Bulgaria is not a warm proponent of ideological coexistence but is strongly in favor of arms reductions and limitations on future weapons.
In 1968 the Bulgarian media openly denounced the concept of peacefulcoexistence with the West.
We can not tell why it is that moral conviction is forced upon us by the coexistence of certain facts and their tendency to establish a certain conclusion.
Uniformities of Coexistence not dependent on Causation 94 XXIII.
It is a condition of the whole organism; and, when analysed, it exhibits uniformities of coexistence between its different elements.
Causation is not fundamentally different from Coexistence and Sequence, which are the two modes of Order in Time.
In particular, the uniformities of coexistence and sequence which obtain between effects depending on different primaeval causes, vary along with any variation in the collocation of these causes.
But analysis shows that propositions assert other things besides (although this is indeed their ordinary import) this coexistence or sequence of two phenomena, viz.
The existence of a law uniformly involves the coexistence of several conditions, and that is a phenomenon which, whenever the conditions and law are physically ultimate, and consequently physically inexplicable, clearly presupposes mind.
Nor is the coexistence of a tumid belly, emaciation, and fever sufficient, for they are found in other tuberculous and in gastro-intestinal diseases.
The coexistence of iritis, or a history of a previous attack of that disease not attributable to syphilis or gout, would strengthen the above view.
There is {73} no doubt of the frequent coexistence of muscular rheumatism with this variety.
In some instances no doubt what appears to be ordinary gonorrhoeal rheumatism, owing to the coexistence of urethral discharge and articular inflammation, is really pyaemic arthritis.
The coexistence of cutaneous herpes is corroborative of the diagnosis, but by no means an infallible sign.
The diagnosis will rest upon the interpretation of the coexistence of a certain number of the symptoms mentioned.
Consider in the first place the conditions for the coexistence of liquid and vapour.
The possibility of reducing the laws of association to one common principle, as now attempted, namely that of prior coexistence in the mind, has not altogether escaped the notice of philosophers.
Coexistence of hysterical and organic symptoms in two cases of mine explosion.
Uniformities of coexistence between effects of different permanent causes, are not laws 386 9.
First mode of explanation, by resolving the law of a complex effect into the laws of the concurrent causes and the fact of their coexistence 518 3.
Certain causes being given, that is, certain antecedents which are unconditionally followed by certain consequents; the mere coexistence of these causes will give rise to an unlimited number of additional uniformities.
He supposes that the coexistence spoken of in the axiom, of two things with the same third thing, means simultaneousness in time.
The coexistence meant is that of being jointly attributes of the same subject.
The general regularity results from the coexistence of partial regularities.
When this was ascertained, it followed that every relation of succession or coexistence which obtained between phenomena of the more known class, obtained also between the phenomena which corresponded to them in the other class.
This view of the necessary coexistence of opposite excitements involves a great extension of the original doctrine of two electricities.
Coexistence and sequence, therefore, may be affirmed or denied not only between phenomena, but between noumena, or between a noumenon and phenomena.
The object of belief in a proposition, when it asserts anything more than the meaning of words, is generally, as in the cases which we have examined, either the coexistence or the sequence of two phenomena.
When we say, A generous person is worthy of honour, we affirm coexistence between the two complicated phenomena connoted by the two terms respectively.
But there is no such coexistence of the pain of thirst with the pleasures of drinking; they are not really simultaneous, for the one expels the other.
The coexistence of Tænia and Cysticerci in the same individual has also recently been observed in France (‘Lond.
The only unity is the laws of their coexistence and succession.
That the infinity of God does not involve his identity with "the all," or the sum of existence, nor prevent the coexistence of derived and finite beings to which he bears relation.
The coexistence of sexual reproduction with normal asexual multiplication, or with parthenogenesis, has led to a remarkable phenomenon in the animal kingdom known as alternations of generations[8].
A Greek philosopher, less despairing than others, had ventured to affirm that the coexistence of two forms of faith, both claiming to be revealed by the omnipotent God, proves that neither of them is true.
European nations suffered under thecoexistence of a dual government, a spiritual and a temporal.
At Northampton, the coexistence of plague and some other sickness is asserted also by the sheriff (Sept.
The coexistence of malignant fever with plague at Northampton in 1638 is decisively shown by particulars of cases published by Woodall, Op.
This permits graphic representation of relations of sequence and of coexistence in terms both of units of separation and of contact.
When we examine men by the prejudice of skin, such as prevails in the United States, we are not long in discovering that it rests in great part on a misunderstanding: men mistake coexistence for amalgamation.
Must we conclude from this that the coexistence of races, possible elsewhere, is impossible in the United States?
Let it say to itself that coexistence is not amalgamation; the question is not to marry negroes, but to treat them with justice.
Not only has liberty been proclaimed--this was the act of the metropolis--but the coexistence of races has subsisted.
With liberty, each race can at least remain by itself; with it, there can be coexistence without amalgamation; both mingling and hostility can be prevented.
The problem of the coexistence of the two races rests at the present hour with a crushing weight on the thoughts of all; it mingles poignant doubts with the hopes of some, it exasperates the resistance of others.
Decidedly, fears of amalgamation are puerile in such a country; and decidedly also, any other solution than the coexistence of races would be wrong.
But coexistenceby no means draws amalgamation in its train.
It must set to work seriously, resolutely, to resolve the problem of the coexistence of races, while the South resolves, willing or unwilling, the problem of emancipation.
Let the two inseparable problems of slavery and the coexistence of races be resolved among them under the ruling influence of the Gospel, and they will witness the birth of a future far better than the past.
Thanks to the Gospel, and it is to this that I return, the problem of the coexistence of races is resolved in the most pacific manner in the Antilles.
Darwin, Tillier pointed out, had not sufficiently taken into account the coexistence of combat and courtship, nor the order of the phenomena.
Courtship without combat, Tillier argued, is rare; "there is a normal coexistence of combat and courtship.
This benefit, however, is entirely dependent on the coexistence with the popular body of an hereditary king.