There is no triforium, the wall above the arcade being perfectly plain up to a carved stringcourse which is carried round the church below the clerestory; the windows in which are filled with flamboyant tracery.
For half its height it is perfectly plain, built of rough stone, with occasional courses of brick, and quoined with brick.
The reason is perfectly plain, when you consider that the composer who offers you a melody for a cash price is interested only in the small lump sum he receives.
Why these men cannot perform what they promise is perfectly plain in the light of all that has been said about the popular song.
The main cornice is larger, but the pediment is perfectly plain.
On each side are seven square bays separated by perfectly plain buttresses, each bay consisting of two very plain pointed arches resting on the moulded capitals of coupled shafts.
Perfectly plain, my lord, and your candour does you credit.
Perfectly plain paper, thick, smooth, and white, is the most elegant.
If white collars and sleeves are worn, they should be of linen, perfectly plain.
This shaft, which is perfectly plain, and shows no signs of a capital, has an altitude of thirty-six feet, with a diameter of three feet four inches at the base.
Except for these, the whole edifice is perfectly plain.
The character of Paulinism as a redemptive religion involved a certain conception of the Redeemer, which is perfectly plain on the pages of the Pauline Epistles.
But one motive for the introduction of the new divinity (or of the new name for an old divinity) is perfectly plain.
The answer to these questions might seem to be perfectly plain.
From this rises the roof in a square pyramid, perfectly plain or smooth, for ten feet more.
The interior is perfectly plain, the exterior could never have possessed more than the simplest architectural embellishment.
Remember this is a perfectly plain soup I am making to-day, without the addition of meat of any kind; but of course you will vary the flavor of the soup by adding the bones of ham or other meat, or a very little fried onion.
To the stew add any vegetable you wish, or cook it perfectly plain, having only the meat and the gravy.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "perfectly plain" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.