This party was very much concerned to keep its head above water; the rising tide of nationalism and equality and of other pernicious French notions made as much appeal to them as they did to Metternich.
The enthusiastic nationalism of such new Churches may, in fact, help to postpone that happy state of things.
Modern Norwegian Nationalismhas only really thought of Sweden and Norway, but not of the Union and its claims.
The hellenization of the Bulgarian church was used by the Turks as a means to negate the nationalism of the people and thus dominate them.
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries this latent nationalism grew swiftly under the influence of outside forces penetrating the country.
All these factors coalesced and spurred the rising tide of nationalism within the country.
Evidently the program had aroused strong feelings ofnationalism that interfered with the pro-Soviet attitudes that have been characteristic of Zhivkov's government.
Masquerading in the so-called nationalism of Negro clothes cut in Bohemia will not help us.
This variety in the highest thing is the meaning of the fierce patriotism, the fierce nationalism of the great European civilization.
Some see in him the father of the "small is beautiful" movement and a newspaper article by him is credited with provoking Gandhi to seek a "genuine" nationalism for India rather than one that imitated the British.
The "rail splitter" from Illinois united the nationalism of Hamilton with the democracy of Jefferson, and his appeal was clothed in the simple language of the people, not in the sonorous rhetoric which Webster learned in the schools.
They were all of high import, but the crowning act of nationalism was the fourteenth amendment which, among other things, forbade states to "deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law.
If events forced the issue of nationalism and nullification upon Jackson, the same could not be said of his attack on the bank.
In the market places the farmers from the countryside learned of British policies and laws, and so, mingling with the townsmen, were drawn into the main currents of opinion which set in toward colonial nationalism and independence.
The nationalism to which Webster paid eloquent tribute became more and more real with the passing of time.
In comparison with the middle border, this region presented such startling diversities that only the eye of faith could foresee the unifying power of nationalism binding its communities with the older sections of the country.
On behalf of nationalism and a perpetual union, the stanch old Democrat from Tennessee had, in his proclamation on nullification, spoken a language that admitted of only one meaning.
Imperialism without noble imaginations, it seemed to him, was simply nationalism with megalomania.
The church must cease to sanction those principles of militaristic and atheistic nationalism by which the rulers of the earth have so long kept the earth at war.
The application of the ethics of Jesus to social control began to die out as humanism individualized Christian morals and as, under its influence, nationalism tended to supplant the international ecclesiastical order.
For nationalism in music has two very different bearings.
With all that we hear of the narrow nationalism of the Neo-Russians, we cannot deny them the breadth that comes from a close touch with the masters.
Nationalism seems thus a prevailing element in the music of to-day, and we may perceive two kinds, one spontaneous and full of charm, the other a result of conscious effort, sophisticated in spirit and in detail.
From the outset the strategy of the Party was to conceal its true Marxist program and orientation and to stress nationalism and patriotism.
Eagles in Cobwebs--Nationalism and Communism in the Balkans.
Nationalism was rarely necessary to motivate these men.
Skanderbeg gained brief independence for the country during his opposition to the Turkish invaders, but his exploits in support of nationalism stood almost alone over the entire period between Roman times and the twentieth century.
Activities or attitudes that would tend to strengthennationalism were suppressed.
And I believe it is in revolt against, perhaps in terror of, this profoundly un-French spirit that the younger Frenchmen are seeking shelter and grace under the vast though unconscious nationalism of Derain.
The tendency towardsnationalism everywhere is unmistakeable--a consequence of the war, I suppose.
Not only has modern Europe's great dynamic been nationalism, but also nationalism has seized upon the nascent racial concept and has perverted it to its own ends.
Indian nationalism has followed a course differing distinctly from that of Islam, and will therefore be considered in the following chapter.
Early Indian nationalism was not merely Hindu in character; it was distinctly "Brahminical" as well.
Of course the chief stimulus to Turkish nationalism was Western political pressure.
They merely signify nationalism brought up to date.
The truth of the matter was that Turkish nationalism was evolving in a direction which could only mean heightened antagonism between the Turkish element on the one side and the non-Turkish elements, Christian or Moslem, on the other.
But, in the last analysis, nationalism is something over and above all its constituent elements, which it works into a new and higher synthesis.
Turkish nationalism was also frowned on by Sultan Abdul Hamid.
With the advent of Young-Turk nationalism to power, however, all was changed.
Deferring discussion of this broader development, let us follow a trifle further the course of the more restricted Arab nationalism within the Turkish Empire.
But, no, says Mr. Bellamy, for there is something peculiar in nationalism that is going to neutralize all these malign tendencies.
And once more he declares, "We certainly want no nationalism that is not an orderly development.
