either through the cheek by means of a fistula or on the anterior part of the neck.
Salivary calculi are well known; they may lodge in any of the buccal ducts.
Diagram to show the alimentary canal and salivary glands of a mosquito.
As soon as the wound is made the insect pours out through the tube of the hypopharynx some of the secretion from the salivary glands and then begins to suck up the blood through the hollow labrum into the pharynx and on into the stomach.
On the other hand, the sporozoites may lie in the salivary gland alive and virulent for several weeks.
We shall see in another chapter that the malarial parasite escapes from the walls of the stomach of the mosquito into the blood in the body-cavity and finally reaches the salivary glands.
It takes ten, twelve or more days from the time the parasites are taken into the stomach of the mosquito before they can go through their transformations and reach the salivary gland, the time depending on the temperature.
The organs derived from the buccal cavity are the tongue, the various salivary glands, and the teeth; but the latter alone will engage our attention here.
The epithelium of the salivary glands, though these so closely resemble the pancreas, is probably of epiblastic origin, inasmuch as the cavity of the mouth is entirely lined by epiblast.
The poison excreted from the salivary glands of the cobra di capello is the most deadly animal fluid known.
After death the appearances are similar to those from asphyxia; in addition to which there are small ecchymoses in the stomach and intestines; the salivary glands and pancreas are also injected.
Analyses show that honey forms a large part of this moistening fluid, although nectar and secretions from the salivary glands are probably present also.
Sugar is certainly added, and it is generally supposed that secretions from some of the salivary glands are mixed with the pollen after deposition.
This salivary fluid may have adhesive qualities, but this is scarcely necessary, since honey alone is amply sufficient for this purpose.
Starch is quite insoluble in water, but the first product of salivary digestion is a less complex substance called soluble-starch.
The pancreatic, the most important of the digestive fluids, contains other ferments; one called amylopsin, takes up the digestion of any remaining or imperfectly converted starch left from the salivary digestion.
The use of malt extract, however, seems a clumsy substitute for salivary digestion.
It usually begins in the lymph glands within the capsule of the parotid or submaxillary, and spreads thence to the salivary gland tissue.
If the parotid gland is implicated, saliva may escape from the wound, but it usually ceases in a few days; if the duct is involved, a persistent salivary fistula may form.
The parotid duct may be divided and a salivary fistula result.
The submaxillary salivary glands and the cervical lymph glands are usually implicated, and the disease tends to spread by metastasis to distant parts.
When it bulges towards the mouth it is liable to be mistaken for a retention cyst of one of the salivary glands.
The tumour usually develops in the vicinity of the parotid, and presses on the salivary tissue, thinning it out and causing it to undergo atrophy.
If the external wound heals rapidly, a salivary cyst may develop in the substance of the cheek, forming a swelling, which fills up at meals, and may be emptied by external pressure, the saliva escaping into the mouth.
Tuberculous disease# of the salivaryglands is rare.
The most important of the solid tumours met with in the salivary glands is the so-called "mixed tumour of the parotid.
Persistent paralysis may follow destruction of the facial nerve; and salivary fistulæ may form.
Salivary calculi are most commonly met with in the submaxillary gland or its duct.
His eyes began to hang out on his cheek, and still thesalivary glands continued to give down.
Being new in the business, the salivary glands were so surprised that they began to secrete at a remarkable rate.
Thus, if the salivarysecretion be affected, an unusual amount of unmodified starch is found in the stool.
As an illustration of this fact, I need only call to mind the influence the mere sight of food has in exciting the salivary secretion, and the effect of bad news in arresting it.
By the term salivary glands is usually understood the three chief glands on each side of the face.
The pancreas (the sweet bread) is a gland similar in structure to the salivary glands; is about seven inches long, of a grayish white color; its weight varies from two to six ounces.
Upon a higher stage, salivary glands are also developed on the intestine, and will here likewise begin for the first time to appear--Salivary animals, Snails.
The salivary process is a reduction to the animal death, digestion a reduction of this dead something itself to a lower kingdom.
Semen and ova have also a salivary function, though of this the former is endowed with more than the latter.
The salivaryducts are the hepatic or biliary ducts.
Since it is here the tegument, which undertakes the offices of the whole body; the vessels, liver, and salivary glands are wanting unto the intestine.
The salivary glands secrete fluid, like the pancreatic glands.
Into the uterus or into the prostate gland the excretory ducts of the sexual glands, or the spermatic canals and oviducts, pursue a convergent course, like the salivary ducts do into the oral cavity.
The poison-teeth or fangs have likewise a groove, which can be regarded as the continuation of the salivary duct.
The testes secrete semen in the same manner that the salivary glands do their fluid or juice.
The salivary ducts open into the mouth, and thus as in the Snails and Kracken, whose similar structures they repeat.
It is usually expanded into several stomachs and has appendages, almost as in Fishes, which virtually correspond to the abdomino-salivary or pancreatic gland.
Besides, the action of chewing and the presence of nutrient food constitute a healthful stimulus to the salivary glands, situated in the mouth.
Nature has made full provision for this in furnishing the mouth with salivary glands, whose secretions are most abundant when engaged in masticating dry, hard substances.