The position was now different, because whereas then imperialism was split into two camps fighting each other, it now showed signs of uniting its forces.
It was impossible to say that the collapse of Imperialism had gone so far that it had lost its teeth.
The United States entered the war to check the progress of the autocratic imperialism of Germany.
The question submitted in February, 1900, was this: "Are you in favour of an official pronouncement being made now by the Fabian Society on Imperialism in relation to the War?
Sidenote: Imperialism prepares the way for monotheism.
Call it imperialism if you will; but it is not the imperialism that is inspired by the lust of conquest.
But that is brutal annexation and imperialismon the part of the lamb.
He was not on the side of any mere appetite or animal brutality; but he was on the side of all the imperialism of the princes of the abyss; he was on the side of arrogance and mystery, and contempt of all obvious good.
But Imperialism was not the object of the Radical Cabinet.
Industrious races are displayed stinted and starved for the sake of an expensive Imperialism which they can only enjoy if they are well fed.
In the French-speaking districts the Government was denounced for allowing Canada to be drawn into the vortex of militarism and imperialism and for sacrificing the interests of Roman Catholic schools in the West.
It was also attacked by the Nationalists of Quebec, the ultra-colonialists or provincialists, as they might more truly be termed, under the vigorous leadership of Henri Bourassa, as yet another concession to imperialism and to militarism.
This newer imperialism does not rest primarily upon a desire for more territory, but rather upon the necessity for markets in which to sell manufactured goods and for opportunities to invest surplus accumulations of capital.
Although many Republicans supported Mr. Bryan on account of their dislike of imperialism and its works, the result of the campaign was a second victory for Mr. McKinley, even greater than that of 1896.
Ten years of political warfare over free silver and imperialism were to elapse before there could be a renewed examination of protection as a system.
If one classed him at all it would be as the countryman of Hegel and Kant, as the idealist, inclined to be dreamy, whose Imperialism was the Imperialism of the air.
But perhaps she was seeing the Imperial side of the company rather than its West African, and Imperialism always had been one of her difficulties.
Such preaching is a perpetual refutation of and rebuke to the naturalism and imperialism of our present society.
The Communists had come to help the Chinese revolutionaries in their struggle for national liberation and to bring about a common front against imperialism in the Far East.
He believed that his project would appeal to imperialism and at the same time would serve to create in China a modern state-socialist industrialism.
Finally, the Christians have embellished and justified Western imperialism in China.
He again mentions Imperialismas the great issue that forbids even temporary coöperation between Socialists and the most advanced of the Radicals.
And after Imperialism begins to wane in popularity among certain of the middle classes, i.
One imperialism will replace the other, and the generations to come will be marked for the sword.
Nevertheless Lorne found more satisfaction in talking imperialism with his father than with anyone else.
Dr Drummond liked a pretty definite parallel; he had small opinion of the practice of drawing a pint out of a thimble, as he considered Finlay must have done when he preached the gospel of imperialism from Deuteronomy XXX, 14.
You seemed to think the advantage of imperialism was all with England.
The people of the republic now realize for the first time what are the inevitable fruits of imperialism and militarism.
In words that burn the great statesman expressed his hatred of the imperialism and militarism against which he helped to organize a revolution that led to his flight to this country.
In Napoleon's day antagonism grew out of the natural hatred of autocracy for democracy, of German imperialism for French radicalism.
America stands at the other pole of the universe from imperialism and militarism.
So deep is the American hatred of trespass against property rights that imperialism finds it impossible to understand this.
If the whole-hearted support of America's free institutions involves indirectly a dissent fromimperialism and militarism, I am not responsible.
He could not breathe because of the mephitic gases of imperialism and militarism.
Strong government, imperialism at home and abroad, at its best deeply conscious of the price of disorder, relies at last on the notion that all that matters to the governed will be known by the governors.
One of these was the trust, which established a kind of Roman peace within industry, and a Roman predatory imperialism outside.
Thus I have always felt that brutal Imperialism and Tolstoian non-resistance were not only not opposite, but were the same thing.
Lord Milner, therefore, wishes to lift Imperialism out of the party bog and to treat the subject on broad national lines.
This pessimistic aspect of Imperialism has certainly to some extent an historical basis.
But it is the word Imperialism which more especially excites Mr. Mallik's wrath.
The main justification of Imperialism is to be found in the use which is made of the Imperial power.
The second, which occurs towards the close of his work, is that "sane Imperialism is political Idealism.
Empire and Imperialism mean the triumph of retrograde notions and the infliction of insult and suffering on three hundred millions of human beings.
What has rendered it such a pliant tool in the hands of German Imperialism is either credulity or venality; and both are contemptible qualities.
Then with the rise ofimperialism there was a change.
For imperialism is a faith as well as a business; as it grew the mysticism in English public life grew with it and simultaneously a new importance began to attach to the crown.
Those were the days of heady Imperialism in the English provinces; and, vigorously stirred up by Laurier's party foes for political purposes, it struck out with a violence which threatened to bring serious political consequences in its train.
For the most part the socialists are theoretically opposed to imperialism on the ground that it is immoral, brutal, anti-democratic and uneconomic.
Imperialism is directed by the conflicting ambitions, crude pretensions and confident vanities of selfish nations, and in the conflicts of interest that break out, the soup is spilled before it is served.
The case for tropical imperialism is argued by Dr.
And the argument for the beneficial reaction of imperialism upon wages seems at first glance convincing.
As a consequence the opposition to our present nationalistic imperialism is tending to change from a merely negative attitude to a positive programme for an imperialism at once humane, democratic and international.
The decision, which we are now making between Nationalistic Imperialism and Internationalism[1] is of vast moment.
For imperialism from an economic point of view is in the main a foreign political control to make the "niggers" work.
For Europe it is equally important, since it influences the balance of power between those groups that are fighting for and those fighting against imperialism and militarism.
The truth is that this unripe imperialism did not represent the interests of the majority nor even of any considerable group of our capital owners.
The imperialism of the American," writes one defender of a policy of indefinite expansion, "is a duty and credit to humanity.
Its politics were very high indeed: Imperialism was freely discussed at the local debating societies; there was a golf club and a constitutional club, and (very properly in Deptford) a Liberal club.
He studied the back-files of the Saturday Review and acquired the style caustic, he diligently acquainted himself with the Imperialism of the Spectator and the National Review, and instantly secured the soundest of views on the Navy.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "imperialism" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.