Those to whom this appears perfectly plain and satisfactory, of course are "not far from the kingdom of heaven," as nationalism views it.
Those, then, who talk of nationalism as a solution of our troubles, ought to tell us just what they are after, and what methods they propose.
Francis Bellamy has "come down," to the extent of virtually giving up any kind of nationalism definite enough to fight about, he nevertheless goes on with his arguments against the editor's positions just as though nothing at all had happened.
Take this feature away, and there is no nationalism left to even talk about.
But it does serve to indicate, I believe, that the world has grown too small for the artificial insistence upon a nationalism in literature which only too often proves the disguise of our primitive, unreasoned loyalties.
Romero found the poet’s nationalism an external affair; “the pen wished to depict Brazil, but the soul belonged to Spanish or Portuguese cultism.
At the bottom of Lobato’s nationalism is the one valid foundation of art: sincerity.
His very nationalism refers, in this aspect, to but part of his own nation, though, to be fair, it is his theory that sins more seriously than his practice.
True nationalism in literature is largely a product of the writer’s unconscious mind; it is a spontaneous manifestation, and no intensity of set purpose can create it unless the psychological substratum is there.
The Uruguay especially reveals this nascent nationalism as it existed among the loyal Portuguese in the epoch just previous to the Inconfidencia.
But more to our present point: note how, as long as Lobato sticks to actual example, his nationalism is a reasoned, cautious application.
To set Shivaji up in Bengal on the pedestal of Nationalism in the face of such traditions was no slight feat, and all Mr. Surendranath Banerjee's popularity barely availed to perform it successfully.
Yet this was the man whom the fanatical champions of Indian Nationalism in the Deccan singled out for assassination as a protest against British tyranny.
We are not going to stimulate your waning nationalismby demanding an acknowledgment of your sole guilt.
A realisation of this truth is indispensable for the restraint of the instinctive pugnacities that hamper human relationship, particularly where nationalism enters.
The Nationalism which is a factor of Allied disintegration may nevertheless work for the consolidation of the groups opposed to us.
And one is impelled to ask whether nationality is not threatened by a danger far greater than any it had to meet in the old Europe, in the anarchy and chaos that nationalism itself is at present producing.
By the code of nationalism we have no obligation towards starving foreigners.
Nationalism creates the situation to which it points as justification for its policy: it makes the very real dangers that it fears.
The tradition of nationalism and patriotism, around which have gathered our chief political loyalties and instincts, has become in the actual conditions of the world an anti-social and disruptive force.
The book was based on the anticipation that Europe would be very much more likely to come to grief through over-stressing exclusive nationalism and neglecting its economic interdependence, than through the decay of the narrower patriotism.
Even Clay--spokesman of nationalism though he was--could not follow his chief in his untrammeled flights.
And it was the destruction of the Bank that capped the mid-century reaction against the rampant nationalism of the decade succeeding the War of 1812.
Similarly, the revolts of nationalism against Imperial power, though the motives are more complicated, usually cease at the concession of self-government.
To come within our own sphere, what ecstatic rhapsodies have they composed to greet the rising nationalism of Ireland, or of India, or of Egypt?
Nationalism more often represents the interests of the few rather than the many.
As long as such an extreme and pathological form of nationalism exists no permanent peace is probable, if not impossible.
Unfortunately it is easy to bolster up a narrow and selfish nationalism by appeal to the patriotism of the masses who fail to understand the conditions and support the interests of a few against their own vital interests.
Nationalism has had a long trial with comparative freedom, and one of its grand finales is the present European war.
The cultural and religious legacy of Kyivan Rus laid the foundation for Ukrainian nationalism through subsequent centuries.
The Maamtrasna inquiry has often been described as part of the purchase price paid by the Conservative party to Irish Nationalism for power.
The idea of nationalism pervaded and quickened all his life and works.
Yet probably to no one man, except perhaps to Washington, does American nationalism owe so much as to Hamilton.
Most of them have their explanation in some ordinary excess of nationalism or revenge or greed.
The hate and pride which are the basis of nationalism and which were so violently stimulated by the events of the war cannot be expected to die out at once.
If nationalism has been dethroned, individualism has not climbed to the vacant seat.
Nationalism is the distinctive feature of the old world, within the precincts of Judaism and among the peoples of heathendom.
Nationalism is, in other words, a phenomenon of internationalism.
The Psychology ofNationalism and Internationalism.
It must not, however, be overlooked that in the era of nationalism and protection of national labor political allegiance has a certain importance in connection with the objective point of the migrations.
Where strong prejudice values are present, as in the case of Negroes, every conception of equality and nationalismincorporated in the statute-book is perverted.