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Example sentences for "internationalism"

Lexicographically close words:
internals; internarial; internasal; international; internationalen; internationalist; internationalists; internationalization; internationally; internazionale
  1. Internationalism is in any case hostile to democracy.

  2. I have already noted the commonplace that in order to teach internationalism we must talk nationalism.

  3. The problem of internationalism is therefore not solely to teach the nation its own interest but so to change the conditions that the nation's interest in war will disappear.

  4. This development is in part the cause of a general {280} phenomenon, the growth of an internationalism of class.

  5. There have been numerous proposals to secure a machinery for such internationalism in colonies.

  6. While waiting for an economic internationalism to develop to maturity the nations remain on guard, armed, threatened and threatening.

  7. We cannot decide for a policy of internationalism if we grow to be an over-populated country of impoverished men, with great capitalists pushing us out towards foreign adventures, economic and military.

  8. To promote an economic internationalism we must make our own internal economic development sound; to help cure the World we must maintain our own health.

  9. It is the nascent internationalism of capital, not of capitalists or of wage-earners, that is the supreme element making for peace.

  10. Peace and internationalism cannot be secured by fervent wishes or piety but only by persistent effort and measureless patience.

  11. If the powers unite, for example, and can agree upon a Chinese loan, a step forward will have been taken towards an internationalism of capital.

  12. Thus we have a certain internationalism of the wage-earning class, of finance, of various scientific groups.

  13. Birth rate, decline in, the greatest of factors making for internationalism and peace, 287.

  14. In this progressive decline in the birth rate is to be found the greatest of all the factors making for internationalism and peace.

  15. Internationalism is also a trait of this modern movement; but it is not of the kind that is represented by the International Working-Men's Association.

  16. They think of internationalism with greedy Great Powers in the background outside the internationalized area, intriguing to create disorder and mischief with ideas of an ultimate annexation.

  17. But in the general mind of the British peoples the movement of opinion from a narrow imperialism towards internationalism has been wide and swift.

  18. Since the close of the war internationalism was in the air, and the labor movement intensified it.

  19. To reconcile internationalism and nationalism was sheer impossible.

  20. Of these three currents flowing in the direction of internationalism only one--that of finance--appears for the moment likely to reach its goal.

  21. At a conjuncture in the world's affairs which postulated internationalism of the loftiest kind, the delegates increased and multiplied nations and states which they deprived of sovereignty and yoked to the first-class races.

  22. No longer, to-day, can the internationalism of culture remain the luxury of a few privileged persons.

  23. It is therefore categorically incumbent upon the Swiss to devote themselves to furthering an active internationalism of social solidarity.

  24. Let us refrain, therefore, from limiting the idea of internationalism to the field of science.

  25. It will be seen, then, that Socialism and Internationalism are not an essential part of Theosophical teaching, and that the more enlightened Theosophists recognize the danger of these destructive doctrines.

  26. All speakers at the Council's dinner meetings and seminars for business executives are leading advocates of internationalism and the total state.

  27. Naturally they did not blame the internationalism of his views; they merely stigmatised it as bourgeois sentimentality.

  28. You could see in its pages eloquent statements of internationalism side by side with the appeals of ministers who were preaching a nationalist policy.

  29. Internationalism corresponds to the feeling he has for his neighbors generally.

  30. The future of internationalism is possibly fraught with greater wonders than has been the past.

  31. The Roman form of internationalism he regards "as not only useless to humanity (which the present attitude of the Pope to the war shows) but as mischievous to it.

  32. The master-problem in internationalism is the elimination of the forces of prejudice and ignorance that foster hostility, and the preservation of the precious characteristics which are the riches of the Soul of the World.

  33. The easy and good-humoured internationalism of tourist-life is at an end.

  34. It is possibly true that the Jewish race is most ready to embrace the principle of internationalism on account of its past history.

  35. Your internationalism is a political millennium, which will come just about as soon as the other millennium.

  36. Yes, that is at the bottom of much of your Socialism and your internationalism and your individualism.

  37. Did you ever stop to think that we could have internationalism in language as well as in other things?

  38. We have seen the attempt of labor at internationalism utterly break down under the pressure of patriotic motive.

  39. We are finding that the same concentration on immediate and local interests is an insuperable bar to the realization of an ideal of internationalism which would effectively deal with questions arising between nations and put an end to war.

  40. We have seen bitter scorn heaped on the few who have labored for internationalism in thought and feeling.

  41. The American is an individualist and in that new and inevitable internationalism the individual will stand out, the American pre-eminently.

  42. The New Internationalism will not stop war but it can regulate exchange, and through this regulation can help to prevent war.

  43. It takes the form either of the black internationalism of the Catholic Church or the red internationalism of Social Democracy.

  44. The Labour party approaches Imperial problems with the politics of the industrious classes as guide on the one hand, and the internationalism of its nature as guide on the other.

  45. Always we have to remember that the wide, free sense of equality and kinship which lies at the root of Internationalism is the real goal, and that the other thing is but a step on the way, albeit a necessary step.

  46. These rival apostles of religious and secular internationalism have suddenly developed into the most ardent of nationalists.

  47. The internationalism of the 18th century was a reaction against both religion and nationality.

  48. Thereby, we feel ourselves in unison with the principles of internationalism which have always admitted the right of each single people to national independence and national defence.

  49. We condemn, as internationalism does, every war of conquest.

  50. During a quarter of a century, German Social Democrats have been the most ardent and insistent pioneers of internationalism and anti-militarism.

  51. On the whole the German Social Democracy adhered more strictly to the line of internationalism than any other of the old Socialist parties.

  52. A review of historical events will reveal a number of facts and symptoms that should have aroused disquiet as to the depth and solidity of Internationalism in the labor movement.

  53. The war has produced in the public opinion of the nations a state of mind which formerly would not have been regarded as possible in our age of internationalism and intellectuality.

  54. The only internationalism which this Press can recognise is one that is exclusively English.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "internationalism" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    appeasement; coexistence; colonialism; compromise; containment; diplomacy; generalization; imperialism; independence; internationalism; isolationism; militarism; nationalism; nationality; nonresistance; preparedness; sovereignty; universality