He had O'Naka more in mind than the master of Tamiya.
O'Naka bowed to the ground before the proposed son-in-law.
In the daytime O'Naka usually was present, who, lacking other company, sought that of her daughter, and moreover was unwilling to be too complacent in the intrigue she saw going on.
O'Naka at once rose, like to an automaton, the spring of which has been pressed.
It was a frightened face that O'Naka turned to her daughter.
O'Naka acquiesced in the useless expense and change in her habits.
A departing warning to O'Naka as to the tea, and steps were heard near-by.
O'Naka was equally ignorant, though she was well intentioned.
O'Naka spoke with tears in her eyes--a salve to the alarmed and wounded feelings of Kyu[u]bei.
Aldland [24] trvch tha stjurar Atland heten svnk nyther and that wilde hef stapton alsa naka wr berg and delon, that ella vndere se bidvlwen were.
Alsa nakather jeta-n strel fon Fryas gast weldande were warth al et bvwspul to mena werka forwrochten and nimman ne mocht en hus to bvwande, that rumer and riker were as that sinra nestum.
Men in stede fon that folk ren to makjande heste vula fersta utfonden, hwer vppa that folk al sa naka supth, that hja to lesta lik tha barga annath slip frota, vmbe that stv thin vula lusta bota mei.
Naka Machi stood on one side of the long table, Ellen on the other, near Barter.
The gray ash was Naka Machi, forever rendered harmless to Ellen.
If I had it to do again I'd insert the tympanum under the skull as part of the operation, Naka Machi," said Barter as he worked.
Naka Machi turned once with a sudden movement and almost caught him at it, and perspiration broke out on Bentley's face again.
Naka Machi stepped to the operating table and dug into one of the drawers.
Remove this covering from him, Naka Machi," went on Barter.
Barter had Naka Machi cast the ape skin through the small steel door, beyond which Bentley could see a boxlike space large enough to accommodate two or three grown men, lying side by side at full length.
Barter, then, was familiar with the strange hypnosis which the blow of Naka Machi's hand had put upon Bentley.
Naka Machi," said the white-haired one again, "I have examined every bit of the infinitesimal mechanism in the ball on this tympanum.
My assistant Naka Machi, is one of the finest specimens of his race.
He wanted to leap forward and set strangling fingers about the neck of Naka Machi.
If the master wishes, I can create still another radio-control, inside the head of a pin, which I should first render hollow with that skill which only Naka Machi possesses?
All the amusements mentioned in previous sections continued to be followed in this era, and football is spoken of as having inaugurated the afterwards epoch-making friendship between Prince Naka and Kamatari.
Intimate relations were cemented with a section of the Soga through Kurayamada, whose daughter Prince Naka married, and trustworthy followers having been attached to the prince, the conspirators watched for an occasion.
Therefore he advised Prince Naka to stand aside in favour of his maternal uncle, Prince Karu, who could be trusted to co-operate loyally in the work of reform and whose connexion with the Soga overthrow had been less conspicuous.
Prince Naka and Karaatari had not been so incautious as to take a wide circle of persons into their confidence.
Iruka having been beguiled into laying aside his sword, the reading of the memorials was commenced by Kurayamada, and Prince Naka ordered the twelve gates to be closed simultaneously.
At that signal, two swordsmen should have advanced and fallen upon Iruka; but they showed themselves so timorous that Prince Naka himself had to lead them to the attack.
Iruka, severely wounded, struggled to the throne and implored for succour and justice; but when her Majesty in terror asked what was meant, Prince Naka charged Iruka with attempting to usurp the sovereignty.
The last was, of course, excluded from Kamatari's calculations, and as between the first two he judged it wiser that Prince Karu should have precedence in the succession, Prince Naka not being old enough.
Kamatari and Prince Naka became acquainted through an incident at the game of football, when the prince, having accidently kicked off his shoe, Kamatari picked it up and restored it to him on bended knee.
While we were talking over these things, a frenzied shout from the driver of our naka elephant caused us to look in his direction.
They prefer to face the known danger of the line behind, to the unknown danger in front, and in all cases where there is a big party a naka should be sent on ahead.
The nakais a most important post, and the holder will often get a lucky shot at some wary veteran trying to sneak off, and may perhaps bag the only tiger of the day.
And he composed the following poem concerning it: Yo no naka wo Kiraku ni kurase Nani goto mo Omoeba omou Omowaneba koso.
VardhamÄnaka went to sleep in the outer court, and now he is not there.
Only in the case of SansthÄnaka have I made a rude attempt to suggest the dialect by substituting sh for s as he does.
SansthÄnaka accuses ChÄrudatta of murdering VasantasenÄ for her money.
And you shall guard this golden casket by night, and VardhamÄnaka by day.
SansthÄnaka and the servant walk about, then exeunt.
Mistress, after giving VardhamÄnaka his orders, ChÄrudatta went to the old garden Pushpakaranda.
Mistress, VardhamÄnaka is here, and he says that the cart is waiting at the side-door.
When she repulses him, SansthÄnaka gets rid of all witnesses, strangles her, and leaves her for dead.
I told VardhamÄnaka to bring VasantasenÄ and come as quickly as he could.
Good Maitreya, do you bring the water, and VardhamÄnaka shall wash my feet.
SansthÄnaka is brought before ChÄrudatta for sentence, but is pardoned by the man whom he had so grievously injured.
The delegates and speakers from the Kiowa and associated tribes were Taebinae'naka and White-wolf for the Comanche, Big-tree for the Kiowa.
Taebi-nae'naka went out to reconnoiter, and returned with the report that there were a great many of them and that they were probably enemies.
With this permission, the Vizier embarked for Naka in a vessel of war, of which he had the command.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "naka" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.